
No area of dentistry is as highly interdependent with dental technology as prosthodontic. The best executions in making the dentures usually result from close interdisciplinary collaboration between dentist and dental technician. If we talk about prosthesis the role of dental technician is important. The technician in collaboration with dentist makes prosthesis. Both must study anatomy, physiology and gnatology, so that can better restore armed organs. In our area of expertise team working essentially means an on going exchange of professional information and experience among dentist and technician. The goal is to fulfill the individual need of the patient, offering the best service. Honest and collegial collaboration always depends on the capacity for mutual criticism and learning. If follows that "team spirit" can only be achieved amongst those who share this point of view.

Teaching dynamics

To be effective, dental technology education must be meticulous. Dental technicians need to learn skills that help them observe, understand and explore ways to improve manual ability.

Comboni Centre's training program for dental technicians put emphasis on these three ways of learning:


With observation each student gets precious elements of acquaintance. That is important because understand the premises for carrying out of a personal search. With the personal search is able to elaborate the received information and verifies it does her own, develop the technical problems that the experience has pointed him out like interesting for better execution. The best tool a person has for understanding and changing the condition that effect his world is the human mind. Dental technicians must be prepared to analyse problems, take initiative, and search for the ways of doing things that will help people meet their needs. Training should encourage people to think.

During laboratory hours will be turns all the practical operations that carry to the realisation of the varieties manufactured inclusive maintenance of all employed machinery. At course beginning will be uses study models for spend gradually with real cases furnished from Comboni Centre Dental Clinic. Particularly useful will be the presence -during the carrying out of the project- of more voluntary dental technicians in shortly mission in order to place them side by side in studentsÕ formation and in jobs execution.


Professional ethics

Dental technician discipline must have two prerogatives, attitude and acquaintance; but creativeness too is an important element of this profession.

These points share the fact that they require an appropriate use of technical scientific language because his nature is a direct consequence of the universality character of science. The characteristics that a technician must possess are many but most important is that there must be a permanent learning. That is why motive the study becomes one of the essential presuppositions for modern dental technician. Learning does not stop in the school, up-to-date continuous for all professional life.

Comboni Centre provides a furnished classroom for lessons in theory. All students are furnished with equal textbook in order to facilitate the theoretical matters learning. Didactic program realisations for normal subjects, as accounting, will deriving directly from Comboni CentreÕ school teachers. As a concern for lessons of physics, chemistry, and anatomy we are looking for an agreement with Accra Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital Dental Department. This as a partnership orient toward didactic collaboration in way to carry valid improvement -with contributions lessons deriving from this organisation- to students training and as a springboard for long term collaborative effort at organisational level.

From a didactic point of view will be useful the creation of a library where students could deepen matters acquaintances; equal importance will be the subscriptions to specialist dental sector newspapers and magazines.
