The gathered information has revealed that:

This situation could be attributed to many factors. Sometimes, it is due to the problem of regular provision of material or replacement parts for broken down equipment; other times, the weak technical ability of personnel, insufficiently prepared and almost let to their own resources for years, is at cause. Another point is the lack of motivation of the laboratory personnel in his work which result in a limited number of jobs delivery with little variety and low quality

From this study it has been found that only one laboratory is able to effectively use the lost wax casting, crowns and bridges in metal. Even in this case prostheses have resulted in low quality. No laboratory has technology for frameworks construction in chrome/ cobalt. The only manufactured products articles in remarkable quantity are the partial prosthesis fully in acrylic resin. The execution of these kind of jobs leaves much to be desired considering the fact that they are often built with expired products and sometimes without the metallic clasps necessary for the anchorage.

dental laboratory in Accra



Prostheses quality is so low that dentists, in the continuous search of a superior quality, are forced to address to the international market. They deliver jobs impression to an agent that represent Dental Afriqu, a big and well equipped dental laboratory with head office in LomŽ that could satisfy the applications for the construction of any kind of dental manufactured. This laboratory realises best part of dental jobs in West Africa including Togo, Ghana, Nigeria, Niger, Ivory Coast, Burkina Fas˜, Benin and Cameron, with an economic income not indifferent.

the dental laboratory team