Human resources occupy a dominant place in the field of development.

Under development is not measured in terms of GNP: it is something more complex. Therefore between evaluation factors must be included the education level and the number of technology employed too. Education, in his manifold forms, strengthens ability and talent that constitute the acquaintances of each individual. It contains the change of mentality in other words the adhesion to deep reforms demands.

In a country with big possibility like Ghana is, human development also means people growth inclusive of jobs opportunity realization. This allows individuals to conquer the possibility of accede to a vast range of opportunity. The accent is on the need to invest in the abilities and subsequently guarantee the possibility that these abilities are used. The impact in the educational sector contributes to expand the human capital and conducts to employment that is synonymous of economic growth.

There must be a better effort in the "rich" country to elaborate appropriate technology with reasonable cost. Guarantee information flow that these technologies require with a better use of the local resources in programs preparation. It is fundamental to expand the scientific and technical potential like essential factor for Ghana's growth.

All this has an impact on education and cultural enrichment. Africans need a better education in order to satisfy the needs and the necessary competencies to face the XXI century.

"Planning of training and education of dental technicians should be a part of comprehensive planning for improving oral health. A fundamental reorientation of the education for oral health personnel is required to make it more relevant to the needs of the population. Training of oral health personnel should be based on a holistic approach and not on the care of thirty-two teeth. There is a need for preparatory courses in education theory and practice, particularly in the development of communication skills. Every effort should be made to assist developing countries to become independent of imported oral materials and equipment. The knowledge and expertise of various people working on appropriate technologies needs to be shared. Appropriate technologies include also those in the education and administration fields. As such they involve personnel, methods and learning aids.

Adaptation rather than uncritical adoption should be the rule."*

For stable, sustainable human development turned to the country's growth.

*Extracted from: The Berlin Declaration on Oral Health and Oral Health Services Prof. Aubrey Sheiham Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London Medical School