A functional store has been establish with a system that helps record materials shifts in way to know the course of consumption, real store and availability.

An adequate quantity, for each situation, of all the necessary dental materials, is essential for a good laboratory.

A system of recording has been created for collections, expenses, quantity and type of performances as essential step to know school/ laboratory general course.





Materials organization in the store

Materials disposition has been organized in the store doing the maximum use of available space and following simple rules:


In the operation of preparation and disposition, materials must be stored according with the priority of use with an easy and immediate access for the more used materials.

All store area is clearly labeled in way to easily find articles less frequently used.

Small articles like burs are in containers labeled in way to avoid easy confusions.


File Organization

A file is an organized list of all articles that dental laboratory requires.

A file completely organized is essential to assure an adequate quantity of articles and materials for each operation.

The adopted system is simple, fast and easily to upgrade.

It is good to have one employee for the maintenance/control of store and file in order to avoid confusion and have only one person responsible.

Information, that concerns all the materials, must be transcribed on a briefcase for each article; these briefcases will be filed, in the file, in alphabetical order with product common name.

The briefcase of each product contains the following information:

Periodically there will be a general inventory of remaining materials in store in order to have clear consumption statistics.


Job planning and his recording

Each job that enters in the productive circuit of laboratory must be provided by a recording form in way to have ready available the construction data of the manufactured and avoid useless confusions.

On this form fill in the dental clinic by dentist will appear:

This information will be discharged in the weekly record for a general vision of all parameters.

Fundamental point will be responsabilize the student/ technician that will effect the job from materials provisioning from the store to manufactured technical requisite and the respect of delivery times. This approach will serve to:

create a most possible similar situation in the management of a true dental laboratory as part of a persisting process of professional growth

student must accumulate experience and self trust to continue alone in the profession

integrates completely through team working with the Dental Clinic's personal. In this way he/ she will be more motivating and more conscious of the dignity of this role



Job organization in dental lab has suffered in these years same evolution of his product. It is known that dental prosthesis from a good for few have become a good for all the social categories.

Each year dental industry introduces new apparatuses and materials allowing dental technicians to increase the output and foster product quality.

The ergonomics, science of highly industrialized and organized civilization, has become, therefore, necessary for dental laboratory rationalization. Such discipline could be defined the scientific adaptation of the job to the man; it used methodic and notions that belong to the fields of anatomy, human physiology, psychology, medicine and job organization: engaged directly in the dominion of the technique. Ergonomics worries besides of erase or at least minimize negative effects and problems from technology application.