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AWMR Italia - Associazione Donne della Regione Mediterranea

Movement of Democratic Women in Israel

  • 15.4.02 Dear Sisters, We would like to inform you about our last avtivities:

    The Intermatiomal Women's Day

    On the 7th of March our Movement organized a rally and demonstration in Haifa. About more than 500 Jewish and Arab women took part in this event. The demonstation took place on the main streets of Haifa, after the demonstration was a meeting of all the participants in El-Midan theater.

    On the 8th of March on the initiative of Bat-Shalom many. Jewish and Arab women with our participation too arrived to about 40 Embassys and Consulates all over the country with letters adressed to their countries in requests and demonds to the Israeli government to stop the occupation against the Palestinian People and to send UN observers to our region.

    A lot of activities celebrating the International Women's day took place ina ll of our branches.

    The Nakba Day

    On the occation of Remembering The Nakba focoused on the history of Palestinian Women, Bat Shalom with a lot of other women organizetions took part in Um-El-Fahem, and Yafia (near Nazerth) Some women groupes were serching how did the Nakba and expropriation of land influence them, and what was their part in the struggle. On this meetings arabic women testified about this day and Bat-Shalom orgenized work-shops, visits to unknown villages, destroied villages during 1948.

    On the 30th of March, the Land Day, a lot of our members participated on this Day in Sachnin, and in the Negev together with the Leadership of Arabic Monicipalites.

    The International Day against violence against women

    We paticipeted with other women organiztions agaist violence in demonstrations and rallys which wrer held in Tel-Aviv, Acre, Nazareth, Haifa and other places, we also held lectures explaning abour violence against wmen ib Haifa and Nazareth we also distrybute a flayer against violence in the occupied terrytories.

    Protests against the war

    A lot of peace activities from Hadash, Taayush, Gush Shalom, MDWI, Women in Black, Bat-Shalom, and other peace organizations took part in protests against the Israeli government attacks against the Palestiniane People, under the pretecst of "War in the terror". This activities take place almost every day. A lot of protests, demonstrations, rallys against the policy of the Israeli government near the Palestinoiane Campes, near A-Ram, Ramalla, Genin, Bet-Galla and other places, traying to provied food, medical help, blood donations and any kind of help that is needed.

    On Friday, 12.4 was orgenized a big rally in fromt of the US Embassy to call against the backing of US in the Israeli politics of occupation. On Suterday, 13.4 was a big demostration in Genin, a lot of food suply and medicine was provied to the Palestinian Campes.

    With best wishes
    Secretariat of MDWI
    Hury Samira - Chairwoman

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