Maps of the birds of the Western Palearctic Region
showing areas
Pterodroma mollis
Pelagic, breeding on islands in burrows on steep slopes.  
Is. in s Atlantic and s Indian oceans on Tristan da Cunha (incl. Gough), Kerguelen, Marion, Crozet (East), probably Antipodes.  
Ranges at sea in Atlantic and Indian oceans n to lat. 25°S.  It is unclear whether this species reaches the north Atlantic, although birds thought 
to be mollis have been reported.
Pterodroma incerta
Pelagic, breeding on islands in burrows.  
Tristan da Cunha (incl. Gough).  Ranges at sea between s S. America 
and S. Africa.
Pterodroma hasitata
Pelagic, breeding in burrows on mountain summits.  
The two races are sometimes treated as separate species.
P. h. hasitata  Highlands of W. Indies in Hispaniola, e Cuba, Guadeloupe, Dominica (probably extirpated), possibly Martinique. 
Ranges at sea in Atlantic n to Maine and s to Brazil.  Size variation in birds taken at sea suggests that additional breeding colonies may persist in the Caribbean. 
P. h. caribbaea  Jamaica (Blue Mts.), now probably extinct.
Bulweria fallax
Pelagic, presumably breeding on small islands.  
Breeding range unknown, probably on coast of s Arabia.  
Ranges at sea in Indian O. to lat. 5°S.; vagrant Hawaiian Is.  
Sometimes treated as a race of B. bulwerii.
Pterodroma mollis
Soft-plumage Petrel
world distribution map
Pterodroma incerta
Atlantic Petrel
world didtribution map
Pterodroma hasitata
Capped Petrel
world didtribution map
Bulweria fallax
Jouanin's Petrel
world distribution map

Index Families

Procellariidae 19+1

2001 by Alberto Masi