Maps of the birds of the Western Palearctic Region
showing areas
Gavia immer
Lakes, ponds, rivers.  W Palearctic in Greenland (both coasts), Iceland, Scotland and (probably) Bear I.; N. America from w,c Alaska (Seward Pen., w Aleutian Is., Brooks Range), n Yukon, nw,s Mackenzie, c Keewatin, n Manitoba, n Ontario, s Baffin I., Labrador and Newfoundland s to n Calif. (at least formerly), Nevada, nw Montana, nw Wyoming, N. Dakota, n Iowa, n Illinois, n Indiana, n Ohio, n Pennsylvania, n New York, s New England and Nova Scotia. 
Winters s to nw Africa, Mediterranean and Black seas, n Mexico and s U.S.
Gavia adamsii
Tundra lakes.  N Eurasia along Arctic coasts and is. of n Russia and n Siberia from Kola Pen., Kolguyev I. and s Novaya Zemlya e to Chukotski Pen.; n N. America from w,n Alaska (s to St. Lawrence I. and s Seward Pen.) e to Banks, Victoria and Prince of Wales is. and n Keewatin, and s to ec Mackenzie and ec Keewatin.  Winters w to Greenland, and s to c Europe, China, Japan and n Baja Calif.
Gavia immer
Great Northern Diver 
locally not uncommon
has bred Britain
Gavia adamsii
Yellow-billed Diver 

Index Families

Gaviidae 4

 2001 by Alberto Masi