Parvclass Picae
Indicator maculatus SPOTTED HONEYGUIDE.
Humid forest. Senegambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia,
Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, s Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon,
Congo, Cabinda, C. Afr. Rep., n,ne Zaire, s Sudan and w Uganda, s to sw,c,ce
Indicator variegatus SCALY-THROATED
HONEYGUIDE. Riparian woods, forest, savanna woodland. Se Sudan,
sw,sc Ethiopia and s Somalia, s through ne,se Zaire, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi,
Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe to e,s S. Africa,
w through Angola.
Indicator indicator GREATER HONEYGUIDE.
Wooded savanna, dry woodland. Senegambia, s Mauritania, Burkina Faso,
e through s Mali, sw Niger, Nigeria, s Chad and c,s Sudan to Ethiopia,
Eritrea and nw,s Somalia and s to s S. Africa. Recorded in all subSaharan
African countries except Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.
Indicator archipelagicus MALAYSIAN
HONEYGUIDE. Forest. Lowlands to 1000 m of se Asia in Malay
Pen., Sumatra and Borneo.
Indicator minor LESSER HONEYGUIDE.
Riparian woodland, savanna. Senegambia, sw Guinea and Liberia e through
s Mali, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, s Chad and s Sudan
to Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia and s to s S. Africa. Recorded in
all subSaharan African countries except Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania and Djibouti.
Indicator conirostris THICK-BILLED
HONEYGUIDE. Humid forest. From coastal Liberia e through Cameroon,
n,ne Zaire and Uganda to w Kenya and s to se,sc,ce Zaire.
Indicator willcocksi WILLCOCKS'S
HONEYGUIDE. Humid forest. Locally in Sierra Leone, Liberia,
Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, C. African Rep., n,c,e Zaire
and Uganda.
Indicator exilis LEAST HONEYGUIDE.
Humid forest. Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast,
Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, s Cameroon, Fernando Po, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon,
Congo, C. African Rep., s Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, w Kenya and nw Tanzania,
s to c Angola, nw Zambia and s,e Zaire.
Indicator pumilio DWARF HONEYGUIDE.
Humid forest. Mts. in w Uganda and Rwanda.
Indicator meliphilus PALLID HONEYGUIDE.
Savanna woodland. E Uganda and w,s,se Kenya s locally through Tanzania,
se Zaire and Malawi to se Zimbabwe and adjacent sw Mozambique and w through
Zambia to c,cw Angola.
Indicator xanthonotus YELLOW-RUMPED
HONEYGUIDE. Forest. Himalayas, 1500-3000 m from extreme e Afghanistan
and n Pakistan e through n India to ne Burma.
Melichneutes robustus LYRE-TAILED
HONEYGUIDE. Humid forest. Locally in Sierra Leone, Liberia,
w Ivory Coast and s Nigeria e to s Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon,
Congo, s C. African Rep., ne Zaire and s to extreme n Angola and sw,c Zaire.
Melignomon eisentrauti YELLOW-FOOTED
HONEYGUIDE. Forest. Locally in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana
and sw Cameroon.
Melignomon zenkeri ZENKER'S HONEYGUIDE.
Forest. S Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, n Gabon, se,c C. African Rep.,
n,ce Zaire and w Uganda.
Prodotiscus insignis CASSIN'S HONEYGUIDE.
Humid forest. Sierra Leone, Liberia, se Guinea, Ivory Coast, Ghana,
Togo, Nigeria, s Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, C. African Rep., n,ne,ce Zaire,
extreme s Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and w Kenya and s to n Angola and sw,sc
Prodotiscus zambesiae GREEN-BACKED
HONEYGUIDE. Dry woodland. Kenya, Tanzania, se Zaire and Malawi
to extreme ne Namibia (Caprivi), ne Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe and
w through Zambia to c,s Angola.
Prodotiscus regulus WAHLBERG'S HONEYGUIDE.
Acacia savanna, brachystegia woodland, forest edge. Locally in Liberia,
Ivory Coast, Togo, s,ne Nigeria, w Cameroon and w C. African Rep.; from
Angola, se Zaire, Rwanda, Uganda, ce Sudan, w,c Ethiopia and c,s Kenya,
Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, to extreme ne Namibia,
n,e Botswana and e S. Africa.
Subfamily JYNGINAE
Jynx torquilla EURASIAN WRYNECK.
Open woodland, second growth, orchards, farmlands. From British Isles
and Scandinavia e across nw,c Russia and c Siberia to Sea of Okhotsk and
Sakhalin and s locally to nw Africa, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, n Mediterranean
region, nw Turkey, nw Iran, s Russia, n India, nc,ne China, n Mongolia,
Manchuria, ne Korea and n Japan. Winters s to c Africa, India, se
Asia, s China and s Japan.
Woodland, edge, scrub, farmlands, savanna. Patchy distribution from
se Nigeria and Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, C. African Rep., Ethiopia s to Zaire,
Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Mozmbique, Angola and
e S. Africa.
Picumnus innominatus SPECKLED PICULET.
Humid forest, dense undergrowth, bamboo, second growth. Lowlands
to 3000 m in mts. of s Asia from n Pakistan e across n,s,e India to c,e
China and s through se Asia to Sumatra and Borneo.
Picumnus aurifrons BAR-BREASTED
PICULET. Humid forest, edge. Up to 1000 m e of Andes from extreme
se Colombia, e Peru and Amazonian Brazil s to n Bolivia and sw Brazil.
Picumnus pumilus ORINOCO PICULET.
Humid forest. Up to 500 m of Andes in e Colombia, s Venezuela and
extreme nw Brazil in R. Uaupes area.
Picumnus lafresnayi LAFRESNAYE'S
PICULET. Humid forest. Up to 1400 m of Andes in se Colombia,
e Ecuador, e Peru and w Amazonian Brazil.
Picumnus exilis GOLDEN-SPANGLED
PICULET. Humid forest, second growth, savanna. Up to 1900 m
of e Andes in extreme e Colombia, s Venezuela, Guianas and n Brazil; e
Forest. Lowlands in n Bolivia in Río Guaporé drainage
and sw Brazil.
Picumnus sclateri ECUADORIAN PICULET.
Arid open woodland, thorn scrub. Up to 2000 m on w slope of w Andes
in w Ecuador and nw Peru.
Picumnus squamulatus SCALED PICULET.
Forest undergrowth, edge, deciduous woodland. Up to 1900 m in e Colombia
and n Venezuela.
Picumnus spilogaster WHITE-BELLIED
PICULET. Humid forest, deciduous woodland, thickets. Up to
500 m in e Venezuela, Guianas and adjacent n,nc Brazil.
Picumnus minutissimus GUIANAN PICULET.
Forest edge, savanna, woods. Lowlands of the Guianas.
Picumnus pygmaeus SPOTTED PICULET.
Dry forest. Up to 750 m in e Brazil.
Picumnus steindachneri SPECKLE-CHESTED
PICULET. Forest. Mts., 1350-2000 m in ne Peru.
Picumnus varzeae VARZEA PICULET.
Humid forest, usually near water. Lowlands of Amazonian Brazil.
Picumnus dorbygnianus OCELLATED
PICULET. Forest, woodland, scrub. Andes to 2100 m in e Peru
and Bolivia.
Picumnus temminckii OCHRE-COLLARED
PICULET. Forest, woodland, scrub. Lowland of se Brazil.
Picumnus albosquamatus WHITE-WEDGED
PICULET. Dense woodland, gallery forest. Lowlands and foothills
to 2100 m of Andes in n,e Bolivia and c,e,sw Brazil in sw Mato Grosso.
Picumnus cirratus WHITE-BARRED PICULET.
Forest, woodland, scrub. Lowlands e of Andes in Guyana, French Guiana
and ne,sw Brazil, se Bolivia, n Argentina, Paraguay.
Picumnus rufiventris RUFOUS-BREASTED
PICULET. Humid forest edge, undergrowth. Up to 1000 m along
e slope of e Andes from se Colombia s through e Ecuador and e Peru to n
Picumnus fulvescens TAWNY PICULET.
Forest, woodland. Up to 1000 m of ne Brazil.
Dry woodland. Lowlands of e Brazil.
Picumnus nebulosus MOTTLED PICULET.
Forest, edge. Up to 1000 m in se Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and ne
Picumnus castelnau PLAIN-BREASTED
PICULET. Forest edge, farmlands, swampy woodland, riverine woodland,
second growth. Up to 1000 m of Andes in se Colombia, e Ecuador and
e Peru.
Picumnus subtilis FINE-BARRED PICULET.
Forest. Up to 1100 m along e base of Andes in Peru.
Picumnus olivaceus OLIVACEOUS PICULET.
Humid forest, undergrowth, second growth, mangroves. Up to 1500 m
on Caribbean slope of e Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, in sw Costa
Rica, both slopes of Panama,and foothills, 600-2500 m, in n,w Colombia,
nw Venezuela and w Ecuador.
Picumnus granadensis GREYISH PICULET.
Humid forest edge, scrub. Andean foothills, 600-2100 m, of Colombia.
Picumnus cinnamomeus CHESTNUT PICULET.
Arid scrub, dry forest edge, mangroves. Coastal lowlands to 500 m
in ne Colombia and nw Venezuela.
Sasia africana AFRICAN PICULET.
Humid forest, dense second growth. Up to 1000 m in Liberia, Ivory
Coast, Ghana, and from s Cameroon, s C. African Rep., Equatorial Guinea,
Gabon, Congo, n,ne Zaire and w Uganda s to nw Angola and sc,ce Zaire.
Sasia abnormis RUFOUS PICULET.
Forest, dense undergrowth, bamboo. Up to 1200 m from s pen. Burma
and s pen. Thailand s through Malaya to Sumatra, Borneo and c,w Java.
Humid forest undergrowth, bamboo. Lowlands and mts. to 2000 m in
n,e India, Burma, Thailand and Indochina.
Nesoctites micromegas ANTILLEAN
PICULET. Forest, open woodland, second growth. Lowlands and
mts. to 1800 m of Hispaniola.
Melanerpes candidus WHITE WOODPECKER.
Forest edge, open woodland, savanna, farmlands. Up to 2200 m from
s Surinam s through Brazil to extreme se Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay
and n Argentina.
Melanerpes lewis LEWIS'S WOODPECKER.
Open forest, woodland, orchards. S British Columbia, sw Alberta,
Montana, sw S. Dakota and nw Nebraska s to sc California, c Arizona, s
New Mexico and e Colorado.
Melanerpes herminieri GUADELOUPE
WOODPECKER. Woodland, forest edge.
Melanerpes portoricensis PUERTO
Melanerpes erythrocephalus RED-HEADED
WOODPECKER. Open woodland, towns, farmlands. S Saskatchewan,
s Manitoba, w,s Ontario, sw Quebec, c New England and s New Brunswick s
to c Texas, Gulf coast and sc Florida.
Melanerpes formicivorus ACORN WOODPECKER.
Oak woodland, mixed oak-coniferous forest. W of Cascades and Sierra
Nevada from cs Washington and nw Oregon s to s Baja California; from n
Arizona, n New Mexico, w Texas, Nuevo León and sw Tamaulipas s through
highlands to w Panama; lowland pine savanna of e Honduras and ne Nicaragua;
Andes, 1400-3300 m of Colombia (exc. Nariño). A communal breeder.
Melanerpes pucherani BLACK-CHEEKED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, woodland. Up to 1500 m from
Puebla, Veracruz, Tabasco, Oaxaca and Chiapas s along Caribbean slope of
C. America to Costa Rica, on both slopes of Panama and in w Colombia and
w Ecuador.
Melanerpes chrysauchen GOLDEN-NAPED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, second growth, woodland. Up
to 1500 m in sw Costa Rica and w Panama.
Melanerpes cruentatus YELLOW-TUFTED
WOODPECKER. Forest, edge, swamps. Up to 1350 m e of Andes from
e Colombia, Venezuela and Guianas s to e Ecuador, e Peru, n,e Bolivia and
Amazonian Brazil.
Melanerpes flavifrons YELLOW-FRONTED
WOODPECKER. Forest, open woodland. Up to 1800 m in c,s Brazil.
Melanerpes cactorum WHITE-FRONTED
WOODPECKER. Scrubby woodland, palms, arid scrub. Lowlands and
foothills to 2500 m from se Peru, c,se Bolivia and sw Brazil s to Paraguay,
Uruguay and n Argentina.
Forest, woodland, mangroves, orchards, desert scrub.
Melanerpes radiolatus JAMAICAN WOODPECKER.
Forest, open woodland. Lowlands and mts. of Jamaica.
Melanerpes chrysogenys GOLDEN-CHEEKED
WOODPECKER. Forest, open woodland. Up to 1000 m from Sinaloa
s to c Oaxaca and e to e Michoacán, n Guerrero, Morelos and extreme
sw Puebla.
Melanerpes hypopolius GREY-BREASTED
WOODPECKER. Cactus desert, riverine forest, open woodland.
Highlands, 1350-2100 m from nw Guerrero, México and Puebla s to
c Oaxaca.
Melanerpes pygmaeus YUCATAN WOODPECKER.
Coastal scrub, deciduous forest, second growth. Caribbean coast and
is. in se Mexico, Belize and Guanaja I.
Melanerpes rubricapillus RED-CROWNED
WOODPECKER. Open woodland, scrub, second growth, woodland, towns,
mangroves. Up to 1800 m in sw Costa Rica, Panama, n,ne Colombia,
n Venezuela, Tobago, Guyana and Surinam.
Melanerpes uropygialis GILA WOODPECKER.
Cactus desert, arid woodland, riparian woodland, towns. Se California,
s Nevada, c Arizona and sw New Mexico s to s Baja California, Sonora, sw
Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Durango, Nayarit and Zacatecas to Jalisco and Aguascalientes.
Melanerpes carolinus RED-BELLIED
WOODPECKER. Open woodland, second growth, riverine forest, swamps,
towns. Se Minnesota, sc Wisconsin, s Michigan, s Ontario, c New York
and Massachusetts s to c Texas, Gulf coast and s Florida and w to c Great
Plains region.
Melanerpes superciliaris WEST INDIAN
WOODPECKER. Woodland, palm groves. N Bahama Is. and Cuba.
Melanerpes aurifrons GOLDEN-FRONTED
WOODPECKER. Open woodland, scrub, second growth, towns. E Durango,
c Chihuahua, w,nc,c,s Texas and sw Oklahoma s through Mexico and w,c Honduras,
but absent from e Honduras to nc Nicaragua.
Melanerpes hoffmannii HOFFMANN'S
WOODPECKER. Open woodland, arid scrub, savanna, farmlands, towns.
Pacific lowlands to 2150 m from s Honduras to c Costa Rica.
Sphyrapicus: Cicero and Johnson (1994. J. für Orn. 135:351) reviewed previous studies and sequenced 711 cytochrome b base pairs. S. thyroideus is the most distinct; nuchalis is more closely related to ruber than to varius; nuchalis and ruber occasionally hybridize in sympatry. The cyt b data indicate that the sapsuckers are closer to Melanerpes than to Colaptes, confirming allozyme data.
Sphyrapicus varius YELLOW-BELLIED
SAPSUCKER. Deciduous forest woodland. E,ec Alaska, sw Yukon,
ne British Columbia, sw Mackenzie, n,c Alberta and nw,c Saskatchewan e
across s Canada to s Labrador and c Newfoundland and s to e S. Dakota,
ne Missouri, c Illinois, nw Indiana, n Ohio, w Pennsylvania and s New England
and to 1800 m in Appalachians s to e Tennessee and w N. Carolina.
Sphyrapicus nuchalis RED-NAPED SAPSUCKER.
Coniferous forest, open woodland, second growth. To 2900 m in Rocky
Mt. region from sc British Columbia, sw Alberta and w Montana s, e of Cascades,
to ec Calif., s Nevada, c Arizona, s New Mexico and w Texas.
Aspen-pine, coniferous forest, woodland. To 2900 m from se Alaska
and coastal and c int. British Columbia s, w of Cascades, to cw California
and Sierra Nevada to ec California and w Nevada; locally mts. of s California
and s Nevada.
Sphyrapicus thyroideus WILLIAMSON'S
SAPSUCKER. Coniferous forest, especially fir and lodgepole pine.
Up to 2900 m from s int. British Columbia, Idaho, w Montana and Wyoming
s to n,ec,s Calif., c Arizona and s New Mexico.
Xiphidiopicus percussus CUBAN GREEN
WOODPECKER. Woodland, forest, edge, gardens.
Campethera punctuligera FINE-SPOTTED
WOODPECKER. Savanna. Senegambia, s Mauritania, s Mali, Burkina
Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, s
Niger, Benin, Nigeria, n Cameroon, C. Afr. Rep., s Chad, s Sudan and extreme
ne Zaire.
Campethera nubica NUBIAN WOODPECKER.
Savanna. To 1800 m from n Chad, n Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea
and Djibouti s to ne Zaire, C. Afr. Rep., Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.
Campethera bennettii BENNETT'S WOODPECKER.
Savanna, open Brachystegia woodland, thorn scrub. To 1500 m from
sc, se Zaire, Angola, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana,
Zimbabwe, c Namibia, n S. Africa and Mozambique. Includes scriptoricauda.
Campethera abingoni GOLDEN-TAILED
WOODPECKER. Forest, woodland. Up to 1350 m in s Mali, s Mauritania,
Senegambia, Guinea, n Ghana, Benin, C. African Rep., Congo, s, Chad, extreme
s Sudan and extreme ne Zaire and from sw,se,ce Zaire, Uganda, Rwanda, sw
Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, to c Namibia, Angola,
Botswana and ne S. Africa.
Campethera mombassica MOMBASA WOODPECKER.
Forest, woodland. Se Somalia, coastal Kenya and ne Tanzania.
Campethera notata KNYSNA WOODPECKER.
Forest, woodland. S. Africa in s Natal and s,e Cape Province.
Campethera maculosa LITTLE GREEN
WOODPECKER. Forest, edge, second growth. Lowlands in s Mauritania,
s Mali, Senegambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory
Coast and Ghana.
Campethera cailliautii GREEN-BACKED
WOODPECKER. Forest edge, second growth, woodland, palm groves, thorn
scrub. Up to 1700 m in nc,e Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon,
Congo, C. African Rep., n,ne Zaire, extreme s Sudan, sw Ethiopia, s Somalia,
c,s Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, w,s Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, e Zimbabwe, s
Mozambique and nw,n,e Angola and sc,ce,se,ce Zaire.
Campethera tullbergi TULLBERG'S
WOODPECKER. Forest, edge. Mts. above 900 m in se Nigeria, Cameroon,
Gulf of Guinea Is., n Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.
Forest, dense second growth, woodland. Up to 1000 m in s Mauritania,
s Mali, Senegambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory
Coast, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, s Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo,
s C. African Rep., n,ne Zaire, extreme s Sudan, Uganda, w Kenya, w Tanzania,
s to nw Angola and sc,ce Zaire.
Forest, second growth, woodland. Up to 1700 m in Sierra Leone, Liberia,
Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, s Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo,
s C. African Rep., n Zaire, sw Sudan, Uganda, w Kenya, w Tanzania, n Zambia,
Malawi, s to nw Angola, sw,cs,ce Zaire, n Zambia and Rwanda.
Geocolaptes olivaceus GROUND WOODPECKER.
Boulder-strewn grassy slopes in hills and mts. and down to sea level in
sw Cape Province. E,se,s,sw South Africa.
Dendropicos elachus LITTLE GREY WOODPECKER.
Lightly wooded savanna. To 1600 m in a narrow belt from sw Mauritania
and Senegambia e through s Mali, s Niger, s Nigeria, ne Cameroon and s
Chad to cw Sudan.
Dendropicos poecilolaemus SPECKLE-BREASTED
WOODPECKER. Savanna, farmlands. To 1500 m in extreme se Nigeria,
c,s Cameroon, C. African Rep., s Chad, s Sudan, ne Zaire, Uganda, Rwanda
and w Kenya.
Dendropicos abyssinicus ABYSSINIAN
WOODPECKER. Juniper woodland, savanna. Highlands of Ethiopia,
including Eritrea.
Dendropicos fuscescens CARDINAL
WOODPECKER. Woodland, forest edge, savanna, brushland. Up to
3350 m in s Mauritania, s Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegambia, Guinea-Bissau,
Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon,
Gabon, Congo, Zaire, C. African Rep., se Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti,
Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Angola, Zambia, Malawi,
Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and to s S. Africa.
Dendropicos gabonensis GABON WOODPECKER.
Forest edge, second growth. In Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory
Coast, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, s Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo,
sw,sc,ce Zaire, sw C. African Rep., n,ne Zaire and extreme w Uganda.
Includes lugubris.
Dendropicos stierlingi STIERLING'S
WOODPECKER. Brachystegia woodland. Up to 1500 m in s Tanzania,
n Mozambique and Malawi.
Dendropicos namaquus BEARDED WOODPECKER.
Woodland with large trees, savanna, second growth, farmlands. Up
to 1800 m in n C. African Rep. e through s Chad, c,s Sudan to Ethiopia
and Somalia and s through e,se Zaire, Angola, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania,
Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia and to n S. Africa.
Placed in Thripias by Dowsett and Dowsett-Lemaire (1993).
Dendropicos pyrrhogaster FIRE-BELLIED
WOODPECKER. Forest, edge. Lowlands in s Mali, Guinea, Sierra
Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, e Nigeria and s Cameroon.
Placed in Thripias by Dowsett and Dowsett-Lemaire (1993).
Dendropicos xantholophus GOLDEN-CROWNED
WOODPECKER. Forest, edge, second growth, woodland. Up to 1700
m in s Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, s C. African Rep., extreme s Sudan, Uganda
and w Kenya s to nw Angola and sw,sc,ce Zaire. Placed in Thripias
by Dowsett and Dowsett-Lemaire (1993).
Dendropicos elliotii ELLIOT'S WOODPECKER.
Humid forest, second growth. Mts., 1000-2300 m in e Nigeria and n
Cameroon; Gulf of Guinea Is.; lowlands to 1800 m in s Cameroon, Equatorial
Guinea, Gabon, Congo, sw C. African Rep., ne,ce Zaire, Rwanda, w,e Uganda
s to nw Angola and sc,ce Zaire. Placed in Mesopicos by Dowsett and
Dowsett-Lemaire (1993).
Dendropicos goertae GREY WOODPECKER.
Woodland, savanna, forest edge. Up to 3350 m from s Mauritania, Senegambia,
s Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory
Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, s Niger, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, C.
Afr. Rep., s Chad to c,s Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and s to extreme nw Angola,
sc,ne Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, w Kenya and nw,nc Tanzania.
Placed in Mesopicos by Dowsett and Dowsett-Lemaire (1993).
Dendropicos spodocephalus GREY-HEADED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, riverine forest. In e Sudan,
w,c Ethiopia, c,e Kenya and ne Tanzania.
Often included in D. goertae; they are separated
by narrow gaps of unsuitable habitat. Included in goertae by Short,
et al. (1990:139) and Dowsett and Dowsett-Lemaire (1993).
The situation is not entirely clear -- leaving
this taxon as a species is as reasonable on current information as lumping
it. There is no genetic evidence to support the statement by Short,
et al. that the two are, or are not, "genetically separable".
Dendropicos griseocephalus OLIVE
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, riverine forest. Mts. to 3350
m from Angola, se,ce Zaire, sw Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and s,ne Tanzania,
Zambia and nw Malawi; locally in Zimbabwe, extreme s Mozambique and S.
Hybridizes with D. goertae in Rwanda and is sometimes
considered a subspecies of goertae.
Dendropicos obsoletus BROWN-BACKED
WOODPECKER. Savanna, acacia, thorn bush. Up to 2100 m in s
Mauritania, s Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ivory
Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, s Niger, sw Chad, c,s Sudan, Ethiopia,
Eritrea and s to s Cameroon, C. African Rep., ne Zaire, Uganda, Kenya and
n Tanzania. Sometimes placed in Dendrocopos or Picoides.
Dendrocopos temminckii SULAWESI
WOODPECKER. Forest, woodland. Up to 2300 m of Sulawesi.
Dendrocopos maculatus PHILIPPINE
WOODPECKER. Dipterocarp forest, edge, second growth. Lowlands
to 2500 m of Philippine is. of Luzon, Catanduanes, Lubang, Marinduque,
Mindoro, Sibuyan, Samar, Leyte, Panay, Guimaras, Negros, Cebu, Bohol, Mindanao,
Basilan and the Sulu Archipelago.
Forest edge, second growth, woodland, towns. Up to 1500 m in n Pakistan,
India and Sri Lanka. Sometimes included in D. maculatus.
Dendrocopos moluccensis SUNDA WOODPECKER.
Forest, edge, second growth, mangroves, woodland, towns. Up to 2200
m in coastal Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa.
Dendrocopos canicapillus GREY-CAPPED
WOODPECKER. Forest, woodland, scrub, mangroves, farmlands.
Up to 3000 m from ne Pakistan, n,e India, c,e,s China, se Siberia and Korea
and s through se Asia to Sumatra and Taiwan.
Dendrocopos kizuki PYGMY WOODPECKER.
Woodland, forest edge, towns. To 2100 m
in ne China, se Siberia, Korea, Kuril Is., Japan
and Ryukyu Is.
Dendrocopos minor LESSER SPOTTED
WOODPECKER. Forest, edge, second growth, towns. Up to 1200
m from British Isles and Scandinavia e across nw,c Russia and c,s Siberia
to Sea of Okhotsk, Anadyrland and Kamchatka and s to nw Africa, n Mediterranean
region, Turkey, sw Russia, w,n Iran, extreme w China, Mongolia, Manchuria,
n Korea and n Japan.
Dendrocopos auriceps BROWN-FRONTED
WOODPECKER. Pine-oak forest, towns. Mts., 600-3300 m from Afghanistan
e across n Pakistan and nw India to ec Nepal.
Dendrocopos macei FULVOUS-BREASTED
WOODPECKER. Open woodland, forest edge, second growth, bamboo.
Up to 2750 m in n Pakistan, n,e India, Burma, nw,c Thailand, Cambodia,
c,s Laos, s Vietnam, Andaman Is., Java and Bali.
Dendrocopos atratus STRIPE-BREASTED
WOODPECKER. Pine-oak woodland, open stunted forest. Mts. above
2000 m in e India, sw China, w,s,e Burma, nw Thailand and Laos.
Dendrocopos mahrattensis YELLOW-CROWNED
WOODPECKER. Dry woodland, desert scrub, second growth, bamboo, towns.
Up to 2000 m in e Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, w,c,s Burma, c,ne Thailand
and s Laos.
Dendrocopos dorae ARABIAN WOODPECKER.
Open acacia woodland, especially in ravines and river beds. Lowlands
and hills to 2800 m of Arabia. Sometimes placed in Picoides.
Dendrocopos hyperythrus RUFOUS-BELLIED
WOODPECKER. Open coniferous forest, mixed woodland. Foothills
and mts., 600-4300 m, in ne Pakistan, n India, , w,se Tibet, cs China,
Burma, nw,ne Thailand, s Laos and n,c Vietnam; Manchuria.
Dendrocopos cathpharius CRIMSON-BREASTED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, woodland. Mts., 700-4000 m in ne,
e India, se Tibet, c,sw China, c,n,ne Burma, nw Thailand, n Laos and n
Dendrocopos darjellensis DARJEELING
WOODPECKER. Humid forest. Mts., 1200-4000 m, in ne,e India,
se Tibet, sw China, w,ne Burma and n Vietnam.
Dendrocopos medius MIDDLE SPOTTED
WOODPECKER. Deciduous woodland. Lowlands usually below 1000
m from cont. Europe and s Sweden e through Turkey to sw Russia and nw,sw
Dendrocopos leucotos WHITE-BACKED
WOODPECKER. Deciduous and mixed forest. The two races are parapatric
in e Yugoslavia, but altitudinally and ecologically separated with few
known hybrids. They may be separate species.
D. l. leucotos. Lowlands to 1700
m from s Scandinavia, and e Europe s to Germany, Austria, ne Italy, Hungary,
e Yugoslavia and Romania, e across nw,c Russia, s Siberia, n Mongolia and
n,c,se China to Japan, Ryukyu Is. and Taiwan.
D. l. lilfordi. Locally in s Europe
in the Pyrenees, c Italy, and from Yugoslavia e,s through Albania, Bulgaria,
Greece and w,n Turkey to Caucasus, Transcaucasus and w,n Iran.
Dendrocopos major GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER. Forest, woodland, farmlands, towns. Lowlands and mts. to 2300 m from British Isles and Scandinavia e across nw,c Russia and c,s Siberia to Sea of Okhotsk, Kamchatka and Kuril Is. and s to Canary Is., n Mediterranean region,Turkey, n Iran, sw,s Russia, China, e India, w,n,ne Burma, n Laos, n Vietnam, Japan and Izu Is.
Includes two subspecies groups, major and
the latter has strongly differentiated subspecies that are connected by
the intermediate race, japonicus.
D. major hybridizes with D. syriacus and D. leucopterus
where their ranges are in contact and they sometimes are treated as conspecific.
Dendrocopos syriacus SYRIAN
WOODPECKER. Dry woodland, farmlands, towns, desert oases. Lowlands
to 1200 m from e Austria, Czechoslovakia and extreme w Russia se through
Balkans to Greece, Turkey, Near East, n Iraq, sw Russia and w,s Iran.
Dendrocopos leucopterus WHITE-WINGED
WOODPECKER. Open dry woodland, arid scrub, riparian woodland, farmlands.
Lowlands and mts. to 1800 m in s Russia, ne Iran, ne Afghanistan and w
Dendrocopos assimilis SIND WOODPECKER.
Dry woodland, desert scrub. Locally in lowlands to 2200 m in se Iran
and Pakistan. Hybridizes with D. syriacus in Iran.
Dendrocopos himalayensis HIMALAYAN
WOODPECKER. Humid forest. Himalayas, 1000-3300 m in ne Afghanistan,
ne Pakistan and n India.
Picoides lignarius STRIPED WOODPECKER.
Dry open forest, edge, woodland. Andes, 1500-3800m in c,se Bolivia;
lowlands and mts. to 1800 m in c,s Chile and s Argentina.
Dry woodland, campos, riverine scrub in pampas. Lowlands to 600 m
from se Bolivia, Paraguay and e,se Brazil s to w Uruguay and n,c Argentina.
Picoides nuttallii NUTTALL'S WOODPECKER.
Oak woodland, chaparral, riparian woodland. From n California s,
w of deserts and Sierra divide, to nw Baja Calif.
Picoides scalaris LADDER-BACKED
WOODPECKER. Cactus and yucca desert, thorn scrub, riparian woodland,
pinyon-juniper, pine-oak, pine savanna. From s Calif., s Nevada,
sw Utah, nw, c Arizona, c,ne New Mexico, se Colorado, sw Kansas, w Oklahoma
and Texas s through most of Mexico to Chiapas, Yucatán Pen. and
Belize; int. of c Guatemala and Honduras (also Pacific coast); pine savanna
of e Honduras and ne Nicaragua.
Picoides pubescens DOWNY WOODPECKER.
Deciduous and mixed woodland, second growth, towns. From w,c Alaska,
s Yukon, sw Mackenzie and n Alberta e across c Canada to Newfoundland and
s to s Calif., c Arizona, sc New Mexico, c Texas, Gulf coast and s Florida.
Open pine, woodland. Locally from e Oklahoma, s Missouri, n Arkansas,
n Mississippi, n Alabama, n Georgia, se Virginia and s Maryland s to e
Texas, Gulf coast and s Florida and n in Cumberland Plateau through e Tennessee
to e Kentucky.
Picoides stricklandi STRICKLAND'S
WOODPECKER. Open woodland, primarily oak or pine. From se Arizona
and sw New Mexico s in Sierra Madre Occidental to Jalisco, Michoacán,
México, Distrito Federal, Morelos, Puebla and wc Vera Cruz.
The northern populations formerly were treated as a separate species, P.
arizonae (Arizona Woodpecker), but intermediate populations occur in c
Picoides villosus HAIRY WOODPECKER.
Forest, open woodland, towns. From w,c Alaska, c Yukon, sw,sc Mackenzie
and n Saskatchewan e across c Canada to Newfoundland and s to n Baja Calif.,
through highlands of Middle America to w Panama and to Texas, Gulf coast,
s Florida and n Bahama Is.
Picoides albolarvatus WHITE-HEADED
WOODPECKER. Coniferous forest, primarily pine and fir. Mts.
from s int. British Columbia, nc Washington and n Idaho s through Oregon
to s Calif. and wc Nevada.
Picoides tridactylus THREE-TOED
WOODPECKER. Coniferous forest, riparian willow thickets. From
Scandinavia e across n,c Russia and n,ec,se Siberia to Kolyma R., Kamchatka
and Kuril Is. and s to sw Siberia, n Mongolia, w,c China, se Tibet, Manchuria,
ne Korea and n Japan; mts. of c,s Europe; from nw,c Alaska, c Yukon, nw,c
Mackenzie, Alberta and n,c Saskatchewan e across c,s Canada to n Labrador
and Newfoundland and s to w,s Alaska, s British Columbia, c Washington
and s Oregon, in Rocky Mts. to e Nevada, c Arizona and sc New Mexico and
to ne Minnesota, n Michigan, n New York and n New England.
Coniferous forest, open forest burns. From e,c Alaska, s Yukon, wc,s
Mackenzie and n,c Saskatchewan e across c Canada to c Labrador and Newfoundland
and s to se British Columbia, through mts. of Washington and Oregon to
c Calif. and wc Nevada, through Montana to nw Wyoming and sw S. Dakota
and to n Minnesota, ne Wisconsin, nc Michigan, n New York and n New England.
Veniliornis callonotus SCARLET-BACKED
WOODPECKER. Arid scrub and woodland. Lowlands in s Colombia,
w Ecuador and n Peru.
Veniliornis dignus YELLOW-VENTED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest. Andean slopes to 2450 m from nc Colombia
and w Venezuela s through Ecuador to e Peru.
Veniliornis nigriceps BAR-BELLIED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest. Andes, 1800-3650 m, from Colombia
s through Ecuador and Peru to c Bolivia.
Veniliornis fumigatus SMOKY-BROWN
WOODPECKER. Open woodland, second growth, thickets. Lowlands
and foothills to 3000 m from Nayarit, Jalisco, Hidalgo, state of México,
San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas south along both slopes to w Panama;
from e Panama and Colombia e to w,n Venezuela and s along w slope of Andes
to w Peru and e slope to e Peru, c,se Bolivia and nw Argentina.
Veniliornis passerinus LITTLE WOODPECKER.
Forest, woodland, scrub, savanna. From e Colombia, Venezuela and
Guianas s to e Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, ne Argentina and s Brazil in Rio
Grande do Sul.
Veniliornis frontalis DOT-FRONTED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest. Andean slopes in c,se Bolivia and
nw Argentina.
Veniliornis spilogaster WHITE-SPOTTED
WOODPECKER. Woodland, open forest. Lowlands in Paraguay, s Brazil,
Uruguay and ne Argentina.
Veniliornis sanguineus BLOOD-COLORED WOODPECKER.
Humid forest, mangroves, woodland. Lowlands of Guianas.
Veniliornis kirkii RED-RUMPED WOODPECKER.
Forest edge, open woodland, second growth, savanna, mangroves. Lowlands
to 1750 m in sw,s Costa Rica, Panama, w,n Colombia, Venezuela.
Veniliornis chocoensis CHOCO WOODPECKER.
Humid forest, edge. Lowlands to 1000 m of w Colombia. Often
treated as a subspecies of V. cassini.
Veniliornis cassini GOLDEN-COLLARED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, shrubbery. Lowlands to 500
m in extreme e Colombia, s Venezuela, Guianas and n Brazil.
Veniliornis affinis RED-STAINED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge. Lowlands to 1000 m e of Andes
from se Colombia and s Venezuela s through e Ecuador and e Peru, n,e Bolivia
and Brazil from Amazon basin e to Maranhão, Bahia, Pernambuco and
Espírito Santo and s to sw Mato Grosso.
Veniliornis maculifrons YELLOW-EARED WOODPECKER. Forest. Lowlands of se Brazil.
P. simplex, P. callopterus, P. litae and
leucolaemus are sometimes included in P. callopterus, but they
differ in plumage characters that do not appear to intergrade where they
meet. Vocal differences have also been reported, but not fully studied.
Humid forest, edge, open woodland, second growth. Lowlands to 2150
m on Caribbean slope of Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and w Panama.
Piculus callopterus STRIPE-CHEEKED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, open woodland, second growth.
Lowlands on both slopes of Panama.
Piculus litae LITA WOODPECKER.
Humid forest, edge, open woodland, second growth. Lowlands w of Andes
in w Colombia and nw Ecuador.
Piculus leucolaemus WHITE-THROATED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, open woodland, second growth.
Lowlands e of Andes from e Colombia s through e Ecuador and e Peru to n,e
Bolivia and w Amazonian Brazil.
Piculus flavigula YELLOW-THROATED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest. Lowlands to 500 m e of Andes from
se Colombia, s Venezuela and Guianas s through e Ecuador to e Peru, extreme
ne Bolivia and Amazonian, e,se Brazil.
Piculus chrysochloros GOLDEN-GREEN
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, open woodland, swampy forest, savanna.
Lowlands to 750 m in e Panama and from n,e Colombia, nw,
s Venezuela and Guianas s, e of Andes, through
e Ecuador, ne Peru, n Bolivia and Amazonian, e Brazil to n,e,se Bolivia,
Paraguay and n Argentina.
Piculus aurulentus YELLOW-BROWED
WOODPECKER. Moist woodland, edge, second growth. Lowlands in
se Brazil, e Paraguay and ne Argentina.
Piculus auricularis GREY-CROWNED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, open woodland, pine-oak. Pacific
slope from se Sonora s to c Oaxaca.
Piculus rubiginosus GOLDEN-OLIVE
WOODPECKER. Open woodland, forest edge, second growth, pine-oak,
scrub, pine savanna. Lowlands and mts. from c Nuevo León and
Tamaulipas s through e San Luis Potosí and Hidalgo to ne Puebla
and n Veracruz; lowlands to 3100 m from s Mexico s along both slopes of
C. America to Panama and from Colombia e through Venezuela to Trinidad,
Tobago, Guyana and Surinam and s, w of Andes to nw Peru and e of Andes
through e Ecuador, e Peru and c,se Bolivia to nw Argentina.
Piculus rivolii CRIMSON-MANTLED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest. Mts., 1800-3700 m from Colombia and
w Venezuela s in Andes through Ecuador and c,e Peru to n Bolivia.
Colaptes atricollis BLACK-NECKED
WOODPECKER. Scrubby woodland, riparian forest, desert. Andean
slopes to 3400 m of Peru.
Colaptes punctigula SPOT-BREASTED
WOODPECKER Open woodland, second growth, mangroves, palm savanna,
forest edge. Lowlands to 1500 m on Pacific slope in e Panama and
from Colombia e through Venezuela to Guianas and s, e of Andes, through
e Ecuador and e Peru to n,e Bolivia and w,c Amazonian Brazil.
Colaptes melanochloros GREEN-BARRED
WOODPECKER. Arid scrub woodland; humid forest, edge, woodland, riverine
forest. C,s Bolivia, n,ne Argentina, e,s Brazil, e Paraguay, Uruguay.
Colaptes auratus NORTHERN
FLICKER. Forest, open woodland, pine-oak, towns. From Alaska,
c Yukon, nw,s Mackenzie and n Manitoba e across c Canada to sc Labrador
and Newfoundland and s to nw Baja California, c,e Texas, Gulf coast and
s Florida; highlands of Mexico to Oaxaca and wc Vera Cruz; highlands of
Chiapas s through Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to nc Nicaragua;
Cuba and Grand Cayman. C. auratus includes the cafer (Red-shafted
Flicker) group, the Cuban Flicker and the Guatemalan Flicker, but the Gilded
Flicker (below) is probably an allospecies of auratus.
Moore (1994. J. für Orn. 135:362) reviewed
the size and nature of the auratus-cafer hybrid zone and suggested that
the two will "maintain their integrity and distinctness, as is characteristic
of "good" species, despite a complete lack of reproductive isolation."
This is due to the different ecological conditions favored by the two "forms"
-- they "will likely remain distinct as long as the Rocky Mountains cast
a rain shadow over the western Great Plains." These "semispecies"
are neither subspecies nor allospecies -- whether to call them one or two
species remains unclear.
Once again, Nature defeats taxonomy.
Colaptes chrysoides GILDED FLICKER.
Cactus and yucca desert, riparian woodland. From se Calif., to Baja
Calif. (exc. nw) and c Arizona s through Sonora to n Sinaloa.
The status of chrysoides remains debatable --
is it a separate species or a race of auratus? Intergradation is
restricted by limited habitat in the contact zone, behavioral differences
are trivial, and the population on the lower Colorado River on the Calif./Arizona
border is somewhat intermediate.
Colaptes fernandinae FERNANDINA'S
FLICKER. Palm groves. Lowlands of Cuba.
Colaptes pitius CHILEAN FLICKER.
Humid forest, riparian scrub. In c,s Chile and Andean slopes of s
Colaptes rupicola ANDEAN FLICKER.
Puna grasslands, farmlands. Andes, 2000-5000 m in Peru, Bolivia,
n Chile and nw Argentina.
Colaptes campestris CAMPO FLICKER.
Grassland, savanna, campos, farmlands. Lowlands in s Surinam; lower
Amazon V. near Santarem; from e,sc Brazil to n Bolivia and n Paraguay;
in s Paraguay, se Brazil, Uruguay and n Argentina.
Celeus brachyurus RUFOUS WOODPECKER.
Humid forest, second growth, palm groves, towns, farmlands, scrubby woodland,
bamboo, mangroves. Lowlands to 1800 m from India, Sri Lanka and se
China, s through se Asia to Sumatra, Borneo and Java.
Humid forest, edge. Lowlands to 1500 m of Caribbean slope in Nicaragua,
Costa Rica, Panama, w,n Colombia and nw Ecuador.
Humid forest. Lowlands to 2100 m e of Andes from se Colombia and
s Venezuela s to e Peru, n Bolivia and w Amazonian Brazil.
Celeus undatus WAVED WOODPECKER.
Humid forest. Lowlands to 500 m in e Venezuela, Guianas and Amazonian
Celeus castaneus CHESTNUT-COLORED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, second growth, open woodland.
Lowlands to 750 m of Gulf-Caribbean slope from Veracruz, n Oaxaca, Tabasco,
Chiapas and Yucatán Pen. s through C. America to w Panama.
Humid forest, edge. Lowlands to 750 m e of Andes from e Colombia
and s Venezuela s through e Ecuador and e Peru to n Bolivia and Amazonian
Brazil; from e Venezuela, Trinidad, Guianas and n Brazil.
Thorn scrub, dry forest, riparian woodland. Lowlands in n Bolivia,
sw Brazil, Paraguay and nw Argentina.
Celeus flavescens BLOND-CRESTED
WOODPECKER. Forest, woodland, dry scrub. Lowlands from e Amazonian,
e,se Brazil s to Paraguay and ne Argentina; there is no valid record for
Riverine forest, savanna, mangroves, woodland, generally near water.
Lowlands to 750 m e of Andes from e Colombia, sw,ne Venezuela and Guianas
s to e Peru, n,e Bolivia and Amazonian, c,e Brazil.
Celeus spectabilis RUFOUS-HEADED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, bamboo, locally seasonally dry forest.
Lowlands to 300 m e of Andes in e Ecuador, e Peru and n Bolivia; e Brazil.
Celeus torquatus RINGED WOODPECKER.
Humid forest. Lowlands to 725 m e of Andes from se Colombia, s,e
Venezuela and Guianas s to e Peru, n Bolivia and Amazonian Brazil.
Dryocopus galeatus HELMETED WOODPECKER.
Humid forest. Lowlands to 750 m in e Paraguay, se Brazil and ne Argentina
in Misiones. Has been thought to be extinct, but small populations
survive in se Brazil.
Dryocopus pileatus PILEATED WOODPECKER.
Forest, open woodland, second growth, towns. From e British Columbia,
sw Mackenzie and nw,c Saskatchewan e across s Canada to Nova Scotia and
s to c Calif., sc Idaho and w Montana and e of Great Plains to ec Texas,
Gulf coast and s Florida.
Dryocopus lineatus LINEATED WOODPECKER.
Open woodland, forest edge, second growth. Lowlands and foothills
to 2100 m from se Sonora, se Nuevo León and c Tamaulipas s along
both slopes of Mexico and C. America to Panama and from Colombia, Venezuela,
Trinidad and Guianas s, w of Andes to nw Peru and e of Andes to e Peru,
Bolivia, Paraguay, s Brazil and n Argentina. Hybridizes with D. schulzi
where ranges meet.
Dry forest. Lowlands to 300 m in se Bolivia, w Paraguay and n Argentina.
Dryocopus javensis WHITE-BELLIED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, open woodland. Locally in lowlands
and mts. to 4300 m in sw,se India; c,s Korea; from cs China s through se
Asia to Sumatra and adj. islands, Borneo, N Natuna Is., Java, Bali; Philippines.
Dryocopus hodgei ANDAMAN WOODPECKER.
Forest. Andaman Is. Often included in javensis, but may be
viewed as an allospecies. Other insular populations could also be
treated as allospecies.
Dryocopus martius BLACK WOODPECKER.
Coniferous and mixed forest. Lowlands to 1000 m from cont. Europe
and Scandinavia e across nw,c Russia and c,s Siberia to Kolyma R., Kamchatka
and Kuril Is. and s to n Mediterranean region, n Turkey, sw Russia and
n Iran and to sw Siberia, n Mongolia, w,ne China and n Japan; mts. to 4300
m in se Tibet and c China.
Campephilus pollens POWERFUL WOODPECKER.
Humid forest. Andes, 900-3650 m from Colombia and sw Venezuela s
through Ecuador to n Peru.
Campephilus haematogaster CRIMSON-BELLIED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge. Lowlands to 1100 m in Panama,
nw Colombia and w Ecuador; lower Andean slopes to 2000 m in e Colombia,
e Ecuador and e Peru.
Campephilus rubricollis RED-NECKED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest. Lowlands to 1600 m e of Andes from
se Colombia, s Venezuela and Guianas s through e Ecuador and e Peru to
n,e Bolivia and Amazonian Brazil.
Campephilus robustus ROBUST WOODPECKER.
Humid forest. Lowlands in e,se Brazil, e Paraguay and ne Argentina.
Campephilus guatemalensis PALE-BILLED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, open woodland, second growth.
Lowlands of both slopes from se Sonora, San Luis Potosí and s Tamaulipas
s to w Panama.
Campephilus melanoleucos CRIMSON-CRESTED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, edge, second growth, open woodland, swamps.
Lowlands and mts. to 3100 m in Panama and from Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad
and Guianas s, e of Andes, through e Ecuador, e Peru, Bolivia and Brazil
to c Paraguay and n Argentina.
Campephilus gayaquilensis GUAYAQUIL
WOODPECKER. Dry forest. Pacific lowlands and w slopes of Andes
to 1300 m in sw Colombia, w Ecuador and nw Peru.
Campephilus leucopogon CREAM-BACKED
WOODPECKER. Dry woodland, forest. Lowlands to 1700 m from c,se
Bolivia, w,c Paraguay and s Brazil s to n Argentina.
Campephilus magellanicus MAGELLANIC
WOODPECKER. Beech and beech-cypress forest. From ec Chile and
wc Argentina s to Tierra del Fuego.
Campephilus imperialis IMPERIAL
WOODPECKER. Pine forest, pine-oak. Probably extinct; formerly
in mts. from ne Sonora and w Chihuahua s through Sierra Madre Occidental
to w Durango, wc Zacatecas, ne Nayarit, c Jalisco and n Michoacán.
Campephilus principalis IVORY-BILLED
WOODPECKER. Mature deciduous forest, swamps, pines. From e
Texas, se Oklahoma, ne Arkansas, se Missouri, s Illinois, s Indiana, Kentucky
and se N. Carolina s to Gulf coast and s Florida. Cuba. Probably
extinct. Cuban population last observed in the late 1970's; U.S.
last seen in the 1950's.
Picus mineaceus BANDED WOODPECKER.
Dipterocarp forest, mangroves, coastal scrub, dense second growth.
Lowlands to 1700 m in Malay Pen., Sumatra, Borneo and w,c Java.
Picus chlorolophus LESSER YELLOWNAPE.
Forest, woodland, bamboo, scrub. Lowlands to 2000 m from n,e,s India,
s Tibet and s China s through se Asia to Sri Lanka and Sumatra.
Humid forest, second growth. Lowlands to 900 m in Malay Pen., Sumatra,
Borneo and Java.
Picus flavinucha GREATER YELLOWNAPE.
Humid forest, oak forest, farmlands, dry forest. Lowlands and mts.
to 2750 m from n India, se Tibet and s China s through se Asia to Sumatra.
Humid forest, dense second growth. Lowlands to 1700 m in Malay Pen.,
Sumatra, Borneo and Java.
Picus viridanus STREAK-BREASTED
WOODPECKER. Forest, bamboo. Lowlands to 1700 m from Burma s
to pen. Thailand and (mostly in highlands) Malaya. Sometimes included
in vittatus, but differs in habitat and they are not known to intergrade.
Picus vittatus LACED WOODPECKER.
Forest, mangroves, coastal scrub. Lowlands to 1700 m from e Burma,
Laos and s Vietnam s to Thailand (exc. peninsular) and Malaya (lowlands
only, incl. Langkawi I.), Sumatra and Java (incl. adj. islands) and Bali.
Picus xanthopygaeus STREAK-THROATED
WOODPECKER. Open woodland, edge, towns, bamboo. Lowlands to
1700 m in n India, Sri Lanka, sw China, w,c,s Burma, sw Thailand, Cambodia,
s Laos and s Vietnam.
Forest edge, oak-pine, juniper woodland, riparian forest, orchards.
Hills and mts., 1000-3700 m, in extreme s Russia, ne Iran, Afghanistan,
Pakistan and n India.
Woodland, especially mixed or coniferous. Hills and mts. 300-2000
m on Honshu, Skikoku and Kyushu.
Deciduous and mixed forest edge, second growth, woodland, towns.
P. v. viridis. Lowlands and mts.
to 2750 m from British Isles and s Scandinavia s through most of Europe
to n Mediterranean region (exc. Pyrenees and Iberian Pen.) and e to w Russia
(Volga R.), Caucasus, Transcaucasus, Turkey and w,n Iran.
P. v. sharpei. Sw Europe in
Iberian Pen. and Pyrenees, incl. extreme sw France. Differs from
typical viridis in head color, juvenal plumage and size; may be a separate
. Mts. (mostly) up to 2100 m in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
Often included in viridis but differs in several characters and
is geographically separate; P. viridis sharpei
is often considered
to be an "intermediate" race.
Forest. In e Laos and n Vietnam.
Picus erythropygius BLACK-HEADED
WOODPECKER. Dry forest, scrub woodland. Lowlands to 825 m in
Burma, sw,nw,ne Thailand, c,s Laos, Cambodia and s Vietnam.
Mixed forest, edge, dry woodland, towns, farmlands, bamboo. Hills
and mts., 1200-3650 m from cont. Europe and s Scandinavia e across c Russia
and s Siberiad to Korea and n Japan, s in e Asia through most of n,c,e,se
China and se Asia to Sumatra, Hainan and Formosa and w along Himalayas
of s Tibet and n India.
Humid forest. Lowlands to 1600 m in Malay Pen., Sumatra and Borneo.
Humid forest. Lowlands to 700 m along s base of Himalayas in n,se
India from Garwhal e to n Assam and w,ne,c,s Burma.
Dinopium javanense COMMON FLAMEBACK.
Open woodland, towns, mangroves, humid forest. Lowlands to 1500 m
from in sw India; from e India and sw China s through se Asia to Sumatra,
Borneo, Java, Bali and w Philippines.
Dinopium benghalense BLACK-RUMPED
FLAMEBACK. Dry woodland, scrub, woodland, towns, gardens. Lowlands
to 1700 m in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and w Burma.
Chrysocolaptes lucidus GREATER FLAMEBACK.
Forest, woodland, mangroves, farmlands. Lowlands and mts. to 2400
m of s Asia and Malay Arch. from India and sw China s through se Asia to
Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Bali and Philippines incl. Palawan.
Chrysocolaptes festivus WHITE-NAPED
WOODPECKER. Open woodland. Lowlands to 1000 m of pen. India.
Bamboo. Lowlands to 1200 m in ne India, s China, w,n,c Burma, nw
Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.
Gecinulus viridis BAMBOO WOODPECKER.
Bamboo. Lowlands to 1200 m in s,e Burma, Thailand, n Laos and Malaya.
Sometimes treated as a race of G. grantia, but they are not known to intergrade.
Sapheopipo noguchii OKINAWA WOODPECKER.
Humid forest, dense undergrowth. Hills above 150 m in s Ryukyu Is.
Blythipicus rubiginosus MAROON WOODPECKER.
Humid forest. Lowlands to 1500 m in Malay Pen.; highlands to 2200
m of Sumatra and Borneo.
Blythipicus pyrrhotis BAY WOODPECKER.
Humid forest. Mts. 1000-2150 m in ne India, se China, Burma, nw Thailand,
Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Malaya.
Reinwardtipicus validus ORANGE-BACKED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, dense undergrowth. Lowlands to 2000
m in Malay Pen., Sumatra, Borneo and Java.
Meiglyptes tristis BUFF-RUMPED WOODPECKER.
Humid forest, edge, second growth. Lowlands to 800 m in Malay Pen.,
Sumatra, Borneo and Java.
Meiglyptes jugularis BLACK-AND-BUFF
WOODPECKER. Humid forest edge, second growth, bamboo. Lowlands
to 1000 m in w,s,e Burma, Thailand and Indochina.
Humid forest, dense undergrowth. Lowlands to 1200 m in Malay Pen.,
Sumatra and Borneo.
Hemicircus concretus GREY-AND-BUFF
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, tall second growth. Lowlands to 1000
m in Malay Pen., Sumatra, Borneo and w,c Java.
Hemicircus canente HEART-SPOTTED
WOODPECKER. Humid forest, second growth, bamboo. Lowlands to
1400 m in sw,c,e India, Burma, Thailand and Indochina.
Mulleripicus fulvus ASHY WOODPECKER.
Humid forest. Lowlands to 2200 m of Sulawesi.
Mulleripicus funebris SOOTY WOODPECKER.
Humid forest, edge. Lowlands to 1000 m of n Philippines.
Mulleripicus pulverulentus GREAT
SLATY WOODPECKER. Open forest, edge. Lowlands to 1000 m of
s Asia and Malay Arch. from n,e India and sw China s through se Asia to
Sumatra, Borneo, w,c Java and w Philippines.