How Venetians are filtering information

A chapter extracted from “The Ghost”, special version for  –Autodifesa / Self Defense -  Matteo and Giovanna.




Veneto Background




 II.             Enemy Covered Facts


Today in Italy, newspapers and media in Italy are supervised by an invisible power like into a dictatorship. Freedom of press is just an illusion:  reporters are not free and they must stay on particular guidelines. It’s difficult for Italians to understand the situation because they have the false appearance that all is clear, this is due to the reason that the action of covering facts is often invisible and  illegal and of course whether news are not published they can’t reach citizens. We are sure the foreigners may realize this better because  they have a external point of view.


In this chapter we talk about aspects we have experienced: crimes concealed  into the Court of Justice, historical aspects  rebuked, press manipulation and Information filtered on internet search engines.


.1                                Crimes concealed into the Court


On mid-September 2005, ten months later the first  report mailed to the Court, and after it became clear that our report have been stolen into the Court, we took the decision to inform press about: on the occasion we sent about one hundred letters to newspapers and TV. We used both mails and electronic mails. At that time we hoped into reporters, in particular we thought that the event was so important that it deserved to be published by itself. By contrast newspapers censored news by themselves and considered not convenient the piece of news. In few, no one reporter has had the courage to put out the piece of news. Journalist refuses in publishing for some reasons:


1.      The fact scares reporters, since it concerns one of the most important Court, therefore reporters worry about their job.

2.      We sent information without any political support: we were neither Communists nor Fascists.

3.      We were not supported by police or by other authority. As we told in “Essential Justice Steps” police forces left us unprotected.

4.      We haven’t money to pay a lawyer or to pay a journalist to manage the case.


So, for the above reasons, the facts concerning crimes happened at Court were not published.

Even if the event was not a properly censor act, in practice it had the same effect. We call the phenomenon an invisible censorship because there isn’t  a particular act or decree about, simply facts are filtered by the Italian’s system leaving no traces about and citizens remain in the dark.



These facts are detailed into Rome and Perugia pages. 


.2                                Historical aspects rebuked


This story is more incredible.

In the Veneto region, still in 2004, we realized that culture was supervised and under control by a clique. These people determined what citizens can know and what they cannot know. The story began in August 2004 when we discovered  some important historical aspects. On the occasion we discovered that a Padua’s village was the birthplace, in Middle-Ages, of important saints and the citizens were in the dark of all this! Just we took the proofs we immediately spread our studies, instead to obtain gratitude we found hostility and some people ordered us to stop researches and any publication about!



The events has evolved in this manner:

1.      In 2004, the Town Hall (village) of saints’ birthplace concealed our discovery to citizens.

2.      Someone spread the rumor that we invented nonexistent facts with subversive political purpose.

3.      The local newspapers didn’t publish anything about our researches.

4.      A man said us “there are some local families who dislike your studies”, so you must stop.

5.      Vittorio Cini’s birthplace municipality wrote us in short that they are the only one who can manage the saints and  they cannot publish researches made by others.

6.      Some foundations strictly related to banks let it be.

7.      Our researches published into internet pages were filtered and pages were eliminated from search engine results for two years.


The “discovery” factor was one the most important in the our story: it determined, in conjunction with other factors, the necessity  to escape from Veneto. At beginning we didn’t understand the importance of discovery, later the discovery will open the way, through Cini and EIR articles, to understand fascism, Gladio and what stay behind.


The mainly reasons why our researches were stopped are:

1.                    Into the territory where saints were born there are some quarries. The discover, and consequently tourist attraction, can interfere with quarries exploitation. The center of these affairs is in Venice. These places were used as strategical telecommunication headquarters for the past plotted coup attempts.

2.                    Ancient places where saints lived in, are now used by important persons as personal and political purpose.

3.                    Some of these saints are wrongly considered to be born into the town where Vittorio Cini was born too. Saints and tourism provide a lot of money to this town.

4.                    The truth is on the hand of few people who can manage it as they want and this concedes them a lot of power (In particular the Nazism in depth is a religion and provide a cult of death. Nazi people are interested to saints. They considered saints as a blood line descendants of  Jesus Christ. It’s difficult to explain here the case, we will do apart, but in few in these places there are a lot of satanic rites and they used this spiritual area for their rites).

5.                    Other things you might understand seeing our videos.



This  argument is developed into the essay, EC*- “The Erinni Case”:  Humanitarian heritage suppressed to public eyesight and exploited exclusively by few:  International Denounce for crimes against common humanitarian heritage, 2011 first edition (crypt), 2013 second edition (clear) See bibliography . Click here to open The Erinni Case in PDF


See also the video into The Unico pages:








.3                                Press manipulation

On March 2005, we have had an car accident. On the occasion the enemy used the event to  make an abusive attack on our good name, and a malicious misrepresentation of our actions. On purpose the enemy made a press manipulation and dictated to local reporter an article using on for the occasion our accident. The objective was to hide the real situation in advance, using the fact to create an article about us spreading the false appearance that we were unreliable people. So any speech a

bout our case it would be truncated in advance and considered by people just an illusion.


On the other hand the enemy when it was not able to hide evidences, it changed strategy beginning in spreading the idea that our crime reports were only a method to cover our subversive ways. The two methods implemented by enemy had have a lot of success, so we lived isolated and no one believed us in the local area.

.4                                Press silence

Since August 2010,  we have been living homeless. Defamation was instilled all around us. In such condition, often, we have been victims of bullies and violence.  Even when, on full winter,  I had fever (38-degree temperature testify by official report) and  we begged press for an article about our condition hoping to find a solution., Reporters (and mayor)  omitted any replies!  I risked to die. It happened the same for Giovanna. As proofs there are our written help request!


.5                                Information filtered on internet search engines

In September 2005 we have tried to make public our story through press, but we haven’t success so we changed strategy. Three months later, in December  we decided to create a  site in internet. The web site was created with the aim to tell our story and report on it some proofs about. We published pages hosted on Italian’s free web space, which  included free search engines registration.

We published  with a different account our studies about the 2004 discovery, too.

Curious to see how our papers come out in the search engines we  tested Google, Altavista and so on. The maintainer declared pages will  be usually available only after ten days, so we waited. It elapsed ten days, two week, one month, two months,….. but no result came out in search engines results.  We began to ask why and how, so we study the case.

Initially we tried to enter several keywords stressing the engine, but it happened that no result  concerning our pages was found. Then we tried to inquire a lot of pages hosted free on the same server. We  found several valid results examining these pages of others. At the beginning of 2006, we began to suspect a filtering. Filtering covered both Self-Defense site and the Historical discovery.  Trying solutions to the case, it happened that we published the main page into Yahoo servers, the main page contained the links to Italian pages. Even if Yahoo doesn’t provide a free registration on search engine —and we doesn’t pay money to do this—, soon after it happened that Italian pages came out into Google’s results.

Probably the web page uploaded into Yahoo’s servers opened the door to the other pages hosted in the Italian server. The main page on Yahoo remained hidden (for the reason explained above).

Immediately we thought  the problem was in Italy.

Later it happened a new strange phenomenon. We observed  for a long period: pages came out, and didn’t come out, alternatively: one day there were, and another day there weren’t. This event happened several times. After we described the situation to a Italian court, suddenly pages disappeared completely from search engine results.

On December 2006, we signaled the phenomenon to a military arm and directly to Google’s headquarters. About two week later, our pages returned and since then filter was no longer activated.


Our studies about Google have seen: when filtering was active, also previous positive results found in the paste disappeared. This seems very strange, because Google maintained  on its  memory cache a lot of pages, and it’s normal that search result contains the links also to erased-old  pages and unavailable servers. By contrast when the filtering wasn’t  active, all previous positive results appear again all together. In the result set, there were normal and old-erased Web pages. These old pages can only come from the search engine's cache!


We experimented that Google’s result was filtered. We called the phenomenon “the invisible filtering”. Invisible because no one authority inform us about, and it was not easy to discover this mechanism. Who or What stay behind? We think the operation was activated by the same people who blocked our reports at Court and later prevented  information became public.



We remind filtering is active also in newspaper, between May 2005 and February 2007 no one newspaper wanted to public news about, and on TV was the same. Only in March 2007, when a policeman sent us to a journalist the local newspaper public something. The piece of news calls TV reporter's attention. Reporter was so busy that he doesn’t read carefully the article. Immediately he invites us to a famous nationwide program TV. When he understand in dept the story it was too late, our interview was already scheduled.  He prohibited  us to talk about prosecutors, the stolen reports and so on and he permitted to talk only about the life in tent and other human aspects. The Proof of this filtering is the TV live interview itself. No one television program or news will talk again about the case.


See also the video into The Unico pages:


















