ROME facts

version  1.40 –Autodifesa / Self Defense





Perugia Facts


VENETIAN Background





The igniter

Since 2000,  it began an incredible persecution that interests totally both our job and our private life. The enemy began to work in secret. The igniter was an action carried out by an industrialist male. In the early period the businessman tried to destroy the company where we were employed, pushing it into unsafe affairs. First he tied company into a dangerous double business relationship,  becoming  both supplier and customer. Later he blocked his supplying freezing the natural and right activity of our company; at the same time he forced our company, in order to cause a bankruptcy, into apparent good affairs with his clients and “friends”. When the businessman’s plot  became clear it was too late, our company had already lost everything , the lack of resources prevented to our company to defense itself. On 2004 the businessman’s action came into light: it was to enter into possession of patents and projects owned by our company and to move technicians into his structure.

As consequence our company was destroyed and we remained unemployed. The businessman did not stop his action: he wanted us into his company! Behind his façade he was arrogant, bad and violent. When we tried to escape from his clutches, he just preferred  turn into a destroying action rather than left us free and he became to persecute us with all possible means: threats, violence, intimidations, also using his money in taking legal actions against us, and using his friendship into Italian authorities. He also began to spread defamation all wide preventing not only we would find another job, but also preventing no one authority would have aided us.

He was the igniter.


The defense

On 2004 we decided  for the first time to report to the Rome Court the case, and we began to write some reports describing not only the businessman’s actions, but also dirty affairs that involved birthplace environment. Since we hadn’t the capability to react against the businessman’s power, in the reason both of our new poor condition and of the enormous difference of power, therefore first reports were submitted with the aim to ask aid, rather than to charge someone with accusations. Our reaction, instead to move justice, caused to happen other serious facts: like petrol into fire. We continued to report new facts, and into following reports there were reported offences recognized by Italian criminal code and the businessman’s actions.



Reports – “Esposti / denunce”

We sent first report —“esposti e denunce” into Italian language— to Rome  Court on November 2004, a second report on December, a third report on February, a fourth and a fifth report on  March. The reports were a mixture of new facts and an upgrading of the previous ones (the receipt of the reports are contained apart into the “R1R7_spr” part/file. [Click here])


[Remark: the Italian law establishes that reports as soon as they come into court offices they are registered. If reports contain crimes, then they are recorded into a particular logbook called “Registro delle notizie di reato”. After, reports are read by a prosecutor: he opens a proceeding and investigates about.]


At Court

On April 2005 we entered into offices at Court in order to know the name of assigned prosecutor, but instead to obtain the name, we discovered that our reports, except the first, didn’t reach the Court! It was just incredible, our reports didn’t reach the Court! The officer specified that each report should be recorded within two weeks, therefore there should have been into database all the reports reached before April. Officer inquired database deeply and  found only the first report of November, and found absolutely no traces about other reports! As soon as we obtained such bad information, we submitted a copy of missing papers directly to the office at Court —the previous one have been sent by registered letter—. The submitted copy was divided in two issues, recorded with two different serial number, as you can see on proof  R1R7_spr [Click here]. 


Two weeks later, on May we sent, by registered letter, another report. On it we provided the list of missing report deducing they were intercepted, stolen or lost. But this time we wrote name and address of a lawyer, instead of our name.

In the meantime, due to the numerous facts and lacking any police protection, we had to protect by ourselves from enemy’s actions: we had to escape from home. It began a period in which we lived in extremely poor condition and during that time we had no possibilities to go at Court again. We remained totally in the dark about what happened later at Court.


Court broke the silence

On November 2005, the Court broke the silence and sent us a fax (see apart the “2005NovemberProsecutorFax_spr” file [Click here]). On the occasion a prosecutor wrote us that the report of May had been reached by the Court, and it didn’t disappear like the previous ones! By fax we learnt he had opened a proceedings charging unknown persons with the crime 616. The prosecutor in his fax confirmed our reports have been stolen or lost,  we believed he would have permitted us to put on his hands directly all the missing reports preventing further losses. In that way, the previous documents, which didn’t reached the court, could have been analyzed as soon as possible. At that time, even if we lived away, we still had home, we believed we would be returned soon at home protected by police forces.


Unfortunately prosecutor’s actions were not on the direction we hoped, in fact he wanted to 

stop any investigation about, and the fax, which he sent us contained just the request submitted to  judge to close the proceeding.


[Into Italian law a prosecutor can’t stop a proceeding by himself,  but through the judge of preliminary investigation (GIP Giudice Indagini Preliminari) ].


The fax  was just notified  to us in order we could make legal opposition. 

The reason explained by prosecutor was that «there were no new elements to continue investigation in order  to find if there was a theft or a loss». In few the prosecutor wanted to close investigations even if the case still remained unsolved and he did nothing in order to enter in possession of previous disappeared papers!


We made opposition sending both a fax directly to his personal fax number, and a registered letter delivering it directly to him. The appeal was not considered valid, because fax or registered letters were no valid means, for Italian law: for a valid opposition you must go to Court personally. In truth we had no other possibilities because we had no money to operate in different manner and no lawyer. We informed prosecutor about our poor condition but he did nothing to resolve the problem. We sent other communications to prosecutor, but he never replied.


Incredible mistakes

On January 2006, it happened  the judge closed the proceeding and we remained completely in the dark about the verdict, until the end of March, when we reached the Court. At that time we discovered that proceeding had already been closed.


The verdict is contained into “2006JanuaryJudgeDecree_spr” file [Click here].


In the verdict we discovered serious errors  and we asked elucidations about. On the occasion, we sent a fax at the end of March 2006: the prosecutor replied a few days after. Our fax and prosecutor’s answer are contained into  “2006AprilProsecutorFax_spr” file [Click here].


The fatal errors contained into verdict were caused by basic wrong data: wrong data on input = wrong data on output. The decree declares that no crime had taken on June 2005, therefore it says that the crime, we reported, was without foundation: in practice there were neither loss nor thefts! 

Our report, which originated the proceeding, was sent on May 2005, and on it was listed crimes committed before May! It was not possible to write into a report of May a crime committed about one month later, on June! This date of June is a terrible and evident mistake.

This only means that decree has been created on wrong basis, or manipulated data since we never wrote such data.


Another important verdict error was that our report of May listed more than one crime and more than one date! Instead the verdict reports only an unique impossible crime date.


Verdict errors became clear controlling other proofs we furnished, in particular: the delivery receipts, which give evidences of our reports sent between December 2004 and May 2005;

the prosecutor’s November fax, into which prosecutor wrote that our previous reports were missing, and  prosecutor’s April fax, which confirm again the disappearing.

Another indirect proof was that no proceeding was open concerning the crimes contained into the missing papers!


The consequences devastating our life, as we tell below.

The following epoch

With the April prosecutor’s fax came into end a period of our life. Into following years we tried  every way possible to set the record straight, but the only thing we found was defamation and persecution!

The disappearing of reports, the several errors, the stopping of investigation, no one meeting fixed by Court in order to debate about our report, our request of interview refused … were many things that moved all into one direction: the missing interest into our case and its consequently  memory lack.

The enemy used the lacking of interest to fulfill its plan: obviously it was convenient to remove any evidences about what had happened, and, as we represented  a living proof,  the removing of us was, of course, the natural part of the plan. To remove us and to make us inoffensive were used all means just until our total destruction. Above all it was  used defamation. A direct consequence was our isolation from anyone who could aid us in any manner.

The violence carried out by the enemy and how it undisputed proliferate into Italian territory was stunning! The phenomena involved authorities like mayors, members of police forces, members of Church… Most of them was moved into the enemy’s plan like stupid cogs. To move them against us enemy used tall stories and defamation, as we explain better apart.

On purpose, enemy told we were bandits, criminals, lazy, good-for-nothing, gypsies, pushers... 

For example, a police superintendent was pushed against us telling him we were people using illegal drugs. To him was told nothing about what has really happened. In another case, preventing an organization aided us, the enemy told we had numerous possession and we were escaped from birthplace because a quarrel.

One time we were described as “entrepreneurs who were escaped with all company money”, another time as “lazy people who moved around Italy with the Church’s money”, another time as “criminals who hides themselves from police forces”, another time as “drugs pushers”…

It was used all means and all stories to block us and to block  any savior’s action.

Prosecutors and police not only left in 2006 the case unsolved, but also they left us without protection. Between 2005 and 2010 we had to move into many different towns in order to protect ourselves, but defamation pursued us everywhere, creating isolation.

Of course, not all police forces were involved and spread defamation, someone aided us, but they didn’t have success in stopping the phenomenon and its origin.


The 2006 January verdict stopped every investigation and the verdict errors stated unfortunately a false truth. The false truth asserted that our reports were not stolen or lost. This thing had a lot of consequences.

Our reports, sent between December 2004 and April 2005, never reached the Court, therefore the contained crimes were not analyzed and not prosecuted!

Since reports contained our defense and it was just impossible to submit reports in whatever way, this had the consequence we had no possibility to defense ourselves!

We remind that national and international law stated that the right of defense is an inviolable right. What’s happened in Italy should embarrass the world community!

In addition, after the 2006 January verdict, it was formally just impossible to us to SUBMIT another copy of such reports JUSTIFYING THEY have been STOLEN, because the verdict declares that theft had not taken place! The way to submit newly the report as new ones was also just impossible because the some crimes expired their time to be denounced within, and because the general condition were changed.

When we discovered on March 2006 that the proceeding was just closed, as ruled we had to appeal within two months against the verdict at the Supreme Court “Corte di Cassazione”, but at that time we were in extremely poor condition. More than a person, convinced through defamation that we were telling tall stories, indirectly blocked us preventing an appeal to Supreme Court. We made known these aspects  also to police forces, but they did nothing about.


The immediately verdict consequence was that a false truth was broadcasted into the machine of justice: no one took actions to repair  the damage.

The false truth stated that no report were disappeared and for police forces, for local authorities, for mayors, for journalists… we were only two person who were telling to world  an incredible quantity of tall stories.

Briefly  we remained unprotected.


Justice left on our own shoulder an enormous burden with all consequences. Later, most of those who had to investigate not only preferred to ignore the case as if nothing had happened, but also some culprits had the time to conceal their participation into the crime and evidences about. They also operated in the way of destroying our reputation, charging us with false crimes.

We remained exposed to enemy attacks, we had  to defense by ourselves moving often from a town to another. On such condition it was just impossible to find a normal work, often we made lowest and/or seasonal works or black/moonlight work. This aspect joint with the economic crisis made the situation became persistent. On such conditions, to survive, often we had to ask aid to social services and to organizations which take care of needy. Unfortunately defamation entered also in such organizations and we had no longer aid from such sources.

Social services and other organizations didn’t take the courage or the sense of duty to assist us. Or it also happened that authorities like municipality’s social services considered us like a whatever person into indigent situation: they used normal procedures to collect data that exposed us and our life to the enemy persecution. It went worse than before: visible, localized, and unaided.

Many times authorities, social services and other organizations took care of us in wrong mode, opening the way to our persecutors. In turn, they denigrate and mistreated  us too becoming accomplices.

Defamation and Isolation


As we told above, in origin defamation and gossip were the methods used by the potent businessman to destroy the company reputation, in achieving his goal to seize illegally company’s patents and products. He defamed  us in the direction to block our hiring into other firms, so company’s products and technicians who had projected them will have been at his complete disposal. The defamation about our persons was done with every means: it was spread into our municipality, among neighbors, into local police forces.

Once the engine of the defamation machine started, the phenomenon grew up by itself involving all what it encountered on its way. Defamation machine seemed a tornado with all its devastation power.

In an earlier period the persecution was carried out by businessman’s circle. The only thing to do and to survive was to leave homeland, and almost for an initial period things began really to run good away, but every time defamation reached the new place, the only solution was to move again in a new area.

In this “post” period the defamation began to move by itself, without an igniter’s direct action, due to some aspects: above all bureaucracy and January verdict errors. The movement  between one town to another prevented we got a new independent life, therefore our condition needed more than one time social services assistance.

Unfortunately  social services asking information about us to homeland: they also conveyed  into new land defamation too!  Plus the contacts with homeland made known to enemy our localization with all consequences, and invariably persecution started again.


For two years between 2006 and 2008 we obtained assistance only from social services provided by Roman Catholic Church, a very powerful network into Italy! But it happened that defamation entered also into Church’s organizations.

The exponentially increment of defamation was due to the role played by police forces. Police forces were strictly in symbiosis with every social services, with mayors, with Church’s organizations and all other authorities… Normally police forces establish order and security, but in our case they implanted defamation everywhere and it was just more than a persecution!

Whenever one goes in order to ask aid, those who manages services, above all, and mainly before any intervention, investigate about the demander. Investigation collects data from other  social services network connected, from municipalities where one has lived before, and in particular data are collected from police forces. Normally the data are collected for public security but it happened that police forces  became a natural  watercourse of defamations and a channel through which it was broadcasted the false truth stated by the January verdict errors. 

Those members of police forces, who were involved into the interception of our report at Court, had all the reason to destroy us and every evidence. They became our first enemy and the first persons who operated against us,  in order to destroy our public image and preventing any attempt to get a new life. They concealed the truth and they deliberately put defamation into the machine of justice and tampered with our documents.

The enemy’s  plan to create into police forces the sensation that our assertions were an attack to police had success! Police made war against us instead against the true culprits! Defamation covered the true culprits. A parallel situation occurred into structures for poor people.



The isolation was a consequence of a defamation, indeed  a lot of false stories was narrated deliberately to isolate us from anyone rescuer. Some defamation described us as war-mongers. This created the false appearance that our protests  were only an attack with the natural consequences.  This happened various time whether into police forces whether into structures for poor people. 

The defamation put into machine of justice prevented us to meet prosecutor, for example, and into social services prevented to us to have some services.


More than one time we would like support from citizens, from press and from media. Those who should have to inform citizen about , did nothing. If we tried to do that by ourselves, nobody believed us!

Explaining the proofs

The seriousness of our situation is determined by what happened at Court between December 2004 and April 2006, as we already described into the narration of the facts. Then the phenomenon grew up, but the origins must be found into the verdict errors. Only a serious investigation that reanalyzed what really happened could be set the record straight. And a serious investigation should analyze what was written into the missing reports.

The external documents listed below includes instant proofs which testifies what happened . We picked the easiest and immediate evidences.

A)The “R1R7_spr” file contains the receipts of registered letters sent to Court. It provides evidences about the delivery of our reports.

B)The “2005NovemberProsecutorFax_spr” file  contains the prosecutor’s fax sent to us on November 2005,  it provide evidences about the disappearing of our reports.

C)The “2006JanuaryJudgeDecree_spr” file  contains the 2006 January judge’s verdict, it provides evidences about the mistakes made during verdict.

D)The “2006AprilProsecutorFax_spr” file contains the prosecutor’s fax sent to us on April 2006, it provide another proof about the disappearing of our reports.

The four-proofs should be analyzed joined. Into files we report further elements and considerations about. On this document we want to emphasized that into machine of justice were committed errors and that the entire situation was underestimated.

On May 2005, the total number of submitted reports was 9, the missing reports amounted to 7.  Seven times out of nine is a good average, and by itself the mean established that it happened just a theft instead a simple loss! If we count the pages then the calculated mean is more high, giving that the first issue was thin and the last was an upgrade of about 10 pages!

It must be clear we are  forced to report these official documents, both for self-defense  and for common good. We  took care to remove from document insignificant parts like names as well as personal phone numbers: the aim is to prove the general situation in order to ask help and  not to set ourselves up as judges.






More facts…

