Telling year's good, bad The News-Press The Christmas letter can elicit bursts of laughter or painful groans.
Cats: Cat Peeing In Bed! Hi there. Any time a cat pees in an area outside the litter box, for any reason, other cats are inclined to pee in the same spot. So, your theory would make Yahoo! Message Boards - Behavior - cat pees on my clothes!! Re: cat pees on my clothes!! Two of my females peeeed on top of me in bed and a third peed on fabrics (clothes, sheets, blankets) when they were in . Yahoo! Answers - My cat is peeing in my bed too. I am just short 18 answers - Yahoo! Answers - My cat is peeing in my bed too. I am just short of kicking her out of the house for good.? - Herding Cats at Home - April 2005 One of my spayed female cats periodically pees on the bed. The room where I feed the cats has (A cat peeing on my head would certainly get MY attention. He Peed WHERE? - Cats Urinating outside the Litterbox When Bubba started peeing on the floor a few years ago, we attributed it to jealousy of another cat, and disregarded it. A few days later my husband came How to Relitter Train Your Cat - WikiHow If your cat pees away from the litter box, but squats and does not seem to be spraying Does your cat limp, need help jumping up to a chair or bed, Pet Talk - My cat pee's on my boyfriends clothes!!?! My male siamese cat who is 4 years old pees on my boyfriends clothes when we are in bed together, what do i do to stop this? any advice would be cat pees on his bed From:, Tracie ( Subject:, cat pees on his bed. Date:, May 5, 2006 at 3:02 pm PST Re: cat pees on his bed In Reply to: cat pees on his bed posted by Tracie on May 5, 2006 at 3:02 pm:. There are products on the market that can remove the smell of most cat urin if Cat pee is killing me! :-( | Ask MetaFilter Catfilter: Questions about prescription food and cat pee problems. setting myself up for ruined wood/fake wood or for him to start using the couch/bed?
bed+cat+pees: bed+cat+pees