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Kilbuck Developer's Report To DEP Due WTAE ThePittsburghChannel.com via Yahoo! News
The Kilbuck Township Wal-Mart developer's report to the Department of Enviromental Protection is due today.
Massive Shanghai flight delays due to military exercises: staff AFP via Yahoo! News
Shanghai's two major airports, Hongqiao and Pudong, were experiencing massive flight delays and cancellations, with staff at one airport saying the hold-ups were due to military exercises.
Flood of bills due to be paid News-Herald
Area communities were hit hard by the catastrophic flood of July 28. Now the bill is coming due for the federal government. With about 70 percent of the Federal Emergency Management Agency total known for public works items in Lake County, the amount comes to $6,733,511.11.
2 JAL flights return to Narita due to Chinese military exercise Japan Today
NARITA — A Japan Airlines passenger flight and a JAL cargo plane bound for Shanghai returned to Narita international airport after departing there Friday due to airspace restrictions prompted by a Chinese military exercise, JAL and the port ministry said.
Scharffs second NFL season over due to injury Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune
Scott Scharff, a 2000 Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln graduate and defensive end for the New Orleans Saints, had his second NFL season come to an end during practice this week due to an ACL injury. Scharff, who is on the Saints practice squad, was to be activated for Sundays game against his old team, the San Francisco 49ers. Check Saturdays sports section for more detail on this story.
Airport travel affected in New Orleans due to bad weather elsewhere WWL-TV New Orleans
Storms and adverse weather in the mid-west and northeast affected air travel in the Crescent City, as officials at Armstrong International said Friday they experienced a heavy travel day due to flight delays and cancellations.
Around 4,500 homes without power due to wind WSLS Newschannel 10 Roanoke
About 4,500 homes are without power due primarily to wind, according to Appalachian Power. That 4,500 breaks down like this: 2,100 in the Woodlawn community along the Grayson and Carroll County border and 2,500 in the Roanoke area.
"Frosty's Big Night Out" in Killingly moved inside due to weather Norwich Bulletin
Due to weather, all activities for "Frosty's Big Night Out" tonight will take place at the Killingly Community Center, including the parade. Festivities begin at 5:45 p.m.
Kilbuck Developer's Report To DEP Due Action News 4 Pittsburgh
The Kilbuck Township Wal-Mart developer's report to the Department of Enviromental Protection was due Friday.
Schools Closing Due to Power Outages WISH-TV Indianapolis
Posted 10:18 am -- Indianapolis -- Stoneybrook Middle School in Warren Township is closing due to a power outage.

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