Spam Solution? Say, hypothetically, that I really needed to send out a spam email with the words “valium, viagra, cialis and xanax” in it. The problem is, I couldn’t actually put those words in it since it would probably get flagged by spam filters. Statistics: Spam, Spam, Spam and Some Image Spam Twenty-five percent of this spam was image-based, compared to 4.8% the year before. The average message size also increased from 8.9KB to 13KB. Global spam contributed to more than 819TB of bandwidth per day during 2006. What Is Image Spam? An increasing volume of spam is what is referred to as "image spam." This works by enclosing a GIF or other image file within a message. This is held as a separate "inline" body part using a mechanism known as "multipart/related. Breaking news of medicine Breaking news of medicine – the doctors are finally ready to name the drug that REALLY helps to cure erectile dysfunction! This problem is the root of numerous complexes that make millions of men all around the world suffer really badly 200 Spammers Create 80 Percent Of Spam Spamhaus believes he works with a Russian spam gang called Pavka/Artofit, which utilizes But Spamhaus said Peters runs a fake Russian ISP for spam operations, The Russian government could make a big impact on global spam if they Spam volume on the rise globally! Our anti-spam solution provider, Postini (, released a recent sobering report on the recent spike in spam activity … for reference Postini is used by 35000 businesses protecting 9.1 Million email accounts! US Slithers Atop Spam Producing Heap The United States again took the dubious honor of being the worst spam relaying country in the world, with over 300 versions of the Stratio worm emerging in the third quarter helping things along. Spam Emailer $11bn Judgment Awarded A court in Iowa in the US has awarded an 11.2 billion dollar judgment against a Florida man for sending unsolicited emails Koreans and SPAM :: Thank the University of Minnesota Ever wonder why Koreans (and other Asians) love SPAM? Well, blame it on the Minnesotans. First, SPAM was created and marketed by a Minnesota company (Hormel) based in Austin, MN (click here). Second, a UMN professor of physiology Spam, spam, spam, spam you’ve got mail A “spam tsunami” is deluging computers worldwide with nine out of 10 e-mails now comprising junk advertising. While the government and computer firms have pledged to crack In the past five months the amount of spam has almost trebled
Pagina Antispam in italiano Tutorial to fight spam (in italian) Piccola guida all'autodifesa dagli abusi di e-mail. Come comportarsi quando si riceve spam. Le necessarie nozioni tecniche per difendersi e rintracciare il Che cosa è lo spam e perché è male Cos'è lo spam, perché è male. Concetto del furto di sero. spam Articoli di Giancarlo Livraghi su cosa fare e cosa non fare in Rete. Guida allo spam (spam fighting) Vademe per difendersi dallo spam. Come ricorrere al Garante della privacy ed ottenere un risarcimento dei danni: lo studio di un caso concreto. Fight Spam on the Internet! Includes information regarding laws, filtering, spam prevention, and responsible marketing, as well as information and advice about how to complain about