Place and date of birth: Rome (Italy), September 24th,
Nationality: italian
Sex: M
I work as a (freelance)
technical-scientific Consultant for the assessment of
risks due to Physical Agents.
In the past few years I started a new activity as
an expert technician in
the evaluation of physical agents (acoustics,
vibrations, electromagnetic fields -EMF-, microclimate,
optical radiation), especially to perform measurements and
provide certifications for privates and firms according
- Italian Dlgs. 447/1995 on noise pollution, for Acoustic
Impact and Acoustic Climate Studies, also in the
framework of Environmental
Impact Assessments (VIA).
- Environmental
Incidence Assessments (VINCA).
- Italian Unified Law on Work Safety (81/2008, ex
626/1994) in the specific fields of: noise exposure in
working environments (ex 195/2006, ex
277/91, i.e. EU law 2003/10/CE), workers' exposure
to whole-body and
hand-arm vibrations (187/2005 i.e.
EU law 2002/44/CE), risks connected to EMF, microclimate, optical
By education I am a physicist, specialized in Acoustics, High Energy Astrophysics
and Gravitation.
My activity in the field of Astrophysics deals in
particular with X-ray
spectral analysis of compact binaries and active galactic
nuclei (AGN) and - as a more theoretical approach -
with the problem of radiation
transfer in the spacetime of spinning black holes
(Kerr metric). Together with my collaborators, I performed
fully-relativistic computations and developed new software
packages for fitting real data from accreting objects such as
AGN and galactic black hole candidates (iron line profiles,
Compton reflection).
In recent years I mainly performed researchs on historical observations of
supernovae and their identifications, history of Astronomy,
and cultural Astronomy.
I have been also involved in projects related to:
- unification models for
Seyfert galaxies: especially about the dychotomy
between Sy2s with and without a "hidden" broad line region
(BLR), and on the very nature of the BLR;
- the XMM-Newton catalogue
and galactic plane survey, in the framework of the
XMM-Newton Survey Science Center activities;
- properties of young
pulsars, millisecond pulsars, and "dipping" sources.
Since January 17, 2019, I am enrolled in
the Interprovincial Order of Chemists and Physicists of
Emilia-Romagna – sector Physics section A
progressive number A 1932 – and since December 14, 2010, I
am listed in the National (Italian) register of Professionals
in Physics–sec.A/c,
to be renewed 31/12/2019: Master Professional in Physics
with accreditation n.63 –; I am a member
of ANFeA
(National Association of Physics and Applications, of whom I
am currently a delegate at the Inter-regional working group
for Emilia-Romagna and Toscana).
the following information is listed in
reverse chronological order
Free research agreement at IAPS (ex IASF) - INAF in
Rome, to develope a plan entitled: "Research activity on
historical SNe, studies of high-mass X-ray binaries and of very
high mass stars as GRB progenitors", lasting for three years
starting 1/3/2007, reenforced for another three years on
From March 2001 until September 2002 I held a research grant
at the Terza
Università degli Studi di Roma, Dipartimento di Fisica,
where, in the context of the local High Energy Astrophysics
group, I took part in a research program entitled:
"Obscuration and reprocessing in the cosmic history of Active
Galactic Nuclei" (CoFin prot. MM02A77211/2000).
From January to December 2013 I have been employed at eAmbiente srl in Marghera,
Venice, where I carried on in the field of Physical Agents. The
working project consisted of coordinating the Physical Agents
sector - that is developing and managing orders related to
Noise, Vibrations, EMF, Optical radiations, Lighting techniques
and pollution, Microclimate - with the creation of a dedicated
brand: eWave. A special focus was given to Environmental
Acoustics, through performing advanced acoustic impact analyses
with the use of the previsional software CadnaA.
In this context I worked on environmental impact assessments
for big, strategic projects developed for the Venice Laguna
(Venice Newport etc.) and acoustic impact assessments for
large plants like those of CoproB (Italia Zuccheri). I was
also involved in the elaboration of Noise Zoning Plans for
municipalities of Nord-eastern Italy.
From August 2007 - after a one-year long collaboration - until
January 2013 I have been permanently employed by Remark srl in Modena,
where I worked within the Physical Agents section (noise,
vibrations and EMF in working environments, environmental and
building acoustics). In this context I worked at Technical
Reports on noise and vibration risks, environmental noise impact
and environmental noise pollution; I performed measurements and
taught to workers and safety managers on the various subjects
related to physical agents.
A full description of the tasks
performed for Remark (in italian):
1) Valutazioni della esposizione e dei rischi da agenti fisici
in ambiente di lavoro - in sinergia con il settore Sicurezza -
in base al Titolo VIII del Testo Unico (D.Lgs. n.81/2008), e
precisamente per:
1.1) RUMORE ("fonometrie" ex 277/91, ex 195/2006 o Titolo
II-bis del Dlgs. 626/1994) compreso calcolo attenuazioni DPI-u e
valutazione dei rischi concomitanti, in collaborazione con i
Medici Competenti;
1.2) VIBRAZIONI (ex Dlgs. 187/2005): esposizione dei lavoratori
alle vibrazioni sul corpo intero ed al sistema mano-braccio;
1.3) MICROCLIMA (secondo Linee Guida ISPESL / Regioni);
1.4) CAMPI ELETTROMAGNETICI (ex D.Lgs. 257/2007): misure e
stesura del rapporto tecnico;
2) Acustica industriale e degli insediamenti produttivi:
2.1) Valutazioni di Impatto Acustico - effettuate da Tecnici
Competenti in Acustica Ambientale, in sinergia con il settore
Ambiente, secondo il Dlgs. 447/1995 sull'inquinamento da rumore
e normative collegate;
2.2) Determinazione della potenza sonora di macchinari e
verifica dei requisiti richiesti dalla Direttiva Macchine.
3) Acustica edilizia ed abitativa:
3.1) Valutazioni di Clima acustico - effettuate da Tecnici
Competenti in Acustica Ambientale secondo il Dlgs. 447/1995
sull'inquinamento da rumore e normative collegate;
3.2) Determinazione o progettazione dei requisiti acustici
passivi degli edifici, secondo D.P.C.M. 5/12/1997: potere
fonoisolante di partizioni e di facciate, rumore da calpestio;
3.3) Collaudo in opera per determinazione dei requisiti acustici
passivi degli edifici e del rumore degli impianti, secondo
D.P.C.M. 5/12/1997 e norme UNI collegate, tramite apposita
3.4) Misura del tempo di riverberazione delle sale.
4) Valutazioni della esposizione a Campi
elettromagnetici ambientali, in sinergia con il settore
Ambiente, secondo Legge Quadro 36/2001 e D.P.C.M. derivati
Academic and various qualifications
Achievement of "24 CFU" (D.M. 616/2017) to get
teaching qualification (PRE-FIT): the "PF24" training was
successfully completed at the University of Parma in the
academic year 2018-2019 by attending the following courses: Philosophical
Anthropology, Special Pedagogy, Social Psychology, Didactic
Methods and Technologies and taking the due tests
RSPP (Prevention–Protection Service -HS- Manager), "A"
module – course by Reform srl, Modena June-July 2015
IN ASTROPHYSICS obtained at the International School for
Advanced Studies (SISSA-ISAS), Triest (Italy), on October
19th, 2000.
PHYSICS obtained with full marks (110/110) at the
University ``La Sapienza", Rome, on May 31th, 1996.
obtained with full marks (60/60) at the Liceo Scientifico ``C.
Cavour", Rome (15/7/1988).
University career
general-astrophysical orientation, including among others the
following courses (with exams): Astrophysics (Prof.
Melchiorri; for the examination, an article has been written,
dealing with the Cosmic
Background Radiation in a Stationary Universe - in
italian), Relativistic Theories (Prof. Scheck, Univ. Mainz -
FRG), Differential Geometry (Dr. Goldhorn, Univ. Mainz - FRG),
Experiments in Electronics, Experiments in Astrophysics (Dr.
De Bernardis), Particle Physics (Prof. Diambrini Palazzi),
Solid State Physics (Prof. Evangelisti).
ERASMUS: ten months at the University ``J. Gutenberg" of
Mainz (FRG), from October 1991 to July 1992 (see Study and Research Sessions ...).
A period of studies in Zurich (CH), from October 1993 to
March 1994, under the supervision of Prof. N. Straumann at the
University of Zurich-Irchel (see Study
and Research Sessions ...).
TITLE: Geodetics in Kerr Metric. Application to
Accretion Discs around Spinning Black Holes.
FIELD: High Energy Astrophysics; theoretical-interpretative work
with applications of General Relativity.
SUPERVISORS: Prof. E. Massaro (Istituto Astronomico,
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"); Dr. G. Matt (Terza
Università degli Studi di Roma, Dipartimento di Fisica).
ABSTRACT: The calculation of geodesics in the vicinity of spinning
Black Holes, i.e. in Kerr metric, allows to interpret some
features detected in the X-ray spectra of many Active Galactic
Nuclei (AGN) and galactic Black Holes Candidates (BHC), like the
typical relativistic profile of the iron Kalpha. The model
is well suited to the analysis of recent ASCA observations (e.g.
of MCG-6-30-15). It is shown that our assumptions (Kerr Black
Hole, disc illumination from a central source) may yield quite a
natural explanation of the measured Kalpha line equivalent
Bosch-Ramon, V., Motch, C.,
Ribó, M., Lopes de Oliveira, R., Janot-Pacheco, E.,
Negueruela, I., Paredes, J. M., Martocchia, A. (2007): Exploring the connection between
the stellar wind and the non-thermal emission in LS 5039,
473 /2, 545-550
Piconcelli, E.,
Sanchez-Portal, M., Guainazzi, M., Martocchia, A., Motch, C.,
Schroeder, A.C., Bianchi, S., Jiménez-Bailon, E., Matt,
G. (2006): 4U
1344-60: a bright intermediate Seyfert galaxy at z=0.012 with
a relativistic Fe Kalpha emission line, A&A,
453 /3, 839-846
Martocchia, A., Matt, G.,
Belloni, T., Feroci, M., Karas, V., Ponti, G. (2006):
The XMM-Newton view of GRS
1915+105 during a "plateau", in: Proc. of the Albert Einstein Century
International Conference, held in Paris, France, July 18-22,
2005, AIP
Conference Proceedings 861, 682-686[2006c]
Martocchia, A., Matt, G.,
Belloni, T., Feroci, M., Karas, V., Ponti, G. (2006): The XMM-Newton View of GRS
1915+105, A&A,
448, 677[2006a]
Falanga M., Bonnet-Bidaud
J.M., Poutanen J., Farinelli R., Martocchia A., Goldoni P., Qu
J.L., Kuiper L., Goldwurm A. (2005): INTEGRAL
spectroscopy of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1807-294
in the outburst, A&A,
436, 647
Martocchia A., Belloni T.,
Feroci M., Karas V., Matt G. (2006): Understanding
the relativistic accretion disk of GRS 1915+105, in: Proc. 35th
COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris (France), 18-25/7/2004. JASR, 38 /7, 1359-1364
A., Motch C., Negueruela I. (2005): The Low
X-ray State of LS 5039 / RX J1826.2-1450, A&A,
430, 245
Matt G., Bianchi S., D'Ammando
F., Martocchia A. (2004): The complex X-ray spectrum
of NGC 4507, A&A, 421,
Nicastro F., Martocchia
A., Matt G. (2004): The Intimate Link Between
Accretion and BELR, in: Proc. of the conferenceAGN
Physics with the SDSS, July 27-30 2003, Princeton
(NJ, USA). Edited by Gordon T. Richards and Patrick B. Hall, ASP
Conference Series 311,
Martocchia A., Matt G. (2003): The Lack of BLR in
Low Accretion rate AGN as Evidence of their Origin in the
Accretion Disk, ApJL, 589, 13
Martocchia A., Matt
G., Karas V. (2002): A Fitting Tool for Relativistic
Distortions in Kerr BH Spectra, Proc. IX Marcel
Grossmann Meeting (Rome 2000), edited by V.G. Gurzadyan, R.T.
Jantzen and R. Ruffini, World Scient. Pub. Co., Singapore [2002b]
Martocchia A., Matt G.,
Karas V., Belloni T., Feroci M. (2002): Evidence for
a relativistic iron line in GRS 1915+105, A&A 387,
215 [2002a]
Martocchia A., Matt
G., Karas V. (2002): On the origin of the broad,
relativistic iron line of MCG-6-30-15 observed by XMM-Newton,
A&A 383/3, L23 [2002a]
Matt G., Karas V. (2001): Spectral Features from
X-Ray Illuminated Accretion Discs as Diagnostics of the
Black Hole Angular Momentum, Proc. "X-Ray Astronomy
'999" Meeting, held in Bologna, edited by N.E. White et
al., AIP Conference Proceedings 599, 746
Martocchia A., Subr L. (2001): Variable line
profiles due to non-axisymmetric patterns in an accretion
disc around a rotating black hole, PASJ 53/2,
Martocchia A., Karas V.,
Matt G. (2000): Effects of Kerr Spacetime on
Spectral Features from X-Ray Illuminated Accretion Discs,
MNRAS 312, 817 [2000a]
Martocchia A., Matt G.
(1996): Iron Ka line intensity from accretion discs
around rotating Black Holes, MNRAS 282, L53
Conferences and Symposia on Astrophysics and History of Astronomy
(including full reference to all un-refereed contributions
to conference proceedings, which have not been listed above;
contributions which were brought to the conference by AM's
collaborators are marked by a *)
SEAC 2012 Conference, Ancient Cosmologies and Modern Prophets,
Ljubljana (Slovenia), September 24-29, 2012. Talk and Proc.:Martocchia, A., Marchionni, S.(2013):
Djordje Nikolić' "Yugoslavs in
Astronomy", in:
Proc. of the 20th annual meeting of the European Society for
Astronomy in Culture
(S.E.A.C.) Ancient Cosmologies and Modern Prophets, Ljubljana (Slovenia),
September 24-29, 2012. I. Šprajc and P. Pehani Eds., Anthropological
Notebooks (Suppl. XIX), Slovene Anthropological Society,
Ljubljana: EBSCO Pub., 265-274
XI Annual Symposium of the
Italian Society for Archeoastronomy (S.I.A.) Il Dentro e
il Fuori del Cosmo. Punti di vista per interpretare il mondo, Bologna-Marzabotto 28-30 October, 2011. Talk and Proc.: Martocchia A.,
Polcaro, V.F. (2013):Da
Ipazia a Galileo: una storia sociale dell'astronomia dalla
fine dell'Impero Romano alla rivoluzione copernicana, in: Proc. of the XI Annual Symposium of the Italian
Society for Archeoastronomy (S.I.A.) Il Dentro e il Fuori
del Cosmo. Punti di vista per interpretare il mondo, Bologna-Marzabotto 28-30 October, 2011. Bononia University Press,
Bologna: M. Incerti (a cura di), Atti del XI Convegno,
Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia, 133-141
* SEAC 2010
Conference, Astronomy and Power - How
Worlds are Structured, Gilching near Munich
(Germany), 30 August - 1 September, 2010. Poster and Proc.:Martocchia, A., Polcaro, V.F. (2015): A
social history of Medieval Astronomy, in: Proc.
of the 2010 meeting of the European Society for Astronomy in
Culture (S.E.A.C.) Astronomy and Power: How Worlds are
Structured, Gilching near Munich (Germany), 30 August -
1 September, 2010. M.A. Rappenglück, B. Rappenglück, N.
Campion and Fabio Silva Eds., Oxford: British Archaeology
VIII Annual Symposium of the Italian Society for
Archeoastronomy (S.I.A.) Mensura Caeli, Ferrara (Italy),
17-18 October, 2008. Poster and Proc.:
Martocchia A., Polcaro, V.F.
(2010):Chi l'ha
vista? CasA, un resto di supernova inspiegato, in:
Proc. of the VIII Annual Symposium of the Italian Society for
Archeoastronomy (S.I.A.) Mensura
Caeli, Ferrara 17-18 October, 2008. UnifePress,
Ferrara: Manuela Incerti (a cura di), Mensura Caeli. Territorio, città, architetture,
strumenti, 384-388.
Fifth Italian Meeting on Compact Objects Astrophysics (CNOC V), San Vito
Lo Capo (Italy), 11-14 September, 2007. Talk: SN 185 and its Proposed Remnants (with V.F.
* SEAC 2007 Conference, Astronomy and Cosmology in
Folk Traditions and Cultural Heritage, Klaipeda
(Lithuania), 22 -31 July, 2007. Talk e Proc.:Polcaro, V.F., Martocchia, A. (2009): Were the 185 a.d. and 369
a.d. “guest stars” seen in Rome?, Archaeologia Baltica, Special
issue Vol. 10, Institute of Baltic Sea region history and
archaeology, Klaipėda University Press, 10, 94-98; and Talk e Proc.: Ghignoli,
A., Martocchia, A., Polcaro, F. (2008): Eleventh Century Supernovae: another way to read the
Medieval sources?, Archaeologia Baltica, Institute of Baltic Sea
region history and archaeology, Klaipėda University Press, 10, 110-113
* The Multicolored
Landscape of Compact Objects and Their Explosive Origins,
Cefalù, Sicily (Italy), 11-18 and 19-24 June 2006. Talk and Proc.: Jiménez-Bailón, E., Piconcelli,
E., Sánchez-Portal, M., Matt, G., Guainazzi, M., Martocchia,
A., Motch, M., Schroder, A., Bianchi, S. (2007): XMM-Newton view of the
relativistic Fe Kα feature in the intermediate Seyfert
galaxy 4U 1344-60, AIP Conf.
Proc., 924, 789-794
* 2006 XMM-Newton Workshop, Variable and Broad Iron Lines
around Black Holes, held at ESAC, Madrid
(Spain), June 2006. Talk
and Proc.: Jiménez-Bailón,
E., Sanchez-Portal, M., Guainazzi, M., Martocchia, M.,
Motch, M., Schroeder, A., Bianchi, S., Matt, G. (2007):
Relativistic Fe Kalpha
features in the XMM-Newton spectrum of the intermediate
Seyfert galaxy 4U 1344-60. Astron.
327/10, pp.1059-1062
* XXVI (Italian) National Congress of History of Physics and
Astronomy (SISFA
2006), Rome, 15-17 June, 2006. Talk e Proc.:
Polcaro, V.F., Martocchia, A.
(2009): Le
Supernovae nei documenti medioevali, in: Proc. of the
XXVI (Italian) National Congress of History of Physics and
Astronomy (SISFA
2006), Da Archimede a
Majorana: la Fisica nel suo divenire, Rome,
15-17 June, 2006. Guaraldi, Rimini, Quaderni del CE.R.CO. 4, 13-21
Fourth Italian Meeting on Compact Objects Astrophysics (CNOC IV), Padova,
Italy, Nov. 23-25, 2005. Talk:Martocchia, A., Matt, G., Belloni,
T., Feroci, M., Karas, V., Ponti, G. (2005) The XMM-Newton
View of GRS1915+105
and Talk:Polcaro V.F., Martocchia A. (2005):Are 3C
58 and PSR J0205+6449 actually the remnant of SN 1181? [2005b]
* Workshop held at the Silesian University, Opava (Czech
Republic), September 2005. Proc.: Dovciak M., Karas V., Matt G., Martocchia A. (2006):
Polarization of radiation
from AGN accretion discs - the lamp post model, in: Proc. of RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black
holes and neutron stars, Opava, 16-18/18-20
September, 2004/2005. S. Hledik and Z. Stuchlik eds., Silesian University in Opava,
Czech Republic, 2005, pp.
* International Symposium, The X-ray Universe 2005, El Escorial,
Madrid (Spain), 26-30 September 2005. Poster and Proc.: Martocchia, A., Matt, G.,
Belloni, T., Feroci, M., Karas, V., Ponti, G. (2006):
The XMM-Newton view of GRS
1915+105 during a plateau, ESA
Eds: A. Wilson, p.277[2006b]
* Workshop on Processes
in the vicinity of black holes and neutron stars,
Silesian University, Opava (Czech Republic), October 2003. Proc.:
Dovciak M., Karas V.,
Martocchia A., Matt G., Yaqoob T. (2004): An XSPEC model to explore spectral features from
black-hole sources. Eds. S. Hledík & Z.
Stuchlík, Silesian University in Opava, pp.33-73
* 5th INTEGRAL Workshop, The INTEGRAL Universe, Munich 16-20 February
2004. Proc.:Falanga M., Bonnet-Bidaud J.M.,
Martocchia A., Goldoni P., Kuiper L., Qu J.L., Goldwurm A.
(2004): Integral/XMM-Newton
observation of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE
J1807-294 in outburst, ESA SP-552. Eds: V.
Schönfelder, G. Lichti & C. Winkler, p.289
XV XMM-SSC Consortium Meeting, ESA, Paris, France,
September 8-10, 2003
Second BeppoSAX Symposium The Restless High-Energy
Universe, Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, May 5-8,
2003. Poster and
Proc.: Martocchia A., Matt G., Karas V., Belloni T.,
Feroci M. (2004): Iron Line Diagnostics for the GRS
1915+105 Black Hole, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 132, 404
XIV XMM-SSC Consortium Meeting, Osservatorio
Astronomico di Brera, Milano, Italy, January 13-15, 2003
XXI Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Texas in
Tuscany, Florence, Italy, December 9-13, 2002. Poster: Iron
Line Diagnostics for the GRS 1915+105 Black Hole
Fifth Italian AGN Meeting, Inflows, Outflows and
Reprocessing around black holes, Como, Italy,
11-14/6/2002. Poster and Proc.: Martocchia
A., Matt G. (2002): On the Nature of Hidden Broad Line
Regions in Seyfert 2 Galaxies (online
Fourth Microquasar Workshop, Microquasars and their
relation to other relativistic jet sources in universe,
Cargese, Corsica, 27/5-1/6/2002. Talk and Proc.: Martocchia
A., Matt G., Karas V., Belloni T., Feroci M. (2002): Evidence
of a Relativistic Fe Line in the BeppoSAX Spectrum of GRS
1915+105. Eds. Ph Durouchoux, Y. Fuchs and J. Rodriguez,
published by the Center for Space Physics: Kolkata (India), p.
75 [2002b]
* Workshop on X-ray spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei
with Chandra and XMM-Newton, Garching, Germany, Dec. 3-6,
2001. Poster:
On the origin of the broad, relativistic iron line of
MCG--6-30-15 observed by XMM-Newton (with G. Matt)
Second Italian Meeting on Compact Objects Astrophysics
(CNOC), Bologna, Italy, Sep. 19-21, 2001. Poster: The
relativistic iron line of GRS 1915+105
* Symposium on X-Ray Emission from Accretion onto Black
Holes, Baltimore, USA, 20-23 June 2001. Poster
and Proc.: Karas V., Martocchia A., Matt G.,
Feroci M. (2001): The Iron Line Diagnostics for GRS
1915+105, online
19th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and
Cosmology, Texas in Paris, Paris, France,
14-18/12/1998. Poster
and Proc.: Martocchia A., Karas V., Matt G. (2000):
Effects of strong gravity on the X-ray spectra of AGNs,
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 80, CD edition [2000b]
IX Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, Italy, 2-8/7/2000.
Talk and Proc.: A Fitting Tool for
Relativistic Distortions in Kerr BH Spectra (see refereed publications list)
Fourth Italian AGN Meeting, AGN nel 2000, Triest,
Italy, 15-18/5/2000. Talk: Towards a new XSPEC tool
for fits of rotating Black Holes spectral features
X-Ray Astronomy '999 Meeting, Stellar Endpoints, AGN and
the Diffuse X-Ray Background, Bologna, Italy, 6-10/9/1999.
Poster contribution
and Proc.: Spectral Features from X-Ray Illuminated
Accretion Discs as Diagnostics of the Black Hole Angular
Momentum (see refereed
publications list)
First Italian Meeting on Compact Objects Astrophysics (CNOC),
Centro di Cultura Scientifica "Alessandro Volta", Como, Italy,
Third Italian AGN Meeting, Dal nano- al tera-eV: tutti i
colori degli AGN, Rome, Italy, 18-21/5/1998. Poster and Proc.:
Martocchia A., Karas V., Matt G. (1999): X-Ray
Spectral Signatures of Spinning Black Holes, Mem.S.A.It. 70/1,
Joint European & National Astronomical Meeting
(JENAM-98), Prague, Czech Republic, 10/9/1998. Talk: Self-consistent
calculations of X-ray spectra and line profiles of sources in
the Kerr metric
Second Italian AGN Meeting, Dal Micro al Mega Parsec,
Riccione (RN), Italy, 8/10/1996. Talk and Proc.:
Martocchia A., Matt G. (1997): Iron line emission
from accretion discs around Kerr Black Holes, Mem.S.A.It.
68/1, 89 [1997b]
XII Congresso della Società Italiana di Relatività Generale e
Fisica della Gravitazione (SIGRAV 1996), Rome, Italy, 25/9/1996.
Talk and Proc.: Martocchia A., Matt G. (1997):
Properties of iron line emission from accretion discs around
spinning Black Holes, World Scient. Pub. Co., Singapore [1997a]
Other Conferences and
Assembly of the members of the
Interprovincial Order of Chemists and Physicists of Emilia-Romagna
(Bologna 19/12/2019)
"I materiali sostenibili, riciclati e
verdi, con proprietà acustiche" by AIAS (2h 20/10)
"Forma e contenuti dei documenti standard di acustica
applicata" by AIAS (2h 20/10)
ANIT Meeting: "La
sostenibilità del benessere: Dimensione ambientale, sociale ed
economica dell’efficienza energetica e acustica per migliorare
il comfort abitativo" (Centro Congressi 7 Gold, Bologna,
Ambiente Technical Workshop: "Tecniche di modellazione
acustica. Teorie, normative e pratiche" (Tower Hotel, Bologna,
AIDII Seminar:
"Agenti Fisici e Procedure Standardizzate per la Valutazione del
rischio ai sensi del Titolo VIII DLgs 81/08: A che punto siamo?"
(Bologna, CNR, 10/4/2013)
AmbienteLavoro Convention and Seminar "dBA2012: Updates on
Noise Risk" (Modena 11/10/2012)
Meeting: "Teatri d'Opera dell'Unità d'Italia" (La Fenice
Theatre, Venezia 23 novembre 2011)
15th adjournement Seminar "Criticità dell'attuazione della
normativa sull'inquinamento acustico e possibili revisioni"
(Ferrara School of Acoustics, 11/11/2010)
ANIT Meeting: "Classi
a confronto. Certificazione energetica e classificazione
acustica come strumenti per una corretta progettazione"
(Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Bologna, 23/9/2010)
Within the SSC collaboration of
XMM-Newton, AM contributed at determining a reliable, global
correction for the positional error parameter RADEC_ERR in the
first source catalogue release (1XMM
#45, and: Herent O., Martocchia A., Motch C. 2004, "An
empirical correction for the RADEC_ERR entry in 1XMM", SSC-OAS-TN-21).
proposals: AM is
the P-I of two XMM-Newton accepted proposals for observing the
relativistic Fe line in the galactic transients GRS 1915+105 (AO2
- observed) and XTE J1908+094 (AO3). AM is also the Co-I of a
proposal to observe a sample of Seyfert2's with and without a
detected Broad Line Region (P-I: F. Nicastro, AO4). This author
has been the Co-I of some more accepted observation proposals in
the previous XMM-Newton AOs.
With a score of 28, AM
classified among the first 20 applicants - counting the titles
only - at the INAF competition for 14 long-term positions as
researchers, which was held in Rome in autumn 2005 (G.U.
Concorsi n.104 dated 31/12/2004 - see: ahystogram of the
candidates' classification based on titles, and the interesting
final document
by R. Gratton, who directed the competition jury).
Bellone, T.,
Martocchia, A.: Quando i cantautori fanno politica. Il
caso Cristicchi, in: Historia
Magistra n.13/2013
Martocchia, A., Il prolungato "Ottantanove" della
Jugoslavia ("A Long-lasting '1989' for Yugoslavia"), in:
Oggi special issue 2012, 205-223. Milano: La Città del
Sole, ISSN: 2239-5253. La versione integrale in Atti della
conferenza TARGET, Vicenza 21-22 marzo 2009 (PDF
Polcaro V.F., Martocchia A., Storia sociale dell'Astronomia
("A Social History of
Astronomy"; ISBN:
9788882924782). Napoli:
La Città del Sole, 2012
Polcaro V.F., Martocchia
A. (2008). Zvaigznes un katakombas –
astronomisko notikumu iespējamās liecības senajā kristiešu
mākslā (Vito F. Polkaro, Andrea Martoķia: "Stars and
catacombs: possible witnesses of astronomical events in
Paleo-Christian art"). ZVAIGZNOTA DEBESS,
vol. 50; p. 34-46, ISSN: 0135-129X
Pontecorvo, Bruno, Fermi e la fisica moderna,
Introduction by Andrea Martocchia, Napoli (Italy), La Città del
Sole, 2004 (ISBN - 88-829-2260-X)
Martocchia, Andrea, Problemi della ricerca scientifica
in URSS, in: Problemi
della transizione al socialismo in URSS, Proc. of the
Conf. held in Napoli, 21-23 November, 2003. Eds. Andrea Catone and
Emanuela Susca, Napoli (Italy), La Città del Sole, 2004 (ISBN -
In March 2004 AM was in SACLAY (Paris), visiting the CEA Service
d'Astrophysique within the framework of the CNRS
collaboration GrD
Phenomenes Cosmiques de Haute Energie.
Participation to the Italian "National School of
Astrophysics", cycle 1999-2000, fourth course: Galaxy
Formation, Active Galactic Nuclei; Oss. Astrof. di
ASIAGO, 10-16/9/2000.
Participation at the Italian "National School of
Astrophysics", cycle 1997-1998, third course: Physics of the
Solar System, Relativistic Astrophysics; Oss. Astron. di
Roma, sede di MONTE PORZIO CATONE, 15-20/6/1998.
Participation at the "Graduate School in Contemporary
Relativity and Gravitational Physics" with the subject Physics
of Black Holes, at the Centro di Cultura Scientifica
"Alessandro Volta", COMO, Italy, 20-24/4/1998.
Stay in ZURICH (CH) from October 1993 to March 1994; a course
was attended on "Field Theory and Cosmology"; some exercise was
made on Gravitation and Cosmology under the supervision of Prof.
N. Straumann (University of Zurich-Irchel).
Ten months at the University "J. Gutenberg" of MAINZ (FRG) as
exchange student within the Erasmus project (1991-1992); quite
frequent visits afterwards. There I attended the following
courses: Quantum Mechanics, Relativistic Theories (with
examination), Differential Geometry for Physicists (with
examination), German as Foreign Language for Visitors
Four weeks of intensive English course in CAMBRIDGE (UK)
organized by the International Language School (1987).
ITALIAN: mother tongue.
GERMAN: very good knowledge; courses attended in Rome and
Mainz (FRG); long stays in Germany and the german-speaking part
of Switzerland.
ENGLISH: very good knowledge; courses attended in Rome and
Cambridge (UK).
RUSSIAN: good knowledge; courses attended in Samarkand (UZB)
and Bologna (Italy).
FRENCH: good knowledge; courses attended in Strasbourg
SERBOCROATIAN: basic knowledge.
Other scientific and technical skills
XSPEC, FTOOLS, SAS, CIAO for reducing and analyzing X-ray data
of the satellites BeppoSAX, ASCA, XMM-Newton, Chandra; some
practice with the IRAF software for the reduction of
astrophysical data (spec. of the IRAS satellite).
As amateur astronomer, use of various instruments and
experience as observer of occasional events.
OFFICE utilities (Excel, PowerPoint, Word), text editors TeX
iOS, MacOS, UNIX, LINUX, Windows, VAX/VMS, DOS; Perl scripts
and Unix shells; programming languages: F77, Pascal, elements
of C++. WEB Website creation using Wordpress, Joomla!,
Apple iLife applications (eg. iMovie).
Development and press B/W, macrophotography, astronomical
photography, digital photography, videos.
Use of phonometers and accelerometers: Larson&Davis,
Brüel&Kjaer, DeltaOhm, Svan.
Use of the related tools for data-analysis (Evaluator,
DeltaLog, SvanPC++, Noise&Vibration Works).
Use of the previsional modelling softwares IMMI, Cadna and
Tympan (for environmental acoustics), ECHO and
PrevEdil (for building acoustics).
Measures with the microclimate unit LSI BABUC and luxmeters by
Further job experiences and certifications
in the field of Job
Course for specific formation of workers about Health and
Safety on workplaces – low risk sectors, Sector M: Education
(Modena 13/4/2016)
in the fields of
teaching and popularizing science:
Feb. 2017: Teacher at a training course for Expert
Technicians in Environmental Acoustics (AssForm,
Bologna; 2x8h)
Jan. to Jun. 2016: Teacher, Physics at the Professional
Institute for Graphics
replacing teacher in first classes for the discipline A038 –
Physics (Istituto Statale “Adolfo Venturi”, Modena)
Jan. to Mar. 2016: Teacher, Mathematics and Physics
at the Science Gymnasium replacing teacher in classes I, II, III and V for the
discipline A049 – Mathematics and Physics (Istituto Statale
“Leonardo da Vinci”, Casalecchio di Reno BO)
Dec. 2015: Teacher, Mathematics and Physics at the Art
replacing teacher in classes I, II and IV for the discipline
A049 – Mathematics and Physics (Istituto Statale “Adolfo
Venturi”, Modena)
Oct. to Dec. 2015: Teacher, Mathematics at the Science
replacing teacher in classes I and III for the discipline A047
- Mathematics (Istituto Statale “Morando Morandi”, Finale
Emilia MO)
2001–2013: Private lessons to individual students
all disciplines for Science Gymnasium pupils
General Physics and Mathematical Analysis for university
1999–2001: Teacher, Mathematics and Physics at private
CEPU - Trieste;
various private schools - Roma
1990 – 1991: Sky observation tutor at WWF summer youth
Pandavventure - Roma
2-23 aprile 1990: Planetary technician Giocanatura exibition (Roma, Complesso di San Michele a