Curriculum Vitæ et Studiorum

First name and surname: ANDREA MARTOCCHIA

e-mail address: AndreaMartocchia[at]

Place and date of birth: Rome (Italy), September 24th, 1969

Nationality: italian

Sex: M

I work as a (freelance) technical-scientific Consultant for the assessment of risks due to Physical Agents.

In the past few years I started a new activity as an expert technician in the evaluation of physical agents (acoustics, vibrations, electromagnetic fields -EMF-, microclimate, optical radiation), especially to perform measurements and provide certifications for privates and firms according to:
- Italian Dlgs. 447/1995 on noise pollution, for Acoustic Impact and Acoustic Climate Studies, also in the framework of Environmental Impact Assessments (VIA).
- Environmental Incidence Assessments (VINCA).
- Italian
Unified Law on Work Safety (81/2008, ex 626/1994) in the specific fields of:
noise exposure in working environments (ex 195/2006, ex 277/91, i.e. EU law 2003/10/CE), workers' exposure to whole-body and hand-arm vibrations (187/2005 i.e. EU law 2002/44/CE), risks connected to EMF, microclimate, optical radiation.

By education I am a physicist, specialized in Acoustics, High Energy Astrophysics and Gravitation.

My activity in the field of Astrophysics deals in particular with X-ray spectral analysis of compact binaries and active galactic nuclei (AGN) and - as a more theoretical approach - with the problem of radiation transfer in the spacetime of spinning black holes (Kerr metric). Together with my collaborators, I performed fully-relativistic computations and developed new software packages for fitting real data from accreting objects such as AGN and galactic black hole candidates (iron line profiles, Compton reflection).

In recent years I mainly performed researchs on historical observations of supernovae and their identifications, history of Astronomy, and cultural Astronomy.
I have been also involved in projects related to:
- unification models for Seyfert galaxies: especially about the dychotomy between Sy2s with and without a "hidden" broad line region (BLR), and on the very nature of the BLR;
- the XMM-Newton catalogue and galactic plane survey, in the framework of the XMM-Newton Survey Science Center activities;
- properties of young pulsars, millisecond pulsars, and "dipping" sources.

Since January 17, 2019, I am enrolled in the Interprovincial Order of Chemists and Physicists of Emilia-Romagna – sector Physics section A progressive number A 1932 – and since December 14, 2010, I am  listed in the National (Italian) register of Professionals in Physics sec.A/c, to be renewed 31/12/2019: Master Professional in Physics with accreditation n.63 –; I am a member of ANFeA (National Association of Physics and Applications, of whom I am currently a delegate at the Inter-regional working group for Emilia-Romagna and Toscana).

the following information is listed in reverse chronological order

Scientific positions

Activities in the field of Physical Agents

A full description of the tasks performed for Remark (in italian):

1) Valutazioni della esposizione e dei rischi da agenti fisici in ambiente di lavoro - in sinergia con il settore Sicurezza - in base al Titolo VIII del Testo Unico (D.Lgs. n.81/2008), e precisamente per:

1.1) RUMORE ("fonometrie" ex 277/91, ex 195/2006 o Titolo II-bis del Dlgs. 626/1994) compreso calcolo attenuazioni DPI-u e valutazione dei rischi concomitanti, in collaborazione con i Medici Competenti;
1.2) VIBRAZIONI (ex Dlgs. 187/2005): esposizione dei lavoratori alle vibrazioni sul corpo intero ed al sistema mano-braccio;
1.3) MICROCLIMA (secondo Linee Guida ISPESL / Regioni);
1.4) CAMPI ELETTROMAGNETICI (ex D.Lgs. 257/2007): misure e stesura del rapporto tecnico;

2) Acustica industriale e degli insediamenti produttivi:
2.1) Valutazioni di Impatto Acustico - effettuate da Tecnici Competenti in Acustica Ambientale, in sinergia con il settore Ambiente, secondo il Dlgs. 447/1995 sull'inquinamento da rumore e normative collegate;
2.2) Determinazione della potenza sonora di macchinari e verifica dei requisiti richiesti dalla Direttiva Macchine.

3) Acustica edilizia ed abitativa:
3.1) Valutazioni di Clima acustico - effettuate da Tecnici Competenti in Acustica Ambientale secondo il Dlgs. 447/1995 sull'inquinamento da rumore e normative collegate;
3.2) Determinazione o progettazione dei requisiti acustici passivi degli edifici, secondo D.P.C.M. 5/12/1997: potere fonoisolante di partizioni e di facciate, rumore da calpestio;
3.3) Collaudo in opera per determinazione dei requisiti acustici passivi degli edifici e del rumore degli impianti, secondo D.P.C.M. 5/12/1997 e norme UNI collegate, tramite apposita strumentazione;
3.4) Misura del tempo di riverberazione delle sale.

4) Valutazioni della esposizione a Campi elettromagnetici ambientali, in sinergia con il settore Ambiente, secondo Legge Quadro 36/2001 e D.P.C.M. derivati 8/7/2003.

Academic and various qualifications

University career

PhD Thesis (2000)

TITLE: X-ray spectral signatures of accreting Black Holes.
SUPERVISORS: Dr. Vladimir Karas, Prague; Prof. Giorgio Matt, Rome; Prof. John Miller, Triest/Oxford.
EXTERNAL EXAMINERS: Prof. Bruno Bertotti, Pavia; Prof. Andy Fabian, Cambridge; Prof. Giorgio Sironi, Milano.
INTERNAL EXAMINERS OF SISSA-ISAS: Dr. Annalisa Celotti; Dr. Paolo Salucci.
A. Martocchia, X-Ray Spectral Signatures of Accreting Black Holes, Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010. ISBN 978-3-8383-9113-7, 68 Euro X-Ray Spectral Signatures of Accreting Black Holes

Graduation Thesis (1996)

TITLE: Geodetics in Kerr Metric. Application to Accretion Discs around Spinning Black Holes.
FIELD: High Energy Astrophysics; theoretical-interpretative work with applications of General Relativity.
SUPERVISORS: Prof. E. Massaro (Istituto Astronomico, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"); Dr. G. Matt (Terza Università degli Studi di Roma, Dipartimento di Fisica).
ABSTRACT: The calculation of geodesics in the vicinity of spinning Black Holes, i.e. in Kerr metric, allows to interpret some features detected in the X-ray spectra of many Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and galactic Black Holes Candidates (BHC), like the typical relativistic profile of the iron Kalpha. The model is well suited to the analysis of recent ASCA observations (e.g. of MCG-6-30-15). It is shown that our assumptions (Kerr Black Hole, disc illumination from a central source) may yield quite a natural explanation of the measured Kalpha line equivalent width.

Refereed Scientific Publications

(including those contributions to conference proceedings which were subject to peer review. To list the papers by this Author please also refer to well-known online professional resources)

  1. Martocchia, A., Polcaro, V.F. (2010): GRB 080319b and SN1054, in: Proc. of the LIII Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana, L'Universo quattro secoli dopo Galileo, Pisa, 4-8/5/2009, Mem.S.A.It. (Suppl.), 14, 242-245
  2. Bosch-Ramon, V., Motch, C., Ribó, M., Lopes de Oliveira, R., Janot-Pacheco, E., Negueruela, I., Paredes, J. M., Martocchia, A. (2007): Exploring the connection between the stellar wind and the non-thermal emission in LS 5039, A&A, 473 /2, 545-550

  3. Piconcelli, E., Sanchez-Portal, M., Guainazzi, M., Martocchia, A., Motch, C., Schroeder, A.C.,  Bianchi, S., Jiménez-Bailon, E., Matt, G. (2006): 4U 1344-60: a bright intermediate Seyfert galaxy at z=0.012 with a relativistic Fe Kalpha emission line, A&A, 453 /3, 839-846

  4. Martocchia, A., Matt, G., Belloni, T., Feroci, M., Karas, V., Ponti, G. (2006): The XMM-Newton view of GRS 1915+105 during a "plateau", in: Proc. of the Albert Einstein Century International Conference, held in Paris, France, July 18-22, 2005, AIP Conference Proceedings 861, 682-686 [2006c]
  1. Martocchia, A., Matt, G., Belloni, T., Feroci, M., Karas, V., Ponti, G. (2006): The XMM-Newton View of GRS 1915+105, A&A, 448, 677 [2006a]
  2. Falanga M., Bonnet-Bidaud J.M., Poutanen J., Farinelli R., Martocchia A., Goldoni P., Qu J.L., Kuiper L., Goldwurm A. (2005): INTEGRAL spectroscopy of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1807-294 in the outburst, A&A, 436, 647
  3. Martocchia A., Belloni T., Feroci M., Karas V., Matt G. (2006): Understanding the relativistic accretion disk of GRS 1915+105, in: Proc. 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris (France), 18-25/7/2004. JASR, 38 /7, 1359-1364
  4. Martocchia A.,  Motch C., Negueruela I. (2005): The Low X-ray State of LS 5039 / RX J1826.2-1450A&A, 430,  245
  5. Matt G., Bianchi S., D'Ammando F., Martocchia A. (2004): The complex X-ray spectrum of NGC 4507, A&A, 421, 473
  6. Nicastro F., Martocchia A., Matt G. (2004): The Intimate Link Between Accretion and BELR, in: Proc. of the conferenceAGN Physics with the SDSS, July 27-30 2003, Princeton (NJ, USA). Edited by Gordon T. Richards and Patrick B. Hall, ASP Conference Series 311, 155
  7. Nicastro F., Martocchia A., Matt G. (2003): The Lack of BLR in Low Accretion rate AGN as Evidence of their Origin in the Accretion Disk, ApJL, 589, 13

  8. Martocchia A., Matt G., Karas V. (2002): A Fitting Tool for Relativistic Distortions in Kerr BH Spectra, Proc. IX Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Rome 2000), edited by V.G. Gurzadyan, R.T. Jantzen and R. Ruffini, World Scient. Pub. Co., Singapore [2002b]

  9. Martocchia A., Matt G., Karas V., Belloni T., Feroci M. (2002): Evidence for a relativistic iron line in GRS 1915+105, A&A 387, 215 [2002a]

  10. Martocchia A., Matt G., Karas V. (2002): On the origin of the broad, relativistic iron line of MCG-6-30-15 observed by XMM-Newton, A&A 383/3, L23 [2002a]

  11. Martocchia A., Matt G., Karas V. (2001): Spectral Features from X-Ray Illuminated Accretion Discs as Diagnostics of the Black Hole Angular Momentum, Proc. "X-Ray Astronomy '999" Meeting, held in Bologna, edited by N.E. White et al., AIP Conference Proceedings 599, 746

  12. Karas V., Martocchia A., Subr L. (2001): Variable line profiles due to non-axisymmetric patterns in an accretion disc around a rotating black hole, PASJ 53/2, 189

  13. Martocchia A., Karas V., Matt G. (2000): Effects of Kerr Spacetime on Spectral Features from X-Ray Illuminated Accretion Discs, MNRAS 312, 817 [2000a]

  14. Martocchia A., Matt G. (1996): Iron Ka line intensity from accretion discs around rotating Black Holes, MNRAS 282, L53

Conferences and Symposia on Astrophysics and History of Astronomy

(including full reference to all un-refereed contributions to conference proceedings, which have not been listed above; contributions which were brought to the conference by AM's collaborators are marked by a *)

Other Conferences and Symposia

Assembly of the members of the Interprovincial Order of Chemists and Physicists of Emilia-Romagna (Bologna 19/12/2019)

AmbienteLavoro Convention (Bologna 15–17/10/2019), including the symposia:
"Acustica nel contenzioso giudiziario: tollerabilità delle immissioni e non conformità edilizia" by AIAS (1h 16/10)
"Protezione dei lavoratori per campi elettromagnetici: descrizione degli strumenti e delle tecniche di misura" by NARDA (2h 16/10)
"Esperienze di Analisi del Rumore Portuale" by ASSOACUSTICI (4h 16/10)

and the Conference "dBA2019 - Physical Agents and Health on Working Places" (7h 17/10)

(Bologna, 4/4/2019) (2 ECM)

Assembly of the members of the Interprovincial Order of Chemists and Physicists of Emilia-Romagna (Bologna 26/3/2019)

AmbienteLavoro Convention (Bologna 17–19/10/2018), including the symposia:
"La norma UNI 11711: 2018 e l’igienista occupazionale" by INAIL (1,5h 18/10)

and the Conference "dBA2018 - Physical Hazards on Working Places" (7h 17/10)

4. ANFeA National Meeting and Stati Generali #3 della Professione di Fisico (Associazione Nazionale Fisica e Applicazioni – Caserta, 13–14 April, 2013)

ANIT Meeting: "Building Acoustics: Obligations and Opportunities" (Centro Congressi 7 Gold, Bologna, 5/3/2018)

Symposium "Consequences of Air Traffic for Environment and Health: Any Problems for Bologna?" (Villa Angelica, Ozzano BO, 20/10/2017)

AiA Seminar: "The Revision of the Rules on Acoustic Pollution: Changes and Developments" (Teatro Vittoria, Torino, October 19, 2017 – my opinion)

AIDII Seminar "Evaluating the Risk Due to Exposure to EM Fields" (Siena, Centro Didattico Osp. S. Maria Le Scotte, 25/5/2017)

Symposium "Scientific Technologies in a Forensic Context" organized by ANFeA and SBAI Dept. of the University "La Sapienza" (Rome, 27 May, 2017)

44. AiA Symposium (held at the University of Pavia, 7-9 June, 2017)

ANFeA Meeting "Conoscerci e organizzarci per la fase ANFeA 2.0" (Rome, SBAI Dept. of the University "La Sapienza", 2 dicembre 2016)

AiA Seminar: "Acoustic Barriers: Norms, Technological Innovation, Performance Assessments" (Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura dell'Università, Bologna, October 26, 2016)

AmbienteLavoro Convention (Bologna 19–21/10/2016), including the symposia:
"I materiali sostenibili, riciclati e verdi, con proprietà acustiche" by AIAS (2h 20/10)
"Forma e contenuti dei documenti standard di acustica applicata" by AIAS (2h 20/10)

and the Conference "dBAincontri2016: EM Fields in Workplaces. Laws, Assessment, Safety" (4,5h 21/10)
3. ANFeA National Meeting (National Association for Physics and Its Applications – Rome, Nov. 27–28, 2015)

AiA Workshop "Research, Education and Professional Activity in Acoustics" (Ferrara, Nov. 20, 2015)

AmbienteLavoro Fair (Bologna 14–16/10/2015), including the symposia:
"Aftermaths of Physical Risks' Assessment in Working and Environmental Contexts: EM Fields and Optical radiations" by AIDII
"Towards a New National Agreement on the Profession of RSPP ("Health and Security Manager)" by AIFOS
"Workers' Exposure to EMF" by INAIL
"Protection Against Lightning: Risk Assessment, Regulations' Develompent, Legal Commitments" by INAIL

"Acoustics: Disentangling a Specific Sound Source and Assessing Uncertainty in a Working Environment" by AssoAcustici
42. AiA Symposium (held at Congress Palace and University of Florence, 16-17 July, 2015)

Seminar "30dBA 1985–2015: Thirty Years Prevention and Protection from Physical Agents" (Modena 27/5/2015 – my resume)

AmbienteLavoro Fair (Bologna 22-24/10/2014), including the symposia:

        “Role of uncertainty in the acoustical measurements in threshold comparisons” by AIA
        “Risks due to workers' exposition to optical radiations on work places” by ANFOS (Speaker: M. Borra – INAIL)

41. AiA Symposium (held at Palazzo dei Congressi, Pisa, 17-19 June, 2014). Talk and Proc.: Martocchia, A. (2014), Caratterizzazione acustica degli ambienti acquatici e relative regolamentazioni: aspetti critici, in Proc. of the XLI AiA Symposium, held in Pisa, June 17-19, 2014

ANIT Meeting: "La sostenibilità del benessere: Dimensione ambientale, sociale ed economica dell’efficienza energetica e acustica per migliorare il comfort abitativo" (Centro Congressi 7 Gold, Bologna, 10/4/2014)

2. ANFeA National Meeting and Stati Generali #2 della Professione di Fisico (Associazione Nazionale Fisica e Applicazioni – Rome, 13–14 December, 2013)

AESSE Ambiente Technical Workshop: "Tecniche di modellazione acustica. Teorie, normative e pratiche" (Tower Hotel, Bologna, 17/9/2013)

AIDII Seminar: "Agenti Fisici e Procedure Standardizzate per la Valutazione del rischio ai sensi del Titolo VIII DLgs 81/08: A che punto siamo?" (Bologna, CNR, 10/4/2013)

Stati Generali #1 della Professione di Fisico (Associazione Nazionale Fisica e Applicazioni – Roma, 14 dicembre 2012)

AmbienteLavoro Convention and Seminar "dBA2012: Updates on Noise Risk" (Modena 11/10/2012)

AiA Meeting: "Teatri d'Opera dell'Unità d'Italia" (La Fenice Theatre, Venezia 23 novembre 2011)

15th adjournement Seminar "Criticità dell'attuazione della normativa sull'inquinamento acustico e possibili revisioni" (Ferrara School of Acoustics, 11/11/2010)

ANIT Meeting: "Classi a confronto. Certificazione energetica e classificazione acustica come strumenti per una corretta progettazione" (Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Bologna, 23/9/2010)

14th adjournement Seminar "Materiali in Acustica: proprietà, metodi di misura, applicazioni" (Ferrara School of Acoustics, 3/12/2009)

AiA Seminar:  "La progettazione acustica degli edifici" (Padova 13/11/2009)

Seminar "Rischi da campi elettromagnetici in ambiente di lavoro" (Modena 29/9/2009)

Seminar "dBAincontri2009" (Modena 24/9/2009)

AmbienteLavoro Fair (Bologna 10-12/6/2009)

AmbienteLavoro Convention and Seminar "dBA2008" (Modena 9/10/2008)

AiA Seminar:  "Strumenti e metodi di misura per l’acustica e le vibrazioni" (Ancona 22/9/2008)

Fifth Meeting on Environmental Acoustics "Il disturbo da rumore" (Florence 10/4/2008)

AiA Seminar: "Impatto e clima acustico: metodologie di elaborazione e procedure di valutazione" (Modena 20/9/2007)

AmbienteLavoro Fair (Bologna 2007). Talk: Il rischio rumore in ambiente di lavoro

AmbienteLavoro Convention and Seminar "dBA2006" (Modena 12-13/10/2006)

Notes on research activity

Papers by this Author (AM) have been cited in hundreds of scientific papers by other authors.

AM has been on charge for refereeing papers for the journals "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society" and "Astrophysical Journal".

Within the SSC collaboration of XMM-Newton, AM contributed at determining a reliable, global correction for the positional error parameter RADEC_ERR in the first source catalogue release (1XMM - see: XMM-NEWTON NEWS #45, and: Herent O., Martocchia A., Motch C. 2004, "An empirical correction for the RADEC_ERR entry in 1XMM", SSC-OAS-TN-21).

Satellite observation proposals: AM is the P-I of two XMM-Newton accepted proposals for observing the relativistic Fe line in the galactic transients GRS 1915+105 (AO2 - observed) and XTE J1908+094 (AO3). AM is also the Co-I of a proposal to observe a sample of Seyfert2's with and without a detected Broad Line Region (P-I: F. Nicastro, AO4). This author has been the Co-I of some more accepted observation proposals in the previous XMM-Newton AOs.

With a score of 28, AM classified among the first 20 applicants - counting the titles only - at the INAF competition for 14 long-term positions as researchers, which was held in Rome in autumn 2005 (G.U. Concorsi n.104 dated 31/12/2004 - see: a hystogram of the candidates' classification based on titles, and the interesting final document by R. Gratton, who directed the competition jury).

Other publications

Martocchia A., Polcaro F., Gli astronomi e le streghe, in: Dalla magia alla stregoneria. Cambiamenti sociali e culturali e “caccia alle streghe” (ISBN 978-88-8292-453-9), Atti del Convegno tenuto a Roma, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, 20 gennaio 2017. A cura di Alessandra Ciattini. Napoli: La Città del Sole, 2019

Martocchia, A. (a cura di), La lotta antifascista dei prigionieri di Colfiorito, Jugocoord Onlus 2018 (independent publication)

Martocchia, A.: In cerca di Josip Broz: (dis)avventure della toponomastica, in: Historia Magistra n.25/2017

Martocchia, A. (a cura di), Il Territorio Libero di Norcia e Cascia a 70 anni dalla proclamazione 1944-2014. Prefazione di Francesco Innamorati, introduzione di Costantino Di Sante (ISBN 978-88-96487-33-4). Roma: Odradek, 2014

Martocchia, A., Bellone, T.: Operazione "Magazzino 18", in: Da Sanremo alle foibe. Spunti di riflessione storica e culturale sullo spettacolo Magazzino 18 (ISBN 9788897705451). Udine: Kappa Vu edizioni, 2014

Bellone, T., Martocchia, A.: Quando i cantautori fanno politica. Il caso Cristicchi, in: Historia Magistra n.13/2013

Martocchia, A., Il prolungato "Ottantanove" della Jugoslavia ("A Long-lasting '1989' for Yugoslavia"), in: Marxismo Oggi special issue 2012, 205-223. Milano: La Città del Sole, ISSN: 2239-5253. La versione integrale in Atti della conferenza TARGET, Vicenza 21-22 marzo 2009 (PDF online).

Polcaro V.F., Martocchia A.
, Storia sociale dell'Astronomia ("A Social History of Astronomy"; ISBN: 9788882924782). Napoli: La Città del Sole, 2012

Martocchia, A., I partigiani jugoslavi nella Resistenza italiana. Storie e memorie di una vicenda ignorata, con contributi di S. Angeleri, G. Colantuono, I. Pavičevac, prefazione di D. Conti, introduzione di G. Scotti (ISBN 978-88-96487-13-6). Roma: Odradek, 2011

Martocchia A., Intellettuariato. Dopo l'approvazione della Legge “Gelmini” sull'Università, il punto sullo stato dell'analisi attorno ai tagli a Formazione e Ricerca , gennaio 2011. Una sintesi di questo saggio appare sul numero 3/2010 della rivista online MenodiZero.
Traduzione in lingua serbocroata.

Polcaro V.F., Martocchia A., Attacco al sapere. Dal neoliberismo degli anni 70 alla catastrofe Gelmini, i nodi sociali dietro l'attacco sferrato contro la cultura e contro la scienza, su: L'Ernesto n.1 (gennaio-febbraio) 2010

Polcaro V.F., Martocchia A. (2008). Zvaigznes un katakombas – astronomisko notikumu iespējamās liecības senajā kristiešu mākslā (Vito F. Polkaro, Andrea Martoķia: "Stars and catacombs: possible witnesses of astronomical events in Paleo-Christian art"). ZVAIGZNOTA DEBESS, vol. 50; p. 34-46, ISSN: 0135-129X

Pontecorvo, Bruno, Fermi e la fisica moderna, Introduction by Andrea Martocchia, Napoli (Italy), La Città del Sole, 2004 (ISBN - 88-829-2260-X)

Martocchia, Andrea, Problemi della ricerca scientifica in URSS, in: Problemi della transizione al socialismo in URSS, Proc. of the Conf. held in Napoli, 21-23 November, 2003. Eds. Andrea Catone and Emanuela Susca, Napoli (Italy), La Città del Sole, 2004 (ISBN - 88-829-2250-2)

Baracca, A., Marenco, F., Martines, E., Martocchia, A., Nencini, L., Paciello, M.L., Vitiello, L. (Scienziate e scienziati contro la guerra), L'Idrogeno: "rivoluzione" sulla carta (Hydrogen, a on-the-paper "revolution"), in: Il Manifesto, 9/3/2003

Cristaldi M., Angeloni P., Degrassi F., Iannuzzelli F., Martocchia A., Nencini L., Pona C., Salerno S. & Zucchetti M. (2001): Conseguenze ambientali ed effetti patogeni dell'uso di Uranio Impoverito nei dispositivi bellici , Tribuna Biologica e Medica 9 (1-2), Jan.-June 2001, 29-41

Martocchia A. (1999): Scienza e guerra "fin de siècle", in: Imbrogli di guerra. Contributi al Seminario sulla guerra nei Balcani, Roma, 21 giugno 1999. Roma: Odradek, 1999

Study and Research Sessions, Attended Courses and Schools


Other scientific and technical skills

Further job experiences and certifications

Last update: December 14, 2019