Doors Drummer Goes Solo John Densmore, the drummer for rock legends The Doors, has filed for divorce from his wife of 16 years, documentary filmmaker Leslie Neale. Densmore filed divorce papers in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Dec. StumbleUpon: gives you the web you want The Wine Offensive’s Offering To Menu For Hope This year’s 3rd annual Menu For Hope benefits the United Nations’ World Food Programme. It’sa project started by Chez Pim, and I’ve elected to participate this year because of you, my readers. Last year, I was humbled by the amount of Imagine My Surprise It occurs to me that some of the commenters may have slightly missed the point of my previous post. The argument is not about the merits of Ian Ayres's study. I am perfectly willing to listen to those who quarrel with Aryes' (and my) 2007 Preview: Public-Private partnerships, 3D US civil war re What's in store for 2007? Public-private partnerships that involve Google popularizing access to cutting-edge technology. Here's a telling preview, just off the wires:. Pennsylvania Governor Rendell Announces Pioneering Technology Does Punishing Pot Smokers Save the Children? A new report from the Marijuana Policy Project, tied to the expected release this week of the latest numbers from the Monitoring the Future Study of drug use by students, concludes that "marijuana prohibition has not curbed marijuana bookmarks Tags Digg is destined for failure Jason Clarke gives his view on digg and the whole social bookmarking scene in this article. "how valuable is digg traffic, really, and is the digg community one that we should even care about? Unfortunately, after observing the digg Vista’s Activation System Cracked Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Software</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Microsoft</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Security</a>, Feature: Communicating web 2.0 through design The rise of 'web 2.0' has brought with it a slew of new interaction styles and concepts, most of which give the web some magical powers it never had before, making it a significantly more powerful platform for application development.
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