The Performance Arts Resource - news and articles on agents, personal managers,
auditions, casting...
Backstage München
Legendäres Münchner Kultur- und Veranstaltungs-Zentrum.
Include date despre acest club, lista concertelor şi a evenimentelor din viitorul
apropiat, imagini...
[Como] Cooperativa che presenta i servizi di consulenza legale e tributaria
offerti a musicisti....
Musikkavisen Backstage
Landets eneste musikkavis i tabloidformat, avisen dekker det meste innen norsk
og internasjonal rock,...
Backstage Dance academy
Presenta news ed istruttori, corsi della scuola di danza classica, moderna, jazz,
funk, hip hop, latinoam...
Empresa dedicada a la producción, organización, asesoría creativa y técnica de
eventos corporativos,...
Die Coverband aus Süddeutschland präsentiert sich, die Besetzung, das Repertoire,
Backstage Theatre
Established in 1995 in Longford. Includes events, booking information, technical
details and directions.
Backstage Cafe
Nightspot offering a full food/drink menu and its own Beverly Hills barbeque sauce.
Ciminaghi press studio fotografico servizi moda back stage ...
Offering photographic and marketing services. List of services, portfolio and
contact details.
Goal is to navigate through the endless doors and hallways of the virtual backstage
area and arrive...
Backstage Library Works
Providing digitizing, retrospective conversion, cataloging, record upgrading in
more than 100 languages,...
Backstage Studio
Tanzschule mit Schwerpunkt Stepptanz nebst Jazz, Hip-Hop, Gym und Musical.
Stundenplan, Workshops,...
Coffee Gallery Backstage
Live music venue. Includes show schedule.