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    Personal computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A personal computer (PC) is usually a microcomputer whose price, size, An exploded view of a modern personal computer: Display Motherboard CPU
    Personal computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A personal computer (PC) is usually a microcomputer whose price, size, In today's common usage, personal computer and PC usually indicate an IBM PC
    Personal Computer Milestones
    Unfortunately for computer history buffs, the Altair is often mistakenly called the first personal computer by Microsoft-loving journalists who don't know
    Howstuffworks "How PCs Work"
    Curious to know what's going on inside that ever-present PC? Here's your chance to find out -- without prying open your own. Examine a personal computer
    Chronology of Personal Computers
    Steven Gray founds the Amateur Computer Society, and begins publishing the ACS Newsletter. (Some consider this to be the birth-date of personal computing.

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    [ Chi siamo ] [ Mobili per ufficio ] [ Macchine per ufficio ] [ Registratori di cassa ] [ Personal computer ] [ Periferiche ] [ Software ] [ Contatti ]

    Chronology of Personal Computers
    Steven Gray founds the Amateur Computer Society, and begins publishing the ACS Newsletter. (Some consider this to be the birth-date of personal computing.
    USATODAY.com - Flash drives make any computer 'personal'
    Falling prices in computer memory have made tiny flash-memory drives also called pen, thumb or key drives into enormously powerful tools that are on the
    Build Your Own PC (Personal Computer)
    Build your own PC (Personal Computer) with our free and simple, step-by-step guide, supported by an online pc building forum.
    Australian Personal Computer
    Daily Australian IT and Internet news. The website of the Australian computer magazine, APC Mag, provides users with the latest news and reviews,
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    personal computer : Encarta® World English Dictionary, North American Edition [home personal computer : The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English
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