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    IBM PC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The IBM PC (Personal Computer), was the original version and progenitor of the IBM The "IBM Personal Computer XT" was an enhanced machine designed for
    IBM PC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The IBM PC (Personal Computer), was the original version and progenitor of The original IBM PC AT used an Intel 80286 processor which can access up to
    IBM ThinkPad
    IBM's home page for the ThinkPad series of notebook computers.
    IBM Personal Computer file library - Search
    Find Files.
    IBM PC
    International Business Machines Personal Computer.

    Cronologia Personal Computers @ Computer Museum it
    Computer Museum .it MAPPA | EMAIL | CERCA NEL SITO Home Museo Storia Mediateca Risorse Archivio Informazioni e contatti Cronologia Personal Computers La
    macchine per ufficio, fotocopiatrici, stampanti, fax, personal computer,
    Il Registro, vendita on line di macchine per l'ufficio, fotocopiatrici, stampanti, fax, personal computer, videoproiettori, workstation, notebook, scanner,
    Hardware: Indice
    INDICE Tipi di computer [ vai ] tipi di personal computer [ vai ] personal computer "IBM-compatibili" [ vai ] hardware e software | unità centrale e

    IBM PC
    International Business Machines Personal Computer.
    IBM 5155 portable computer
    The IBM Portable Personal Computer 5155 Model 68 consists of a lightweight The system board is the same as that of the IBM Personal Computer XT with
    IBM 5150 Personal Computer
    The IBM Personal Computer ("PC") was not as powerful as many of the other personal 1981: September - IBM ships the IBM 5150 PC Personal Computer.
    OLD-COMPUTERS.COM : The Museum
    The original IBM PC wasn't very powerful (and was certainly less powerful than lot of 8 bit computers at the time). The very first PC’s had only 16 KB RAM
    IBM Archives: The IBM Personal Computer
    When the IBM Personal Computer (IBM 5150) was introduced to the world 25 years ago, it was dramatically clear to most observers that IBM had done something
    What is IBM PC? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer
    This page describes the term IBM PC and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.
    ::: - IBM PC turns 25 - Aug 11, 2006
    August 12 is the 25th anniversary of the IBM personal computer launch, Several popular home computers existed before the 1981 IBM PC launch.
    Personal Computer Milestones
    The IBM PC was introduced in 1981. It was perhaps the first to wear the "PC" label, but that was IBM's only innovation. They sure sold a bunch of them, :::
    personal computer: personal computer usati e computer personal e computer - accessorio personal computer - personal computer p4 -
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