Blogs teenage doctor typing in his computer diary, which many see as the world’s first blog. While it is not exactly clear whether Dr. Howser was posting his thoughts on his hard drive or the web, it is unlikely the character even knew what the word “blogger” meant.
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Take Control of Your Time and Take Control of Your Life tasks. (No, sitting at your computer with a mouse under your hand does not qualify as relaxing). Your first step toward better time management is to take stock of the time you waste each day and from there, reorganize your activities to maximize every minute. (Essentially, it
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Who Invented the Computer Mouse - Douglas Engelbart
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Who Invented the Computer Mouse - Douglas Engelbart
Douglas Engelbart invented point and click computing with the computer mouse windows etc.
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Building a better computer mouse | CNET News.com
Building a better computer mouse | A new user interface--the mouse gesture--is slowly winning converts among software developers who hope to simplify
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