The Invention of the Computer Mouse
The first computer mouse was invented in 1963-64 as part of an experiment to find better ways to "point and click" on a display screen.
Newhouse B1
The mouse "is really the first product of the computer age," Pang said, noting that it "was invented to solve problems presented by computers rather than
The History of Computers - Computer History Timeline
"Who invented the computer?" is not a question with a simple answer. Computer Mouse & Windows, Nicknamed the mouse because the tail came out the end.
Who Invented The Computer Mouse? - Science Fact Finder
Who Invented The Computer Mouse? - Science Fact Finder.
IBM Research | Press Resources | Mouse adapter gives computer
IBM today announced its researchers have invented a new computer mouse adapter that enables people who suffer from hand tremors to eliminate excessive
IBM Research | Press Resources | Mouse adapter gives computer
IBM today announced its researchers have invented a new computer mouse adapter that enables people who suffer from hand tremors to eliminate excessive
Who invented the computer mouse?
Invented by Douglas Engelbart of Stanford Research Center in 1964, the first prototype computer mouse was made to use with a graphical user interface
STIM - MouseSite
This was the world debut of the computer mouse, 2-dimensional display editing, hypermedia--including in-file object addressing and linking, multiple windows
Re: Who invented the computer mouse ?
The mouse was invented by one of the resident geniuses of computer science: one Doug Engelbart. Although many people mistakenly think the mouse was invented
Who invented the computer mouse ?
Subject: Who invented the computer mouse ? Date: Tue May 2 11:24:52 2000 Posted by Tommy Grade level: teacher/prof School: No school entered.
Computer Mouse Creator Wins Invention Prize
Computer mouse creator wins invention prize NEW YORK - He invented the computer mouse, fathered e-mail andthe Internet, and set up a computer-video
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Mouse inventor strives for more
The man who invented the computer mouse, used by millions across the world, says he has not achieved enough.
Computer Mouse | Did You Know Blog
Computer Mouse. Mouse. The computer mouse was invented by Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart of Stanford Research Institute in 1963. The original Engelbart mouse was