Michelangelo: Sistine Chapel, details

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Jeremiah is probably my favourite fresco of the chapel, it resembles Rodin's penseur, the thinker. This is a beautiful representation of melancholy (see Dürer's Melancholy for a comparison), possibly the moral self-portrait of Michelangelo. Reflective on the frustration and hardship of earthly existence, sorrowful unto death, this is also the representation of a modern intellectual.

Sculptures | Sistine Chapel | Sistine Chapel: details | The Last Judgement, Tondo Doni | Michelangelo




The Creation of Adam

The Creation of Adam
Detail from The Sistine Chapel ceiling
The Creation of Adam: God

The Creation of Adam, detail: God
Detail from The Sistine Chapel ceiling

The Delphic Sibyl

The Delphic Sibyl
Detail from The Sistine Chapel ceiling



Hieremias (Jeremiah)

Hieremias (Jeremiah)



Sculptures | Sistine Chapel | Sistine Chapel: details | The Last Judgement, Tondo Doni | Michelangelo


Copyright © 2001 Alexander F. Ritter
(ask for permission if you would like to reproduce any material found on my site)

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