Nebraska Department of Education Dedicated to serving
Nebraska schools with information and resources.
About NDE About Nebraska Schools Accountability Adult Program Services System Student Populations Teaching 2005-2006 Statewide Writing Assessment Results 08.24..06 state, district, and building results
Dissolutions, Reclassifications, Unifications 0 6.15.06 Reports available for 2006 Leadership for Classroom Assessment Conference 0 6.12.06 September 20-22 Alcohol Free School Activities 05.16.06 of the Nebraska State Board of Education, the Nebraska Partners in Prevention, and the Nebraska School Activities Association, There Is No Place Like Nebraska: A of Good Students, Good Schools, Change, and Challenge 05.11.06 A "Flat World' Look at Education: Developing a Global Mindset 03.22.06 The 'World' of the 21st Century will likely be described as global, highly networked, digital, capitalized by information/intellectual assets
State of the Schools Reports 11.30.05 Provide Report Card Know Your Schools: USDE Recognizes Strength of Nebraska Assessment System 02.25.05 The U
Nebraska's Preferred Future for Education 01.24.05 We have asked our schools to implement standards and assessments and to use them to improve student learning
Nebraska State Personnel Department
Features job listings for the state. Includes an online application form. One of
city's largest employers.
NOTE: As of March 14, 2005, State Personnel cannot accept or verify results of typing or data entry tests taken at Nebraska Workforce Development offices
Nebraska Benefits Information Whom To Contact at State Personnel Publications Online Employee Suggestion System Form --online Statehouse Observer (archived) Holiday Schedule Organizational Effectiveness Group Are you a Nebraska State Employee? Do you have a money-saving suggestion for a State agency? IF YES, Questions/Information have questions, need an application mailed to you, or would like more information about these jobs, Please call our office at 402-471-2075 or email wrk4neb@notes.state.ne.us Note: This site contains links to other sites not maintained by or under the control of the State of Nebraska
If you think the content of an outside link is inappropriate OR if you have problems with the web site, State of Nebraska, DAS State Personnel, All Rights Reserved
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Homepage
Includes information on permits, seasons, hunter education and harvest outlook.
HOME Search: Wildlife Fishing Hunting State Parks Boating >> Welcome to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Quick Links State Park Video Vacations Enjoy a preview of Nebraskas state park areas with our growing list of video vacations
Remaining Deer Permits on Sale All remaining permits for Nebraskas 2006 deer hunting seasons are on sale to residents and nonresidents
Passing Along the Heritage PATH is a new partnership designed to assist quality mentors in helping youth to STEP OUTSIDE and into the hunting fields of Nebraska
New I-80 Fishing Guide Now Available It is 455 miles across Nebraska on Interstate 80 with dozens of lakes along the way
Nebraska, possibilities. . . endless.
Official website offers a searchable databases for information about attractions,
events, lodging, outdoor recreations, maps and related links.
People who come to Nebraska are often amazed by what they find
They arrive with expectations as varied and as vast as the weather, and they leave having learned that Nebraska itself is just as unpredictable
Use the links and map below to search Nebraska attractions, events, accommodations, adventures, agri-tourism, and regions
Nebraska News & Notes: | Nebraska Division of Travel and Tourism A Division of the P.O
Box 98907 Lincoln, NE 68509-8907 1-877-NEBRASKA © 2003, Nebraska Division of Travel and Tourism

Photo by www.virtualcities.com
Welcome to the Nebraska Legislature Online Nebraska Unicameral Legislature.
Nebraska Unicameral Legislature State Capitol P.O
Nebraska Department of Correctional Services
Information about offenders, facilities, and programs.
- (8-2006) • - (5-2006) • - (3-2006) Nebraska Department of Correctional Services P.O
Nebraska Health and Human Services System Home Page
Offers assistance with Medicaid, vaccinations, medical licensing, disability
support, child protection, and communicable diseases.
State of Nebraska Judicial Branch
Offers information on the Judicial Branch of the state, with information for the
public, court community, press, and educational users. All state courts operate ...
     View looking down the foyer of the Great Hall of the State Capitol Questions or comments? E-mail: Web Design & Development by State of Nebraska, DAS Division Updated: 7/10/06

Photo by www.nebraskahistory.org
Nebraska State Treasurer Ron Ross - Unclaimed Property Filing instructions, forms, searchable database of unclaimed property and laws
and regulations.
OWNERS HOLDERS (Opens an outside website) MORE INFO Note: This website contains links to sites which are not maintained by or under the control of the State of Nebraska
Technical problems with outside links, other than a link that has been moved or changed, should be reported to the entity that maintains the site, not the Nebraska State Treasurer's Office
If you feel that the content of an outside link is inappropriate please E-mail our Copyright 1997 - 2006, Nebraska State Treasurer Read the Nebraska State Treasurer's Visit - The State of Nebraska Official Web Site Any Problems or Questions can be directed to our
DMV - Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles
Issues drivers licenses and state identification cards. Also drafts and proposes
legislation to improve traffic safety. Page includes list of responsibilities, ...
Nebraska Department Of Motor Vehicles Agency Mission The mission of the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles is to promote safety through education and regulation of drivers and motor vehicles and to collect revenues that provide resources for state and local government operations
State of Nebraska: Department of Banking and Finance
Comprised of two divisions, Financial Institutions, and Bureau of Securities.
Nebraska Department of Banking & Finance The Department of Banking was created by Nebraska legislators to regulate state-chartered banks and other financial industries within the state
Today, the Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance regulates and supervises various financial industries on behalf of the State of Nebraska and its residents
NOTICE: Fee change effective June 1, 2006 The Nebraska State Patrols Criminal Identification Division (CID) began charging $15 per request for criminal history records on June 1, 2006, in order to cover the cost of storage and maintenance of the records
News Contact Us Nebraska Department of Banking & Finance Address: Commerce Court, Ste
Box 95006 Lincoln, NE 68509-5006 Phone: Financial Institutions Division: (402)471-2171 Bureau of Securities: (402)471-3445 Consumer Hotline: (877)471-3445 Dave Heineman Governor of Nebraska Information Center Today: Quick Links Calendar Monday, September 4 - Offices will be closed in observance of Labor Day
Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance © 2004 All Rights Reserved
University of Nebraska State Museum Vertebrate Paleontology
Online museum with primarily vertebrate fossil exhibits, including Ashfall Fossil
Beds Park.
Welcome to the State of Nebraska Indian Affairs Commission
State liaison between the four headquarter tribes of the Omaha, Ponca, Santee
Sioux and Winnebago Tribes of Nebraska.
now available! Statutory Authority : The Nebraska Commission on Indian Affairs (NCIA) was created by LB 904 of the 82nd session of the Nebraska Legislature on May 22, 1971
Each of the Nebraska's Indian citizens and their families be afforded the right to enjoy equitable opportunities, as do their non-Indian counterparts, in the areas of housing, employment, education, health care, economic development, and human/civil rights
Mission and Principles : Missions: 'The purpose of the Commission shall be to join representatives of all Indians in Nebraska to do all things which it may determine to enhance the case of Indian Rights and to develop solutions to the problems common to all Nebraska Indians.' Principals: Respect for the Sovereignty of Tribal and State government has an active role to play in the education of Nebraskans to the unique status of Tribes and Indian citizens; the many and varied ways Indian people have and continue to contribute to Nebraska history; to the issues that impact Nebraska's Indian citizens in significant and often devastating ways; to identify and address cultural barriers that impact Indians in Nebraska
Nebraska State Soccer Association
Governing board for youth soccer in the state. Includes newsletter, tournament
schedule, and board of directors information.
What is Nebraska State Soccer? The Nebraska State Soccer Association (Nebraska State Soccer) is a nonprofit organization that represents over 25, 000 youth and adult soccer players, 3, 000 coaches, 800 referees and 500 administrators throughout the State of Nebraska
Nebraska State Soccer consists of various clubs who register players (boys and girls) from ages of 4 through 19 on the youth side and any age of players on the adult side..
Governor Dave Heineman proclaims September Youth Soccer Month in the State of Nebraska
Stay Informed - Join Our Email Club! Coaches, Club Administrators, Club Board Members, Club Reps or Parents add Your Name to a Nebraska State Soccer Distribution List..
You can now add your e-mail address to a Nebraska State Soccer list that will send you important information from the State Office, our National Offices and our Vendors/Sponsors
New - Preferred Vendors, Sponsors and Shopper's Page - Uniroyal Helps Nebraska Celebrate Youth Soccer - Win Free Gifts! A longtime supporter of youth soccer nationally, Uniroyal is going to award a “FREE SOCCER SEASON” in 2007 (a set of tires, four months of gas, soccer registration and automotive services) to one lucky family who enters the Uniroyal sweepstakes this fall at
Nebraska Workforce Development
From the state division of the US Department of Labor. Includes job listings,
cost of living guides, relocation information, workplace laws and regulations, ...
Nebraska Attorney General, Jon Bruning
Duties of the office, contact information, and links.
Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts
Office profile, auditor's biography, and contact information.
Please send E-mail to: © 2003 Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts
Nebraska Department of Economic Development
Official Nebraska website offering various state resources in travel and tourism,
industrial base and employment recruitment, international links, state and ...
Nebraska is a great place to live, work, play and grow a business
Nebraska's New Generation of Economic Development Incentives - NEW - Nebraska's Economic Development Certified Community Program - Agricultural Opportunities And Value-Added Partnership Act Application Guidelines 2006 - Building Entrepreneurial Communities Act - Application Guidelines - WWW NE Dept
of Economic Development , Director , Deputy Director of Operations State of Nebraska Department Of Economic Development P.O
Chadron State College - CSC - Chadron, Nebraska
Official site.
Many pre-professional programs in the health sciences are available, including the Rural Health Opportunities Program conducted jointly with the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the High Plains Health Opportunities Program offered in conjunction with Creighton University
Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska - Table of Contents
Kansas Collection Books: Written by William Cutler and published by Andreas in
1882, this book provides a detailed and comprehensive history of Nebraska.
Last updated: December 15, 1999 CONTENTS HISTORY OF NEBRASKA
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