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Research data and analysis on many aspects of the Internet.
Why Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS)? Look at the ...
In-depth review and analysis of the many quantitative reasons to use open source
software, with statistic...
I’ll also primarily compare OSS/FS software to Microsoft’s products (such as Windows and IIS), since Microsoft Windows has a significant market share and Microsoft is one of proprietary software’s strongest proponents
Software that cannot be modified and redistributed without further limitation, but whose source code is visible (e.g., “source viewable” or “open box” software, including “shared source” and “community” licenses), is not considered here since such software don’t meet the definition of OSS/FS
Many people think that a product is only a winner if it has significant market share
This is lemming-like, but there’s some rationale for this: products with big market shares get applications, trained users, and momentum that reduces future risk
There’s excellent evidence that OSS/FS has significant market share in numerous markets: The most popular web server has always been OSS/FS since such data have been collected
For example, Apache is the #1 web server with over three times the market share of its next-ranked (proprietary) competitor

Photo by searchenginewatch.com
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Wikipedia: Microsoft Office Free online encyclopedia that provides information about Microsoft Office.
It possesses a dominant market share in the word processor market
Like Microsoft Word, it possesses a dominant market share
It possesses a dominant market share
Unlike its more popular brethren (save, perhaps, Outlook), Publisher has a negligible market share in a field dominated by and
Now known as Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer in the 2007 suite
Also, beginning with Macintosh Office 4.2, the Macintosh and Windows versions of Office share the same file format
Wikipedia: Mozilla Firefox
Provides general information about the browser, its features and development
history, together with...
[] Market adoption Firefox 2006 worldwide share Usage share of Mozilla Firefox over time A graph of Firefox 1.x cumulative downloads in millions [] Usage share Statistics reference: Web-surfers have adopted Firefox rapidly, despite the dominance of Internet Explorer in the browser market
Internet Explorer has seen a steady decline of its usage share since Firefox's release
According to several sources (as listed in statistics reference), by July 2006, Firefox had around 12% of global usage share
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Monthly published research reports covering issues like web server market share,
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Behind the numbers Browser market share
SITES: MORE SERVICES: DISCUSSION: SITE GUIDES: FASTER ACCESS: WEB SERVICES: Behind the numbers: Browser market share October 8, 1998 Web posted at: 10:10 AM EDT by Maryann Jones Thompson (IDG) -- The Netscape-Microsoft browser battle has been scored by at least four different research firms
All have concluded that Netscape's share on the market is slipping, but each firm took a slightly different snapshot of the market
Opera Watch
A blog covering the latest buzz on the Opera browser and its competition.
One of the comments brought up an interesting point to ponder âWhy are people afraid to switch to Opera?â Itâs obvious that Opera has had problems with increasing its market share over the past eleven years
This meet up is a get-together by Opera users who would like to meet other users, where you can learn and share ideas
If youâre an Opera user, no matter how much or little you know about Opera, this user group meeting can help you learn more about Opera, in addition to having the chance of meeting other people who share your passion
Why: Meet others who share your passion and learn how to use Opera to its fullest
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JULY 13, 2006 - Posted By Geoffrey Mack Search Engine Market Share I occasionally run into charts of search engine market share from Nielsen, or from other expensive services like Comscore
So I decided to poke around Alexa's stats and generate my own search engine market share graph
According to my calcs, Google is at almost 85% market share
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