..:: PSP italia.Giochi e programmazione,downloads programmi e ... Comunità italiana di hacking e modding sulla console Sony
.:: Cerca Nel Forum Domanda del Sondaggio Quale preferite? Dragonball Z: Shin Budokai [ 22 ] Tekken Dark Ressurrection [ 18 ] Non puoi votare nei Sondaggi ..:: i 10 files più scaricati : : 2658 volte : 2414 volte : 2244 volte : 2054 volte : 1891 volte : 1839 volte : 1743 volte : 1718 volte : 1703 volte : 1684 volte .::Ultimi 3 Tutorial: .:: Ultimi Files .::Divineo Corner::
.::Ultimo Tutorial: Ultima Recensione: Mercatino: ' di pudercalcio || ' Psp to Joypad ver.0.2 by Puffo Autore: :: Inviato: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:37 pm Come tutti saprete, pochi tempo fa e' uscito un homebrew / programma per Pc che ci permetteva di utilizzare la Psp com joypad sul Pc
Paint Shop Pro Tutorials
Digital graphics and web graphics tips, techniques and tutorials.
Paint Shop Pro Tutorials Help yourself, and GrafX Design, by paying a visit to VTC for some great CD-based tutorials for: Coming soon!!! T
should be available at your local bookstore NOW! This New Riders Publication will feature over 400 full-color images and tons of the type of easy-to-follow tutorials you see here at GrafX Design
Current PSP Tutorials Newest listed first PSP 5--Watermarking Photographs This technique demonstrates how to add a visible watermark to protect your photographs and other images that you display on your web pages You'll need PSP 5 for this technique
This tutorial is also available in PDF format (177KB - zipped) to be read offline
5" tutorial is worth waiting for! Learn how to use masks in the latest version of PSP
This tutorial is also available in PDF format (262KB ZIPped) to be read offline
Once you see the trick, though, you'll find it easy to do! This tutorial is also available in PDF format (45KB) to be read offline
PSP 5--Layers Primer (A Must See Tutorial) This technique demonstrates the new layers feature in PSP 5
You shouldn't miss this one! Photographic Edges (A Must See Tutorial) This technique demonstrates how masks and a little patience can yield some really cool results
PSP Tutorial Webring
A webring to gather sites about creating graphics with Paint Shop Pro.
PSP Tutorial Webring Search the site: for: | |Ring Homepage | About the Ring RING DESCRIPTION: A webring to learn anything you can or want to about Paint Shop Pro and graphics! Learn about how to make tubes, vectors, snowglobes, backgrounds, even how to use Blade Pro, Eye Candy and more
RING STATS: There is(are) 50 active member(s) in this 0 prospective member(s) is(are) waiting for Approval in the Queue View the for PSP Tutorial Webring ring This ring was started 2000-09-11 17:06:20 Ring Members Member sites of the PSP Tutorial Webring Displaying from 1 to 50 of 58 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit counters started November 27, 2003
Alicia's Place Join Date: January 02, 2003 PSP Tutorials, graphics, tubes, websets and more
Titanicaxx.co.uk Join Date: January 02, 2003 Paintshop pro tutorials for version 7 and 8 Psp tubes backgrounds blinkies and more 4
Berry's PSP Tutorials Page Join Date: January 02, 2003 Berry's Tutorials - I have just begun to write and those who have done my tuts say they are very good
Web Decor Join Date: January 02, 2003 A Site dedicated to Unique Paint-Shop-Pro tutorials - One of them Satin, and Satin Prints
Paint Shop Pro: Lori's Web Graphics - How To
Tutorials for Paint Shop Pro 5, 6 and 7. Several tubes, brushes, patterns and
masks for download.
These extended tutorials with downloadable resources are available for a small fee
Tips All of the PSP9, PSP8, and scrapbooking tutorials below are adaptable for PSPX
Paint Shop Pro 9 Miscellaneous Note: All of the PSP8 tutorials below are readily adaptable for PSP9
Also see the tutorials under
Third-party Filters and Tools I've decided to retire most of my old 3rd-party filter tutorials, but I'll be writing up some new ones soon
For other PSP tutorials, check out the listings at Angela Cable's

Photo by www.legenddesignz.com
PSP Tutorial Writers Web Ring Home Page This is a webring for
PSP tutorial writers.
Click on the graphic above to save it to your own computer This is a webring for PSP tutorial writers
If you have tutorials written with PSP, you may join the ring
This PSP Tutorial Writers site owned by Jade [ Prev | Skip Prev | Prev 5 | List | Stats Join | Rand | Next 5 | Skip Next | Next ] Powered by ! Graphics & Site Design by ©1998-2005 All Rights Reserved
Pinoy7 - paint shop pro tips and tutorials, animation shop, flash ...
PSP tutorials on creating real-like objects. Using PSP 5 and 6.02 from blending
photos, interfaces, pipe joints, circular pipe, wire, buttons, navigation bars, ...
Join my mailing list subscribe unsubscribe Link to Me Welcome :) Welcome to my personal website! This site is loaded with Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop tutorials plus Macromedia Flash basics and a whole lot more
-richie Aug 7 2006 PSP Tutorial Index is now available at
Please feel free to submit any PSP related tutorials, tubes links, brushes, etc
Learn to Create! Check the Pinoy7's growing Paint Shop Pro tutorials archive and learn how to create web graphics easily
Learn some tips and tricks in using Jasc's Animation Shop! Start learning the Flash basics! Share and Learn :) Got a question? Need help? Any tutorial requests? Join the 500 others and still growing Pinoy7 Graphics Community! Web www.pinoy7.com Latest Tutorials You will not see this text if your browser supports IFRAME
(Added 12-31-2005) / Affiliates - A Paint Shop Pro tutorial index - Cool Javascript animations by Roy Whittle | © 2006 - 2007 All Rights Reserved
Wizard_Pygal's Tube and Tutorial Links
Categorized collection of links to picture tubes, all indexed by subject.
Tutorial for creating PSP tubes, and how to use them, and the compatibility problems ...
Khiba's PSP Tutorials - Fall 2006
Khiba's Paint Shop Pro tutorials and tips offers beginner and intermediate users
of PSP version 5 and above visual guides for learning to use the tools and ...
There are over 80 PSP tutorials on this site
The newest tutorials are listed and linked below
Use the Archive buttons on the left for older PSP X, 9, 8 and 7 tutorials
Meant for photographs, these tutorial teach different methods for adding pieces of image to another using selections, masks and layers
Most are beginner tutorials for those just starting PSP, or as a refresher for folks moving to X
Tutorials in viewlet format requiring Flash Player 9
We also sell Tutorial CDs! Please use the link on the left to access the description page the store! Digital Scrapbooking Tutorial CD and Swish Max Tutorial CD are available as well as a PSP 8 and 7 CD

Photo by www.thomascreek.com
Paint Shop Pro Tutorial Specializing in
PSP tutorials on bordered background, lake applet, seamless
background, tiles background, and titles text.
Odds N Ends PSP Tutorial Archive Collection of tutorials and effects for
PSP version 4 and 5.
Thanks Gang Brad Odds N Ends Tutorials Updated January 14, 1999 Here I've included a zip with all the files you will need to recreate the lake applet above
This is the Original Simply Gold text technique that is now updated for PSP5 This is the PSP 5 updated version of the original 4.14 tutorial for creating wooden text or other fantastic texture fills in PSP
These are the original psp4.14 tutorials How to create wood grain text using basic airbrush, fill, and pattern fill techniques
You can create other colors, and use the basic technique of the cutout feature in this tutorial to create your own special text effects
Finally, a tutorial complete with pictures on how to download and install Paint Shop Pro compatible third party plugin filters
Basic use of WinZip too! A very easy tutorial on how to get a nice gold color for text
PSP 7 Tutorials
Resources and help for PSP 7 users and tutorials. Large link list for PSP6 users.
New Effects and Tutorials Pretty Rose button
A tutorial for making a family of bee's
Another stocking tutorial
Easy Folk Art Style Topiary- Uses the Easy leaf tube tutorial below
Tutorial on making image maps with PSP 7 Linda Cole's version of the new slicer/dicer feature in PSP 7
Tutorial by Robin on one of the new web tools
PATS! A tutorial for the new lighting effects
A wooden paper plate holder tutorial
Another version of a pocketwatch tutorial
Tutorial for the new mouse over tool in PSP 7
A sisters globe tutorial
For your kitchen cabinets tutorial above
For any of the furniture tutorials
Paint Shop Pro Tutorials
Step by step instructions to create Afghan backgrounds and chain tubes.
Paint Shop Pro Tutorials - Turning the results of Kaleidoscope Painter into afghans
This tutorial uses filters from Simple Filters and Teph's Tricks as well as a mask (supplied) and is more a starting point than a strict method
- Another tutorial for making brandy snifters, this time entirely with vector shapes and gradients
This is a PSP7 tutorial and assumes intermediate to advanced knowledge of the Styles and Colors palette, vector tools, and node editing
The tutorial uses a drilled bead tube in order to demonstrate how to align designs with the direction the bead strand is drawn
- A quick tutorial on using my 'butterfly stained glass lead' vector shapes
(PSP6&7) In hopes of reducing some of my email (and the associated guilt at not being able to answer all of it in a timely manner) I'm going to state my policy on using my tutorials in forums and mailing lists
I always approve text links to my tutorials
I recommend linking to this page or my main PSP page at since individual tutorials may move if I get into a cleaning fit
If you just have to have an image to use with your link you may use one of the link buttons from the main page or make your own image from the tutorial you want to share
Tutorial sul programma Paint Shop Pro e altri correlati alla grafica, creati
dallo staff del sito in una veste colorata e fantasiosa.
Colorsdreams Il sito dei sogni colorati TUTORIAL Siti gemellati dove poter trovare le gallerie dei nostri lavori grafici, gli awards da noi conferiti e altro ancora: Riconoscimenti: Scrivimi: Per iscriverti alla nostra mailing list, clicca sul bannerino: Per votarci: Una volta all'ora Una volta al giorno e/o il nostro Guestbook! Aggiornato al 14 luglio 2006 - ogni settimana nuovi tutorial Il sito è in fase di restyling, ci scusiamo per eventuali disservizi momentanei
Nuovi tutorial: sezione tradotti e sezione medi: Star Questo sito nasce dall'amore per la grafica e per PSP
All'interno ci sono tutorial divisi per grado di difficoltà, attraverso i quali tutti possono imparare a muoversi nel programma e migliorare nel tempo i propri lavori
La maggior parte dei tutorial sono di nostra creazione, mentre per quelli tradotti, ringraziamo la gentile concessione dei legittimi proprietari
Tutte le immagini presenti e servite per i tutorial, come il materiale stesso messo a disposizione nelle lezioni del sito, è reperito sul web, per cui riteniamo di non aver infranto nessun copyright
Paint Shop Pro Tutorials Zimmertech
Paint Shop Pro Tutorials for version 7, 8, and 9 on creating metal, plastic, aqua
buttons, abstract and grunge backgrounds, and 3d crystals.
Services Paint Shop Pro Tutorials Need Paint Shop Pro Tutorials? You came to the right place
Here you can view all of my Paint Shop Pro tutorials for Paint Shop Pro (PSP) 7, 8, and 9
If you can not find what you are looking for, feel free to and request a tutorial
If you don't understand a tutorial, or want to have a better learning experience, click on the 'watch video' for each page
You can also download some of the tutorials in PDF format
Hits: 90691 Rating: 3.43 out of 5 Want to know how to make those cool abstract / grunge / trendwhore backgrounds you see? Now you can, with this tutorial
for this tutorial
You do not need an expensive 3D program - just an internet connection! or for this tutorial
Hits: 24198 Rating: 3.77 out of 5 In this tutorial, you will learn how to make the banner at the top of my homepage step by step
Now check out my banner tutorial! for this tutorial
Hits: 22786 Rating: 1.5 out of 5 Tutorial on how to create a circular award badge or logo for your site
Intermediate tutorial for Paint Shop Pro 9
Advanced tutorial
Candeekis Tutorial's Galore
Tutorials available for PSP 5/7 fancy textures, curved border background, tracing
an image, creating true mask (.msk) files in PSP 7, and muted tile background.
Terms Of Use For Tutorials We always appreciate links to our tutorials, and we provide a linking logo if you would like to link to us
You may not offer a link to our tutorials, solely for the purpose of offering the tutorial as a 'lesson' for groups or individuals
If you would like to use one of our tutorials for a 'lesson' we ask that you provide a link to our main site, where the tutorial link can be found, rather than you offering a link directly to the tutorial itself
We also ask that you use our linking logo below You may not translate our tutorials to another language and offer them on your website
If you are interested in purchasing a license to offer our tutorials in another language, please contact us about our fees
Many of our tutorials have a PSD file that you may save on your own computer for the purposes of reference
Our tutorials may not be redistributed in any manner whatsoever, including groups or mailing lists If you are unclear about these terms, please contact us for clarification, as we will take whatever action necessary to protect our rights
There are many things other available including Original Tubes, Design Elements, Templates, Sets, and much more!! The Main Entry Page is **Most of these tutorials were written using earlier versions of Paint Shop Pro, (PSP 5, PSP 6, PSP 7) however the same methods can be used in the latest versions of PSP without difficulty
State of Entropy Webgraphics and Design - Paint Shop Pro Tutorials ...
Tutorials for Paint Shop Pro 5, Paint Shop pro 4, and Blade Pro. Tutorials for
creating web graphics, text effects, image effects, and graphics from scratch are ...
For your convenience, the rest of the main page of my website, including all of the links to my tutorials, is duplicated below
This site contains tutorials for PSP 4, 5, 6, and 7 as well as presetsand tutorials for the plugin
The PSP 5 tutorials are fairly compatible with PSP 6, andany necessary adjustments have been noted in the text
The old PSP 4 tutorials, however, have been completely updated where possible, and are listed withthose for PSP 5
The Blade Pro tutorials have been designedand written for use with PSP 5 and 6
I hope to update all of my tutorialsto PSP 7 as soon as possible
My other tutorials for PSP 7 are located at the in the Tutorial Zone: Note: The soeclear preset may be downloaded from the Rainbow Candy Tutorial These Tutorials were originally written to go with PSP 5/6 Some of my tutorials require one the great filters created by Greg Schorno
Jan's Designs Tutorials
Tutorials on framed and gold framed stationery, cutout text and rainbow text.
Also lake applets, clipart and snow globes.
The purpose of my writing these tutorials is to help others learn some of the things that I have learned and to have fun in the process
All I ask from you is that you respect me as a writer, and respect the time that goes into writing these tutorials
I ask that you not copy my tutorials and send them through email groups
I also ask that you not copy my tutorials to any website or group files
I am honored when groups use my tutorials for their lessons, but I do ask that you notify me when you decide to use them
These tutorials, selection files, original images and tubes created by me belong to me
However, anything that you create from these tutorials belongs to you and you are free to do whatever you like with them
** NOTE ** All tutorials now have a printable version available
** NOW AVAILABLE ** 50 of my tutorials now available on CD
** All tutorials will remain online ** 22 Frames Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Easter Making Custom Brushes, Adding Picture Frames, Understanding PSP Tools, Installing Plug-ins, Creating Masks, Color Chart and more..
Stationery from start to finish, including HTML code for scrolling 11 Easy seamless tiled backgrounds Rainbow and Cutout Text If you would like to link to this site, you may use the logo below and link to: http://jansdesigns.com/tutorials.html [ | ] This Net Ring owned by Jan's Designs
Paint Shop Pro Tutorials - Dis Dat Designs
Tutorials for PSP 7 and 6. Learn to make a animated umbrella.
Welcome to Dis Dat Designs Paint Shop Pro Tutorials! If you would like to offer any of my tutorials to your groups or classes, please first
Thanks so much! If you like my Paint Shop Pro tutorials, be sure to take a peek at my new tutorials at Debbie T Designs
Learn how to with free tutorials for xhtml and css! Do you need ? Border and Seamless Tiled Available for download! Paint Shop Pro 7 Beginner Tutorials Try these first if you are a PSP 7 Newbie Newbies start here first
For Beginners - Newbies! Adding and Working with Layers For Beginners - Newbies! Color, Gradients &Textures Text Dialog Box Beginner - using the Screen Capture for authoring your own tutorials A Beginner Tutorial *Optional: Eye Candy 4000 A Beginners Tutorial
A Beginners Tutorial
Beginners Tutorials - for creating a Webset for use on your webpages
A Beginners Tutorial - getting your Digital images from Scanners, Cameras, etc ready for the Internet
For Beginners Paint Shop Pro 7 Beginner/Intermediate Tutorials Try these tutorials once you know the basics
*Holiday Tutorial* Beginner/Intermediate - Vectors Beginner/Intermediate Beginner/Intermediate - Vectors Creating, Editing and Exporting Vector Shapes Beginner/Intermediate AlphaChannels, Deformation Tool, Layer Blend Modes Intermediate Intermediate Seamless Background Tiles Using Tubes & Snap to Grid Beginner/Intermediate Taking an animation frame into Paint Shop Pro 7 as a stand-alone image Variation of my original Page Turner Tut Taking Frames from Animation Shop into PSP7 for a stand alone image
Web Graphics on a Budget - Paint Shop Pro Tips & Tricks
Tutorials featuring Paint Shop Pro 5 and 7, including installing version 7.
Free web graphics.
Spike's Toon Tutorial
Tutorials that will teach you how to create cartoon characters using the vector
shape tool in Paint Shop Pro 6.
Home @CallCenter