My Buddy Icons - Make your own buddy icons, AIM icons, AIM buddy ... My Buddy
Icons is an easy-to-use AIM buddy
icon tool. It allows you to customize,
modify or
make your own buddy
icons, then send them directly to
your AIM.
My Buddy Icons - Make your own buddy icons, AIM icons, AIM buddy icons
-- My Other Products: and _ for windows98/2000/XP My Buddy Icons is an easy-to-use AIM buddy icon tool
It allows you to customize, modify or make your own AIM buddy icons, then send them directly to your AIM messenger and change the buddy icons
Now v4.x supports animation buddy icons
Favorites : My Buddy Icons has already included more than 100 original icons(animation GIF) that are created by Newera IconCool Team
You can directly send these cool icons to your AIM
Customization : My Buddy Icons allows you to customize your buddy icons with 20 different image filters and easily adjust their color-balance or brightness
Combination : My Buddy Icons can combine your favorite icons with many background images, and it also allows you to adjust icon size or position
Sites : My Buddy Icons has a website directory for researching buddy icons and allow you to find many excellent buddy icons on Internet
Capture : A built-in capture tool also allows you to capture desktop content as an icon and add it to the collection or save it as .ico file
RunABot.com - Make Aim Bots | Icons and Bots for Myspace Layouts
create a personal chat bot with an easy to use Web-based interface.
Make Aim Bots | Icons and Bots for Myspace Layouts [ | ] Notice: Runabot.com is Back AIM & WEB BASED BOTS ARE BACK ONLINE
Let all your friends know about Runabot.com! posted by @ Sunday, March 17, 2002 Need Help? or Make Aim Bots | Icons and Bots for Myspace Layouts [ | ] [ | ] is © Copyright 2000 Questions or Problems?
Recommends the downloads, web sites and shortcuts that save time.
Favicon.com - custom icons for your website!
Online Java icon editor to create favicon.ico files that customize the marketing
logo in favorites/bookmarks.
General Information Favicon (pronounced fav-eye-con) is short for 'Favorites Icon.' A Favicon is a multi-resolution image included on nearly all professional developed sites
Within Internet Explorer the Favicon is displayed on the Address line and in the Favorites menu
The Favicon allows the webmaster to further promote their site, and to create a more customized appearance within a visitor's browser
Often, the Favicon reflects the look and feel of the web site or the organization's logo
Favicon.com helps webmasters develop Favicons for their own sites, by providing a professional icon design service and by providing software for visitors who wish to build their own
The Favicon was first popularized by its appearance in the Address Bar and Favorites Folder using Internet Explorer and is now a prominent fixture of web browsers such as Mozilla and Netscape
Each web browser has a unique user interface, and as a result uses the Favicon in different ways
! Working from the look and feel of your web site, or any images you wish to provide, we will create a fabulous Favicon compliant with multiple browsers

Photo by www.icon-editor.net
Iconator.com - buddy icons - avatars - display pictures - away ... Organized collection of AIM
icons and away messages in addition to community
features likes membership commments.
Cool Buddy - Icons,Buddy icons,AIM icons,Buddy icon A site containing thousands of buddy
icons for AOL Instant Messenger, organized
by category.
| Away Messages Send funky away messages and qualify for $100 monthly draw Submit Your Buddy Icon s New Categories Coolbuddy Network Buddy Icons for AOL messenger(AIM) **** **** **** **** ****** *** *** ........
Mail me New icons update How do you rate Coolbuddy icons? VERY GOOD GOOD AVERAGE POOR MSN Icons Do u chat on msn messenger ? spice up your profile With Designer Aim Icons Affiliates Desktop Icons , Screensavers Musical Screensavers, Nelly Beachwear, Cameron Diaz Fascinating Animals Christina Aguilera Greeting Cards | © 1999-2006 Leeway Infotech (p) ltd
CoolArchive - Free clip art, fonts, icons, and much more!
Free archive of 1000+ clipart, 4000+ icons, 950+ fonts, animations, sounds,
applications, html and Photoshop tips, plus an online button maker and logo ...
4000+ icons in 125+ categories, (ICO & GIF formats)
North American portal with email, YellowPages, heavily integrated search engine,
personal settings and weather.

Photo by www.ne-design.net
Digg Technology focused news site where the stories are chosen by community members
rather than editors.
Lissa Explains it All Web design tutorials for kids and beginners, HTML instruction, publishing guide,
and advanced techniques.
Also, we have free downloadable programs, including, with which you can make your own cursors and favicons! Need free spware protection and antivirus protection? Need to play music on your Web site? We have a nifty that is easy to install and use
Favicon.co.uk - Free icon editor.
A free online favourites icon editor, which customizes the icon in a browser's
address box and bookmarks.
Want to know more Icon editor You browser is incapable of displaying this applet, please upgrade to a newer version
What is a Favicon? Favicon (pronounced fav-eye-con) is short for 'Favorites Icon' You can customize the Icon(s) in the browsers 'address box window' and 'bookmark listing'
They can confirm that they are viewing your web site by seeing your customized icon(s) in the browser 'address box window'
How can I create a Logo? Favicon.co.uk provides a FREE On-Line Icon Generator (displayed above) that you can use to generate Icons for your website
Once you have created your icon, place your e-mail address in the text box underneath the icon editor
We will e-mail the icon to you (free of charge)
How do I implement a favicon on my web page? Place the icon in the same directory as your HTML file
Which browsers use Favicon icons? You need IE 5.0 or higher
Baller Icons
Hundreds of funny buddy icons that you can add to your AOL Instant Messenger window.
· CATEGORIES Ballers Features Advertisers! !--> Today's Featured Icons! Submitted By: c0r3y Submitted By: hockeyperson20 Submitted By: c0r3y Submitted By: c0r3y Submitted By: Sweesh11 Submitted By: Sweesh11 Submitted By: jakecobber6 Submitted By: jakecobber6 Submitted By: Jackscalade Hey Ballers
All New Icons Created must be made at 48 X 48 (not 50 x 50) Like before! That's the New format size! Baller Links - Check out these HOT LINKS! - A New Crazy Pic & Vid of the day...Everyday! - Surf the web w/ your Dial-up 5 X FASTER! (Try It Free!) - Make your own Buddy icons! - Awesome! - The Dummest stuff online..
XP Web Buttons - Bring an XP look-n-feel to your web menu and buttons!
Create XP-style web rollover buttons and menus.
You can set such parameters as direction, size, color, font face, font style, shadow, icons, alignment, links, targets, tooltips, word wrap, and other parameters
AOL Instant Messenger
The official Web site of AOL Instant Messenger. Exchange messages with friends,
family, and colleagues online.
Expressions Expose Yourself Not in the go-to-jail sort of way, but with buddy icons, smileys, sounds & more
Animated GIFs, backgrounds, buttons, dividers, and backgrounds sets free to use.
The same also applies to the buttons, animated backgrounds, wallpaper, animated name signatures, fantasy pictures, tree pictures, cloud pictures and icons
All the pages for the clipart, buttons dividers, animated gifs and backgrounds have had the amount of images on them reduced to about twelve to a page except for icons and signature names, this will speed up the loading of the page and it'll save you having to go and make a cup of tea while the page loads 'ha ha'! Most of the animated gifs and clip art are displayed on a black background for no other reason than I like black
Make a FREE 3D heading for your website here! A selection of animated icon and symbol gifs
Lynx Viewer
Delorie online viewer enables you to view your site in a text browser.
You may put the 'Lynx Inspected' icon on your page if you wish
You may have that icon be a link back here if you wish, also
Apple - GarageBand
Perform, record and create music from virtual instruments and pre-recorded loops.
Just start chatting and GarageBand simultaneously records the audio — one track for each guest, complete with buddy name and icon, so you know who’s saying what and when
Patriotic Flags, Icons & Images at PatriotIcon.org
Free patriotic flag icons and images to use on web sites or desktop.
| Get Your Own Bookmark/Favorites Icon..
You've probably seen Shortcut Icons popping up on web pages and in your favorite's folder, and wondered how you could get one for your own web site
Well, you've landed at the right place! PatriotIcon is the official site of the U.S
Flag shortcut icons
Now you can get one for your web site for FREE! Without an icon..
With an icon..
The patriot icon is an amazing, FREE way to make your website stand out from the crowd, and it takes less than a minute to setup! What are Shortcut Icons? Patriot Icons are shortcut icons, which are an incredibly under-publicized, but extremely effective marketing tool
They allow your web site to become more visible and easier to find among a sea of bookmarks/favorites with the icon
With PatriotIcon's shortcut icons, you'll get ahead of the pack
There are five different ways of viewing the patriot icon: In the location bar
PatriotIcons are easy to download and install! You'll have your icon up on your webpage in just 2-3 minutes!! Don't have a web page? You can still get a patriot icon to use on your desktop or in your email messages for FREE! Simply fill out the form below and you'll receive your icon and instructions on how to install it in your inbox
ActivIcons Description: Change Windows folder and system icons ...
Lets you change the standard Windows desktop icons and cursors, including saving
the icon arrangement, making the icon labels transparent and changing font ...
Requirements:Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, or XP with DirectX (this is installed by default on most systems) See Also: ActivIcons Change Your Windows Desktop's Default Icon and Cursor Properties ActivIcons makes it simple to change properties for various icons on your Windows desktop and in Explorer, plus attributes for many other desktop settings
You can save and restore the desktop layout, repair corrupted icons, increase the size of the Windows icon cache to prevent future problems, and much more
You can substitute your own icons for the standard Windows icons and cursors
In fact, ActivIcons goes through your Registry and lists out all of the icons found there, so that you can change those as well
You can even use ActivIcons to display animated icons on your desktop, or make the icon text labels transparent
And best of all, you can use ActivIcons for as long as you wish, free of charge! - - - - - To receive a short notice when new versions are released: This page was created with and Copyright © CursorArts Company 1996, 2006.CursorArts, IconForge, SecurDesk!, ImageForge, FileWrangler, ActivAuthor, ActivLibrary and ActivIcons are trademarks of CursorArts Company
Frank's Icons - Make Buddy Icons for Free
Make your own AIM buddy icons using hundreds of templates.
Frank's Icons Frank's Icons - Make Buddy Icons for Free Make Buddy Icons
Recently Made Buddy Icons Browse Buddy Icons Buzz Index These are the 50 most popular words used in the most recently made buddy icons
-FRANKSTER posted by Steve at Frank has a newsletter! Enter your name and email to get emails from Frankabout new stuff on franksicons.com Name: Email: | © 2004-2006 FranksIcons.com, DeGraeve.com |
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