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More bugs found in Internet Explorer, Navigator [CNN]
Late last week independent researchers discovered gaping holes in both leading browsers' JavaScript modules that could grant determined Web hackers access to files and information on the browsing computer
Altan'ın İlk Web Günlüğü
Dil, seyahat, teknoloji konularında yoğunlaşan bir günlük.
The fact is, any parts-of-speech scheme leaves gaping holes
The fact is, any parts-of-speech scheme leaves gaping holes
SoYouWanna Get a Ferret?
A step-by-step article on the process of responsibly choosing a ferret and keeping
it safe and happy.
Your living quarters are about to be reduced to an endless series of ferret hidey-holes that conceal smuggled goodies like your smelly socks, car keys, pencil erasers, underwear and ferret poop balls
Is my apartment ferret-safe? If you live in a house or apartment with gaping holes in the walls and temperatures above 80 degrees or under 50 degrees, then you live in a dump and should probably
But even if your house/apartment isn't condemned, you should crawl around on all fours throughout your living quarters, keeping in mind that ferrets can fit into small (2" by 2") holes, get crushed in reclining chairs, and open your lower cabinets with their cute little paws
Duct tape over the holes and Velcro strips on your cabinets should help, but remember that your ferret will show you what you overlooked, so watch him carefully when he first comes home with you
Mikko's Phylogeny Archive
A compilation of various phylogenetic trees representing different views of taxonomy.
Includes links to other taxonomic websites.
Although many groups of modern organisms are already taxonomically or descriptionally well treated in the Web, there are still some gaping holes left, especially when treating extinct organisms
This site aims to fill some of those holes

Photo by Message board dedicated to Charger fan discussion. Registration required to post.
American Patrol Fighting for US sovereignty by demanding removal of illegals and border security.
Fighter Planes of WWII Information and research of American fighter planes of WWII from
Includes aircraft types, descriptions, photos, performance, and specifications.
After the injured Johnson had landed his plane at the Manston emergency strip, he surveyed the damage it had taken, and later described the result in his autobiography, : There are twenty-one gaping holes and jagged tears in the metal from exploding 20mm cannon shells
I'm still standing in one place when my count of bullet holes reaches past a hundred; there's no use even trying to add them all
The Thunderbolt is literally a sieve, holes through the wings, fuselage and tail
Every square foot, it seems is covered with holes
There are five holes in the propeller
Five cannon shell holes in the right wing; four in the left wing
More holes appeared along the fuselage and in the tail
Daily Record Online
Serving Kittitas County, Wash.
Christian Science Monitor - Notebook: Africa
Blog about news stories, issues and events in Africa. USA.
The bridge, built by an anonymous designer and now a mass of twisted rusting metal, splintered planks, and gaping holes, feels more like an obstacle course (although clearly not to the Senegalese egg vendor who sped across effortlessly in front of me)
These cheap transport machines are great for dodging traffic jams in many of Africa's congested cities â and potholes on its rural roads
Project Management & Bug Tracking for Linux
A survey of bug tracking, scheduling, metrics, trouble-ticketing, help-desk,
call-, and project-management tools for Linux.
The astute reader will notice that there still remain some gaping holes in enterprise-class systems (for example, something competitive to SAP R/3), in pre-sales, sales, and post-sales support systems, and in scheduling and optimization systems
Tennessee Justice Center
Non-profit public interest law firm providing representation in civil cases in
which basic necessities of life are at stake and where legal representation can ...
< > TJC clients fall through gaping holes in TennCare 'Safety Net' Every day, there is a new heartbreak - a client has called the TJC, terrified and ill and desperate, in hopes that we can do something to help them regain their health coverage or simply get the medicines they need to live
Lost Remote
News ticker and mailing list for the broadcasting industry.
Features commentary and Flash animations about celebrities, current event, politics
and war.
Many activists say, 'Thats fine because people need to learn via baby steps, and change must be incremental.' The trouble is that we are out of time, and a false lifeboat with gaping holes is not a solution
The Whiny Goth Kids Page
Web board for posting suicide notes.
My pants are rent with gaping holes
Doctors Without Borders Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines
Advocating to lower the prices of existing medicines, to bring abandoned drugs
back into production, and to stimulate R&D for diseases that primarily affect the ...
'Without political leadership, the gaping holes in essential R&D and the lack of access to innovations will never be adequately addressed
US Under Attack: Your Eyewitness Accounts
A collection of eyewitness accounts from users of the BBC site.
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