


Sample Letters - Cover Letters, Resignation Letters, Letters of ...
Sample letters with tools for auto-formatting, auto-dating, address books and printing.

  • Beth Hallston and I’m here to show you how for just $24.99 you can get access to hundreds of online, prewritten sample letters, articles and information about them, tools for properly addressing, formatting and closing them, and options for emailing or printing right from the site for an entire year

  • Plus, membership also includes: your private online address book one-click formatting to your choice of 4 professional formats your handwritten signature on each letter automatic online printing reminder service complete letter archiving dozens of other easy-to-use tools and resources plus even more for only $24.99 per year -- a quarter of the cost of the other services, and they don’t have half our tools, services or categories! Let’s find your letter..

  • Type a word or phrase you would expect to see in the letter you need

  • Scroll through the letter categories below and click to see the letters in each

  • Professional Personal | Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved to Site Designed & Developed By

    WriteExpress Corporation
    Writing tools for amateurs and professionals.
    Information for women who are interested in starting a home business.

  • Home Business E-Books Business Services Letter Writing Services Professional Letter Templates FREE Legal Forms & Templates FREE Home Business Information Our Mission is a group of successful entrepreneurs who are passionate about working from home

  • Learn how to start your own business from women who have already done it! * the lowest-cost service for preparing incorporation documents for your home business in all fifty states * high quality, low-cost templates for business letters and personal correspondence * free legal forms, contracts & documents * a sample business plan, along with instructions for how to write your own * useful publications to help you save time, manage your money and improve the quality of your hectic life

    Collection of legal forms and business document templates.

  • | Including over 1, 250 essential letters, contracts, board resolutions, plans, checklists, policies and spreadsheets, Business-in-a-Box is the most comprehensive library of business document templates available today


    Photo by

    Businessballs - free business training, free learning resources ...
    The free online team-building and motivational training resource established and
    run by the Alan Chapman Consultancy of Leicester, England.

    The 419 Coalition
    Devoted to fighting the advance money scam, in which victims are offered millions
    for allowing an even greater sum to be deposited in their bank account, ...

  • The Scam operates as follows: the target receives an unsolicited fax, email, or letter often concerning Nigeria or another African nation containing either a money laundering or other illegal proposal OR you may receive a Legal and Legitimate business proposal by normal means

  • Most 419 letters and emails originate from or are traceable back to Nigeria

  • What To Do If You Receive A Nigerian Scam/419 Letter [All information in the What To Do and the Additional Country Specific Reporting sections of this site is kept as current as possible

  • is very interested in receiving copies of any 'new' versions of Nigerian letter schemes particularly those involving Canadian mailing addresses or telephone numbers

  • You can email such 419 letters to them at You may also access the which contains a section on the Nigerian Scam

  • Finally, you can report South African related 419 letters on the website of , a site associated with the Commercial Branch of the Johannesburg Police

    Writing Help Tools
    Reviews of writing tools on the Net for letter writing, resume writing, business
    writing, and general writing.

  • NEW Editing Help Service: If you've already drafted your letter or similar document and need some help finalizing it, my Quick Edit Service will review, revise, and finalize it for you in a hurry

  • is a completely unique and comprehensive letter writing toolkit that will help you write EVERY kind of letter

  • It combines a letter writing style guide full of tips, tricks, advice and pointers WITH more than 100 fully-formatted real-life templates that can be downloaded straight into your word processor

  • The letter templates in the Kit are based on three years of research into the actual letters that people are most often searching for online, and they represent over 99% of ALL letters ever written or requested

  • This Kit will help you write every kind of letter you'll ever need to write

  • is a one-stop general purpose writing toolkit that contains 'how-to' tips, tricks, and information for writing the most sought after personal and business documents including: recommendation letters, resignation letters, reference letters, business letters, cover letters, thank you letters, complaint letters, sales letters, resumes, essays, reports, and more

    Federal Bureau of Investigation - Common Fraud Schemes
    Describes scams to avoid, most of which are internet-related.

  • Nigerian Letter or "419" Fraud Nigerian letter frauds combine the threat of impersonation fraud with a variation of an advance fee scheme in which a letter, mailed from Nigeria, offers the recipient the "opportunity" to share in a percentage of millions of dollars that the author, a self-proclaimed government official, is trying to transfer illegally out of Nigeria

  • The recipient is encouraged to send information to the author, such as blank letterhead stationery, bank name and account numbers and other identifying information using a facsimile number provided in the letter

  • Some of these letters have also been received via E-mail through the Internet

  • The scheme relies on convincing a willing victim, who has demonstrated a "propensity for larceny" by responding to the invitation, to send money to the author of the letter in Nigeria in several installments of increasing amounts for a variety of reasons

  • The schemes themselves violate section 419 of the Nigerian criminal code, hence the label "419 fraud." Some Tips to Avoid Nigerian Letter or "419" Fraud: If you receive a letter from Nigeria asking you to send personal or banking information, do not reply in any manner

  • Benefits

    Photo by

    Nigerian Scam
    tp://" onmousedown="return clk(this.href,'','','dres','11','')">Nigerian Scam - Pagine simili

    Business Majors
    Features a form for e-mail to Tagore high school India, where Kalpana Chawla studied.

  •  You are here: >> FREE Newsletter Sign Up Now for the Business Majors newsletter!   Search From, Your Guide to

  • FREE Newsletter

  • Find out more about business school admissions, admissions interviews, application deadlines, recommendation letters, admissions essays, and much more

  • You can give yourself an edge by finding out all you can in regards to the application process, essay writing, interviews, recommendation letters, and more here

  • Her new book, The Ivey Guide to Law School Admissions , contains a very thorough section on recommendation letters

  • If you are trying to choose a recommender or if you think you will need a recommendation letter in the near future, I highly recommend checking out the full excerpt: Monday July 24, 2006 | As a program manager at Sprint Corporation, author Pujan Roka is no stranger to leadership concepts

    Archive of the first 125 attempts at advance fee fraud received by the site
    authors, a sarcastic FAQ on the scam, law enforcement and news links, and fighting ...

  • ] The letters posted here illustrate (hilariously unsuccessful) attempts at ADVANCE FEE FRAUD

  • Setting aside the writer's attempt to rob you and (going through the mental contortions necessary to take the letter at face value) to steal from his own country, the letters are funny

  • The 100+ letters below introduce the literary genre of the Lads from Lagos

  • Senator' - Lads meet the Count of Monte Cristo - Stroganov extracts another Oath - 'Christian youth conference' - Lad waits at airport! - another Oath! - a 419 letter from 'Senator Barack Obama' - Lads team up with Joe Stalin - Camilla and Charles meet the Lads - Lads approach John Kerry - (DaScritch ) - can you spell Interpol? (fr/en) - Stroganov vs

    Chain Letters
    Description of chain letters, why people think they can work, why they can't work.
    Extensive links.

  • Chain letters Chain letters Chain letters are illegal

  • Chain letters are a waste of time

  • Net sites which do not discourage electronic chain letters risk losing their net connections, as they have the potential for wasting great amounts of bandwidth and disk space

  • What are chain letters? Chain letters are letters which promise a phenomenal return on a small effort

  • The simplest form of a chain letter contains a list of x people

  • Then you remove the top person on the list, sliding the second person into the top position, add yourself in the bottom position, make y copies of the letter, and mail them to your friends

  • Why do people think chain letters could work? The reason people are even tempted by these schemes is that the human mind does not have an intuitive view of geometrical progressions

  • Suppose we presume the chain letter to have a list of five people

  • You are asked to send one postcard to the person on top of the list, and remail the letter to five friends

  • Why can't chain letters work? Now let's assume that everyone on the list is honest and just perpetuating the 'chain.' (After all, these letters do emhpasize being HONEST.) Then if everyone on the list has made five copies, you are one of 5**5 or 3, 125 people receiving copies in your 'generation' of the letter


    MBA Programs at Business Schools
    Worldwide directory of MBA schools and programs that includes admission tips,
    scholarship links, and glossary of terms.

    ID Theft: When Bad Things Happen to Your Good Name
    Tips from the Federal Trade Commission.

  • Send your letters by certified mail, return receipt requested, so you can document what the company received and when

  • Once you have resolved your identity theft dispute with the company, ask for a letter stating that the company has closed the disputed accounts and has discharged the fraudulent debts

  • This letter is your best proof if errors relating to this account reappear on your credit report or you are contacted again about the fraudulent debt

  • Keep the originals of supporting documents, like police reports and letters to and from creditors; send copies only

  • The best way to protect yourself in the event of an error or fraudulent transaction is to call the financial institution and follow up in writing by certified letter, return receipt requested so you can prove when the institution received your letter

  • Keep a copy of the letter you send for your records

    Small Business Web Sites & Small Business Resources Directory ...
    Uses the ODP data to supplement the business listings in its business library.
    Live data. Anaconda.

  • Web Directory: - Over 1, 000 sample business letter templates and forms are available ..


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