Martin Luther King, Jr. | Civil-Rights Leader
Short biographical sketch of King's life, followed by annotated listing of
recommended books about King.

  • Also in 1963, King led a massive march on Washington DC where he delivered his now famous, speech

  • With thousands of King's essays, notes, letters, speeches, and sermons at his disposal, Carson has organized King's writings into a posthumous autobiography

  • - Author: Jim Haskins The life, words, and principles of King through extensive quotations from his speeches and writings

  • Documentary footage of his speeches and interviews with friends and associates make for a penetrating look at the inspirations and frustrations that made up King's life

  • - I Have a Dream This DVD offers the 'I Have a Dream' speech in its entirety, as well as footage of the opposition the protesters faced, such as the fire hoses the police in Alabama used to disperse the crowds

  • Related Websites at Stanford University maintained by The Seattle Times eTexts/RealTime Videos of King's Speeches and Writings —A 10 minute, 17 second Real Video clip of Rev

  • King on the steps of Lincoln Memorial giving his famous speech

    Pearl Harbor Speech
    Speech in which Roosevelt requests that Congress declare war on Japan. Delivered
    December 8, 1941, one day after the infamous bombing.

  • Thanks to our sponsors: Government / Political Center: Historical Speeches and Documents © 2004 Boulder Community Network Last Update: 17-January-2005 by US Historical Speeches and Documents New! Includes hard to find speeches including Last Update: 17-January-2005 by © 2004 Boulder Community Network |

    The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Full text of 11 speeches delivered between 1955 and 1968.

  • A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr

  • A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Dr

    Common Dreams | News & Views
    Breaking progressive news and views.


    Photo by www.networkingtheinternet.com

    Peace as a Civil Right
    Speech given by Dennis Kucinich on the impending war in Iraq.

  • In his speech thirty five years ago at Riverside Church in New York City, Dr

  • We must be prepared to exercise our constitutionally protected rights to assemble, to free speech, to free press, to challenge the government in the streets, on campuses, in town halls, in labor halls, in churches, wherever people gather, wherever people meet, in a manner consistent with the finest democratic traditions

    Baghdad Burning
    A young Iraqi woman writes about conditions in the country after the war.

  • Some of the ‘goodbyes’ were hurried and furtive- the sort you say at night to the neighbor who got a death threat and is leaving at the break of dawn, quietly.Some of the ‘goodbyes’ were emotional and long-drawn, to the relatives and friends who can no longer bear to live in a country coming apart at the seams.Many of the ‘goodbyes’ were said stoically- almost casually- with a fake smile plastered on the face and the words, “See you soon”… Only to walk out the door and want to collapse with the burden of parting with yet another loved one.During times like these I remember a speech Bush made in 2003: One of the big achievements he claimed was the return of jubilant ‘exiled’ Iraqis to their country after the fall of Saddam

    Celebrate! Holidays In The USA - Dr. Martin Luther King Day
    Tells how King's birthday became a national holiday.

  • King delivered a speech that was later entitled "I Have a Dream." The March was one of the largest gatherings of black and white people that the nation's capital had ever seen..

  • The following is an excerpt from the speech entitled "I Have a Dream, " delivered by Dr

  • All weekend, popular radio stations play songs and speeches that tell the history of the Civil Rights Movement

    Kulture Kidz :: Black History from AZ
    Short biography and text of King's "I have a dream" speech.

  • King most famous speech is called " I Have A Dream." He spoke to 250, 000 people in the March on Washington on August 28, 1963

  • I HAVE A DREAM (Parts of Speech) I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream

  • Benefits

    Photo by www.cnn.com

    James Laine, Shivaji And Freedom Of Speech By Manu Bhagavan
    Manu Bhagavan on the ideologies behind the attacks on James Laine, for permitting
    material alleged to be disrespectful of Shivaji to appear in his book.

    Modern History Sourcebook: Ronald Reagan: Time for Choosing Speech ...
    1964 speech in which Reagan urged his fellow citizens to rally behind the American
    dream. From the Modern History Sourcebook.

  • Modern History Sourcebook: Ronald Reagan: A Time for Choosing Speech, 1964 I am going to talk of controversial things

    Jimmy Carter: Inaugural Address. US Inaugural Addresses. 1989
    Complete text of the speech delivered Thursday, January 20, 1977. Includes background

    Nobel Prize in Literature 1911 - Presentation Speech
    Nobel Prize for Literature 1911 - presentation speech by CD af Wirsén, Permanent
    Secretary of the Swedish Academy.

  • The Nobel Prize in Literature 1911 Presentation Speech Presentation Speech by C.D

  • But he succeeded, according to his biographer Gerard Harry, only in demonstrating brilliantly his ineptitude for the legal career, having the «happy defects» that render a man absolutely unfit for the pettifogging quarrels and public counsel's speeches in the law court


    Racial Equality - Martin Luther King's Dream for America and the ...
    Student essayist Charles Gilmer reminds readers that the words spoken by King
    ring true today.

  • This march was a stark contrast to the 1963 March on Washington where Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech was delivered

    The (Mis)Guided Dream of Graham Greene
    Robert Royal surveys the life and career of English novelist Graham Greene and
    argues that his art suffered from Greene's character flaws and misguided ...

  • In a 1987 speech Greene gave in Moscow, he claimed to have observed a new thing: 'We are fighting—Roman Catholics are fighting—together with Communists, and working together with Communists

  • We are fighting together against General Pinochet in Chile.' Gorbachev, who was present at this speech, was only two years away from pulling the plug on the Latin Communists, their Catholic sympathizers, and his own USSR

    Theodore Pappas Plagiarism and the Culture War: The Writings of ...
    Reviewer Gavan Tredoux takes apart Theodore Pappas' "Plagiarism and the Culture
    War: The Writings of Martin Luther King Jr. and Other Prominent Americans."

  • Not only did he plagiarize at least half of his doctoral thesis; many of his speeches, including the most famous, were plagiarized too

  • Even the much celebrated "I have a dream" speech of 1963 was plagiarized

  • By a peculiar turn of events, the source King raided for this was a speech given to the Republican National convention of 1952, by a black preacher named Archibald Carey

    Odin's Castle of Dreams & Legends
    An Archive of History and Historical Resources. All time periods from dawn of
    man to today.

  • Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign! Odin's Castle Actively Supports the Fight Against SPAM This web page is powered by a division of Mil-Tel Communications, Inc

    From Revolution to Reconstruction: Documents: Burke speech
    Address to Parliament on March 22, 1775. Text provided by From Revolution to

  • > > Burke speech Edmund Burke Speech on conciliation with America, March 22, 1775 *** *** To restore order and repose to an empire so great and so distracted as ours is, merely in the attempt, an undertaking that would ennoble the flights of the highest genius, and obtain pardon for the efforts of the meanest understanding

    Global Voices Online
    Global Voices' mission is twofold: (1) To call attention to interesting conversations
    and perspectives emerging from citizens’ media around the world, ...

    George W. Bush statement - December 13, 2000
    Statement in which Bush accepted the presidency.

    Martin Luther King Jr National Historic Site - Martin Luther King ...
    Offers a virtual tour of King's birthplace.


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