An Inconvenient Truth A feature film documentary on the Earth's climate crisis. The film features
Gore and is directed by Davis Guggenheim.
The Global Warming Information Center Project of the National Center for Public Policy Research; fact sheets, media
kits, research, and links critical of the manmade climate change orthodoxy.
Global Warming, Endangered Species, ANWR, Wetlands and Pollution : Biblical Environmental Stewardship: Defining the Mandate : Vanity Fair's Environmental Silliness : Save the Planet: Drive an SUV : Panel Not Happening: Is the Mandatory Program Necessary? : Global Warming and Polar Bears: One Sound Decision Deserves Another : Global Warming Research Fears: Galileo Would Have Recognized the Feeling : We Are a Hotbed of Raving Trotskyist Revolutionaries (er, No, Cato Is) : Alan Caruba: Environmentalist Sports and How They Harm Us : Brannon Howse: Christian 'Leaders' Drinking Leftie Kool-Aid : Kyoto's Anniversary: Little Reason to Celebrate by Dana Joel Gattuso : Pollute the Bible to Save the Earth : The Anti-Capitalism Virus by Thomas J
: Independent Finds Yet Another 'Unprecedented' Global Warming Challenge : Climate Change Hypocrites v
the U.S., China, India, Japan, Australia and Much of the Developing World : Global Warming Conference Report: Logging Old Growth Forests to Stop Global Warming : Climate Change Report: Do We Have a Right to Be Cold? : Climate Change Conference Report: Agence France-Presse Freaks Out : The Empire Strikes Back: U.N
Grassroots site to draft Al Gore to run in 2004.
The first political figure to oppose the Iraq war, Al Gore is also the lead champion in the fight against global warming, a passionate defender of our Constitution, and a relentless voice against the Bush Administration's abuse of executive power
Stop Global Warming
A collective working to encourage governments, corporations, and politicians take
the steps necessary to stop global warming.

Photo by static.flickr.com
Global Warming > Environmental Policy Index of CEI research papers, opinion articles, speeches, and other publications
on climate change, the Kyoto Treaty, and related topics.
> > > Global Warming Global Warming We Call it Life : Related Materials What Every Citizen Should Know About Global Warming A Critique of Time Magazine's Special Report on Global Warming Science Articles Cited in "Glaciers" Spot Annoted Scripts (PDF) Other Sources About Global Warming Although global warming has been described as the greatest threat facing mankind, the policies designed to address global warming actually pose a greater threat
Luckily, predictions of the extent of future warming are based on implausible scientific and economic assumptions, and the negative impacts of predicted warming have been vastly exaggerated
In the unlikely event that global warming turns out to be a problem, the correct approach is not energy rationing, but rather long-term technological transformation and building resiliency in societies by increasing wealth
CEI has been a leader in the fight against the global warming scare
More on Global Warming OP-EDS & ARTICLES Sybil Ackerman ('BP is deserving of censure, but not a vendetta', September 1) raises interesting points but fails to assign responsibility for BP's p..
MoveOn.org: Al Gore Remarks
That group wanted to get rid of the Kyoto Treaty on Global Warming, of course, and the Administration pulled out of it first thing
For example, a couple of weeks ago, the White House ordered its own EPA to strip important scientific information about the dangers of global warming out of a public report
Similarly, the Kyoto treaty is an historic effort to strike a grand bargain between free-market capitalism and the protection of the global environment, now gravely threatened by rapidly accelerating warming of the Earth's atmosphere and the consequent disruption of climate patterns that have persisted throughout the entire history of civilization as we know it
Ironically, the principal cause of global warming is our civilization's addiction to burning massive quantities carbon-based fuels, including principally oil -- the most important source of which is the Persian Gulf, where our soldiers have been sent for the second war in a dozen years -- at least partly to ensure our continued access to oil
Global Warming -- Documentation and Ramifications
Contains links to scientific studies of the human, non-natural contribution to
global warming. Plus, possible ways that alternative energy can help solve this ...
22-24 Writing Shopping Other - - - PES Network Inc Sites: - - - You are here: > > Global Warming Global Warming Scientific documentation and ramifications of global warming from both human as well as natural causes
Page Contents: (has multiple sub-sections) See also: - scientific documentation to put this video on your site! - July 16, 2006 two-hour special on Discovery Channel, hosted by Tom Brokaw, produced by the global alliance of Discovery Channel, the BBC and NBC News Productions, will present the facts regarding global warming
() - due out in May weaves the science of global warming with Al Gores personal history and commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change
14, 2006) - The nation's top climate scientists are giving "An Inconvenient Truth, " Al Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy
( PhysOrg ; June 27, 2006) - Launched by Maui Media , this fan-based website of the acclaimed film about the climate crisis provides on global warming and alternative energy, clean air, water, and other ecological issues; has a ; and includes a '' checklist

Photo by www.charmaineyoest.com
JunkScience.com -- Steven Milloy, Publisher Corporate-funded site which contends that environmentalists, activists, government
regulators, lawyers, and scientists use faulty scientific data (junk science)
...Despite milking lucrative speaking engagements and book deals with his global warming schtick he declines any such debate
From Concerned about CEOs siding with global warming activists? August 8, 2006 - "Global warming hysteric Ross Gelbspan continues to have difficulty dealing with the fact that he has never won a Pulitzer Prize." (Steven Milloy, JunkScience.com) - "Q: There seems to be a lot of political debate about if global warming is true or not
How can a non-scientific person sort out what the facts are and what is just an agenda? (Washington, DC) A: Global warming is often defined as "the observed increase in the mean (average) temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades, " which, unfortunately, leads to difficulties
Yet their significance in Earth's climate got scant attention in the much-talked-about recent movie on global warming, "An Inconvenient Truth." That may be because the inner lives of clouds, the mix of water vapor, ice and airborne particles called aerosols, are complicated, says atmospheric scientist Chip Trepte of NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton." (Richmond Times-Dispatch) - "GRINDELWALD, Switzerland - Sometimes, global warming can help put money in your pocket
Global Warming - National Wildlife Federation
NWF works to protect wildlife from the impacts of climate change.
Global Warming Raise your voice with thousands of others to stand up for wildlife and people
Your every day actions can make a difference to reduce global warming
In an ideal world, we could stop the effects global warming today
- see what teens have to say about An Inconvenient Truth See what Americans nationwide think about global warming and how NWF is working to bring this message to mainstream media
This movie transforms Al Gore's multimedia presentation on global warming into a movie which received standing ovations during its world premiere screenings at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival
World-renowned scientist Tim Flannery has published a groundbreaking book that argues passionately for the urgent need to address global warming
FAQ About the Politics of Global Warming
FAQ arising from the Kyoto Summit.
Studies of the of the oceans suggest that there is more warming in the pipeline
Climatologists reporting for the UN (IPCC) say we are seeing global warming and there are of feedbacks that will this warming
GORE, Albert Arnold, Jr. - Biographical Information
Entry in Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.
Yahoo - Global Warming
A roundup of news stories, editorials and articles from a wide selection of online
New User? - Primary Navigation Secondary Navigation Search: Full Coverage: Climate Change Reuters AFP - Sun Aug 27, 5:34 PM ET PARIS - A year after Katrina wrecked New Orleans, a storm of a different kind is buffeting the world's community of climate scientists: are hurricanes becoming more vicious or more frequent? The raw fuel for tropical storms is a warm sea, so experts have long speculated that global warming, by driving up ocean surface temperatures, is bound to boost hurricanes and their Asian cousins, typhoons
- companion site to the documentary film, and book, which chronicles Al Gore's campaign to raise awareness about global warming
Global Warming
Links to articles and resources skeptical of claims made by environmentalists
about global warming.
Global warming, photography, pictures, photos, climate change ...
Has pictures of change in the Arctic, Antarctica, glaciers, and the ocean.
Global warming, photography, pictures, photos, climate change, science, weather, arctic, antarctica, climate zones, glacier, arctic warming, antarctic warming, documentation, impacts, effects of climate change, paleoclimate, mountain glaciers, coral reefs, tide pools, phenology, sea level Global warming at the extremes of the earth: Habitats and cultures everywhere react to climate's rapid changes Asia's largest rivers, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, join in the world's most extensive delta and flow into the Bay of Bengal
Gary Braasch visited to document this threat, and a report on Bangladesh facing global warming appears on the Oceans page
More than "An Inconvenient Truth" -- Global Warming is a dangerous, wide-ranging, and urgent problem
The truth is we all must begin reducing global warming
Photographers' Perspectives on Global Warming October 14 - November 6, 2005 was shown at JW Gallery, Brooklyn
World View of Global Warming is funded by donations and grants
Click map image to go to larger view with warming news links "In my view, climate change is the most severe problem that we are facing today -- more serious even than the threat of terrorism." With this warning to an international science meeting in February 2004, David A
Breaking the Global-Warming Gridlock - 00.07
Atlantic Monthly.
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Daily weblog with political analysis on US current events from a liberal perspective.
California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) - protecting ...
CLCV supports environmental candidates and issues, and is best known for its
environmental scorecard, in which it rates legislators on the basis of votes for or ...
Global Warming Bill Passes! Historic Victory: The governor and the legislature have come to an agreement on, setting the stage for California passing historic legislation aimed at curbing global warming
The Myths and Facts about Global Warming Global warming is a growing problem that is already having a huge impact on our environment, health and economy
See, a look at former Vice President Al Gore's crusade to halt global warming, now playing in RSS Subscribe to the for the most up-to-date CLCV news
Al Gore and the Creation of the Internet
This article explores how the perception arose that Gore in essence padded his
resume by claiming to have invented the Internet.
Note, for instance, this letter from Lew Pritchett of Placentia, California printed on March 19, 1999 in the Los Angeles Times : Up until Gore's announcement, all I knew of his inventions was global warming
Environment & Climate News
The Heartland Institute's national monthly outreach publication for free-market
environmentalism, with documents on climate change and property rights.
A friend invited me to attend a screening of 'An Inconvenient Truth, ' Al Gore's new film about global warming, when it first arrived in Chicago a few ..
CNN - US signs global warming treaty - November 12, 1998
signs global warming treaty Compliance with the Kyoto treaty would reduce greenhouse gas emissions November 12, 1998 Web posted at: 10:58 p.m
'We are confident that in time the nations of the world will arrive at a course that maintains strong and sustainable economic growth, respects the needs and aspirations of all nations, and protects future generations from the threat of global warming, ' Gore said in a statement
And this year's El Nino -- with its raging fires, drought and life-threatening floods -- gave us a powerful preview of the kind of extreme weather that global warming may bring, ' he said
As the big powers argued over who should do more, tiny Micronesia said that global warming will 'bring total and permanent destruction to our homeland' from flooding caused by rising sea levels
'Global warming will destroy us forever, and by the time that happens, the rest of the world will be on an irreversible track toward devastation
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