Associazione Campana Giovani Chirurghi


 Benvenuto nel sito Ufficiale dell'Associazione Campana dei Giovani Chirurghi



Prof. Alfonso Barbarisi

12th Annual Conference - European Integration for Surgical Know-how

Presidents: Achille Lucio Gaspari - Alfonso Barbarisi

Naples - Italy

27 - 29 novembre 2008

Dear Colleagues,
it is a real pleasure for me to invite you at the 12th Annual Conference of the European Society of Surgery in Naples, right in the centre of the Mediterranean, in the South of Europe.
During the IX century it was already famous the Salerno School of Medicine (Salerno is a nice city around 30km from Naples), it was the first Academic School of our common European history, where the surgery was really well considerate.
Patients arrived here from all over Europe for centuries and doctors from here moved towards all Europe.
It was the centre of the integration between the Classic Greece, Rome and the Islam.
This tradition continued during the centuries until today with the Historical School of Medicine of Naples to which I belong with its vocation to welcome, for its promotion and integration of medical culture and general culture, between North and South, East and West Europe.
I accepted with enthusiasm the invite of the ESS Board, that I thank sincerely, to organize with my friend A.L. Gaspari the Conference that we entitled of course: "EUROPEAN INTEGRATION FOR SURGICAL KNOW-HOW".
I am sure that Naples with its beauties will be the right frame of the Conference and that our effort to have the best European Speakers will come up to the expectations of all of you.
I wait for you in Naples in the sign of the innovation of the medical science that it is not apart from its own tradition.

Alfonso Barbarisi




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P.I. 02363090289 dominio registrato al Registro del ccTLD "it" da Gabriele De Sena per ACGC il 04/02/08
Da un Idea di: Luigi  Ricciardelli, Tommaso Pellegrino e Alberto Menduni De'Rossi

Realizzato da Alfredo Fucito in collaborazione con Gabriele De Sena

Sito web in rete  dal 15 luglio 2007