
General Details

Height: 821 m.
Surface: 18.71 m2
Inhabitants: 954.
Distance from Turin: 57 km.
Postal Code: 10050.
How reaching: ss. 24, A32 Susa toll, Turin-Modane railway line, Susa or Chiomonte railway station.


Gravere: the town which is not. On the right side of Dora Riparia river, Gravere mostly includes different complexes that had been suburbs of Susa community for centuries. In 1662 only they were full acknowledged as autonomous human communities. However, the religious autonomy came before the political autonomy. Thanks to the vote in favour of the erection of a new church in 1598, a time of plague, the works for building the parish church dedicated to the very holy Saint Mary's nativity and to Saint Barbara started. But this church was ended in 1745 only, with the first electronic clock that, based on tradition, came from Brunetta. Since that time, Gravere inhabitants depended on Pieve of Santa Maria Maggiore in Susa and attended their small church of very holy Saints Giacomo and Filippo in Croaglie, which then has been destroyed.
In 1592, the Saint Francis castle was erected after a project by the military engineer Gabrio Busca. It was part of three Gravere fortresses, together with Molaro and Monmorone Rock, built to protect the frontier of the Dauphin area with France. The Savoy armies vainly attempted to stop the French armies of Cardinal Richelieu and Marshall Catinat bound to Turin in 1629 and 1690.
The most important Gravere monument is undoubtedly Losa Charthouse born in 1189, in a church dedicated to Mary. Once it was inhabited all around by a Benedictine community, there were small houses that then escaped after the Saracen invasion, on Thomas I of Savoy initiative. Only the small bell-tower, frescos of early Four Hundredth century after a Lombard styled inspiration and the wonderful Marian Baldachinaltar resorting to the first half of XV century remain of the Romanic styled building.


Losa Charthouse

In 814, around 20 members of St. Benedict community left Oulx abbey convent, which had become too-small for the numerous friars, to live in loneliness and established themselves at Losa, where they built a chapel. They lived in cell-houses spread around the chapel. The hermits had lived in this area for 150 years, up to X century, when they were compelled to escape due to Saracen invasion. In 1189, here arrived Grenoble Carthusians who remained here up to 1200 only. Then they went to Montebenedetto. After having achieved the religious autonomy, Gravere parish priest hardly bore the processions of pilgrims of the Madonna del Ponte di Susa Church. Due to a vote against plague of 1598, every 15th August of year they went to the chapel, that once belonged to the village. In fact, the religious processions can be allowed in one's own jurisdiction only. When he fully owned the small church and could furnish it and appoint the priors, who, by ancient right had to be from Alteretto, he stopped the controversy forbidding the pilgrimage. The target of such processions was an ancient wooden icon of Madonna (XIII-XIV century). In 1690, to be made free of war that was destroying the town, already suffering from a severe epidemic, Gravere inhabitants made vote to go in procession to Losa Madonna on St. Anne day (26th July) and such tradition lasts even today, but the path to be run is much smaller. The church has been continuously visited by thieves who have sacked it of quite all furnishings.

Parish Church Dedicated to the Very Holy Saint Mary's Nativity and to Saint Barbara

The parish church was ended in 1745 only, with the first electronic clock that, based on tradition, came on Brunetta; earlier, Gravere inhabitants depended on Pieve of Santa Maria Maggiore in Susa and attended their small church of very holy Saints Giacomo and Filippo in Croaglie.

Refornetto Suburb

The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, was built due to a vote made during the plague of summer 1598. The works were started much with enthusiasm, but due to winter arrival and disease lower diffusion, even the enthusiasm of many people reduced; the commitment of some people to be faithful to the engagement and the collection of promised donations (promises made during the plague) (this was very hard, as not all donation engagements were written, and when plague left, many people "forgot" their promises) in 1599 allowed the regular restart of works. However, works were not fast, due to the famine which followed the plague, worsened by a flood in 1601 and the military battles that were in Gravere area in those years. In 1609 the parish, even if still unended, was consecrated and this gave Gravere the religious autonomy earlier than financial autonomy. The tower-bell was erected in 1656 only at charges of municipality, using the stones of Grande Essimonte. The bells were arranged in 1657; the small pre-existing bell come from a random tower-bell, the medium bell was taken from Losa but during the transport broke and had to be melted again, the big bell (460 kilos) was properly melted. The first mechanic clock, that based on tradition came from Brunetta, was applied in 1745 to the tower-bell. Some interesting engravings can be noted on rock top, south of church. Two well visible equine hoof marks can be noted. The legend says they belong to Erode horse that jumped when bringing his king beyond Alps in exile; however, some people say that the devil dominated Gravere from that rock and marked it with his feet when left the area due to the church erection. Next to these engravings, there are also six small cups. They come from ancient pagan sacrificial rites of Druidic priests to Celtic gods. They got prophecies from how the victim's blood arranged on cavity dip into rock.

Saint Francis Fortress

Over the rock, south of which there are Bastia suburb houses, in 1592 Saint Francis fortress was built, after a Gabrio Busca's project. Gabrio Busca was a military engineer on account of Charles Emmanuel I; by exploiting the ridge, a simple railing was implemented. This run across the borders with small towers on angles. In the interior, there were 2 hutments for armies and a chapel. The access was made possible by a path rising along the Eastern side of mount. It was part of the three Gravere fortresses, together with Molaro and Monmorone rocks laid down to protect the frontier of the Dauphin area. The Savoy armies vainly attempted to stop the French armies of Cardinal Richelieu and Marshall Catinat bound to Turin in 1629 and 1690. Indeed, Gravere was never involved in real wars, but highly suffered from the passage of the several soldiers who passed by the valley and who continuously sacked the population and suburb chapels. In many cases, these were razed to the ground.

Ex-Voto Pile

The area is rich in ex-voto piles witnessing, as holy images painted on the walls of old houses do, the highly religious spirit of Gravere inhabitants during last centuries. They had been often erected for will by some families, due to votes made by them, as this which was erected by Richetto family, when the three brother Domick, Ambrogio, and Francis came back in good health from war.

Alteretto Suburb

Probably, this is one of the most ancient Gravere complexes, certainly the most populated during last century, before that a high migration reduced it to an empty town. Its chapel is dedicated to the Rosary Madonna. The suburb was seat of Ripa Counts, co-Lords of Losa and Alteretto, even today well known to political and worldly chronicles, who contributed to the completion of the parish church, and not only economically.

Moranda Houses

This area is famous for its "tobacco factory";. In fact, here was the drier for the leaves to be worked to have wired tobacco, powder tobacco, ground tobacco, and cigarettes. In view of ground type, it is possible that the growing occurred on the spot, on the plain free of other plants even today.

Ex-Voto Pile Dedicated to Saint Anne

This is another religious witness. It is one of the steps of procession that from the parish went to Losa, passing across Alteretto, in Saint Anne day. This habit was stopped during the Second World War, but it was started immediately after the war. This became the boundary of procession that departed to Gravere, from town church; now the procession path has been further reduced and is limited to a tour around Losa chapel.

Trucco Military Battery

This is also named Losa battery; it was implemented in 1891; it was constituted by a trench including two batteries on two [...].


Important Telephone Numbers
Town Hall
Via Roma 3
Phone + 39- 122.622912
Phone +39-122.622782
