
General Details

Height: 1312 m.
Surface: 132.31 km2.
Inhabitants: 3050.
Distance from Turin: 90 km
Postal Code: 10052
How reaching it: ss. 24 A32 Bardonecchia toll; Turin-Modane railway line, Bardonecchia railway station.


Located in the amphitheatre-like punch on the meeting point of Frejus, Melezet, Rho, and Rochemolles valley, Bardonecchia is subdivided into two parts: Borgovecchio and Borgonuovo.
Known as the "2 - tunnel town" (the motorway tunnel and the railway tunnel), Frejus tunnels, Bardonecchia is an internationally important crossing point, a natural door open to Europe. The Frejus railway tunnel has been performed by Eng. Germano Someiller, to join Bardonecchia to Modane, Italy to France. The idea of tunnel is due to the local entrepreneur Médail. However, the promotion was due to the two ministers of the King Vittorio Emanuele II, Carlo Paleocapa and the Count Camillo Benso of Cavour, who decided to practically execute it in August 1857.
Immediately after the war, Bardonecchia was already complete with excellent sport systems that now have been made more modern and increased.


Carmine Chapel (Mélezet)

This chapel is at Mélezet suburb and its museum gathers the most valuable items of the Mélezet School, which was a school of sculpture, painting, and architecture which was very famed between XV and XVIII century.

Sant'Ippolito Parish Church

Located in the town city centre, the parish church war rebuilt in 1850 approx., on the remnants of the previous Romanic styled church, collapsed in 1806, of which, the bell-tower was the only one not to have collapsed. In 1964, it was extended with a left transept. The building is featured by two bell-towers built in two different epoches.

Town Museum

The museum, located at Via de Geneys, is on two floors. It shows work tools and daily used items.

The Sundials

The most famous sundial of Bardonecchia is the one in Allemands House mentioning the saying «Coelum regula mea», that is to say "The heaven is my rule". The Pellerin House one shows the saying «Ombra son del sole figlia». The sundial on the face of Ambrois House shows: «Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat», that is to say "All hours injure, the last hour kills". Then, the inscription of the sundial of the Clovis-Ambrois House says «Labor si sole patet», that means "I work if sun rises".

Ancient Castles

Bardonecchia castles are not to be forgotten.
The Bramafam fort was built 1874 to 1899 to protect Frejus tunnel opening. During the I World War it was used as a prison. Then it was left to the slow but inesorable degradation to 1993, when people thought to revaluate and revalorise this building. This was possible due to the “Associazione per gli Studi di Storia e di Architettura militare "(Association for Military History and Architecture Study Association" of Turin, that today manages it. Partly recovered, the restoration works of the fortress had started in 1995.
Tur Damun Castle, i.e. the Castle of De Bardonisca Lords, is to be remembered as well. Today, only a small part remains: a small part of central keep and the foundations of angular turrets.


Important Telephone Numbers

Town Hall
piazza De Gasperi 1
+ 39 0122.901222
via Montello 56
+ 39 0122.99004
ATL Office
viale della Vittoria 4
+ 39 0122.902612
Pro Loco
viale della Vittoria 44
+ 39 0122902612

