Cantare è una delle cose che ho sempre fatto da quand'ero una bambina, l'ho sempre visto qualcosa di estremamente intimo e magico, e l' Arte è sempre occhio di Luna, nascosto e sempre mutevole.
Cantare coinvolge tutte le parti del se, l'intero corpo si attiva per la produzione di un suono : il cuore dona la componente emozionale, l'anima è richiamata in tutte le opere di magia, la mente memorizza le parole e la melodia e infine quando le cose diventano automatiche, svanisce lentamente la coscienza e noi entriamo nell'io più profondo per prender parte alla sua saggezza.

Il contenuto delle canzoni e l'energia raccolta cantandole, spesso crea emozioni fortissime. Questo ovviamente ci consente di correggere ogni percorso bloccato che possiamo ritrovare nelle nostre memorie, segnato dalle stesse emozioni.
Poichè molti canti sono brevi e ripetitivi, una persona spesso raggiunge il punto in cui la canzone canta se stessa e la mente si tira fuori, portandoci in un lieve stadio di "trance".
A questo punto, cantare diventa un esercizio meditativo,
che consente di unire i benefici del rilassamento della meditazione, con le profonde sorgenti della saggezza.

Le energie create cantando possono anche essere direzionate fuori con l'intento magico. La prossima volta che svolgete un lavoro, scegliete un canto che il messaggio supporti il vostro intento e cantatelo mentre visualizzate il vostro desiderio realizzato.
Vedrete come cantare amplificherà gli effetti del vostro lavoro.

Dopo questo preludio, potrete trovare alcuni famosi canti pagani, alcuni dei quali ho amato dividerli con gli alberi del mio giardino e i boschi d'intorno. Molti son stati condivisi durante il mio circolo magico.
Spero che presto prenderanno parte alla vostra vita.


Ecco infine i canti che aspettavate,chiudete gli occhi,aprite il cuore alla magia.................

Wiccan Amazing Grace (M.

Amazing grace, how sweet the earth
That formed a witch like me
I once was burned, but now I thrive
Was hanged but now I sing

T'was grace that drew down the moon
And grace that raised the sea
The magick of the people's will
Will set our Mother free!

Amazing grace, how sweet the earth
That formed a witch like me
I once was burned, but now I thrive
Was hanged but now I sing


When righteousness declines and wickedness is strong
In the dawning of an age as a new age comes along
That's when I rise again, again, again to light the flame
Of truth within the world of men

I am light, I am truth, I am the fire of the sun
I am the hope of all the earth the power of the one

When men have lost their way and know not where to turn
And the future seems to lay where the fires of hatred burn
That's when I rise again again again to light the flame
of love within the hearts of men

I am light, I am truth, I am the fire of the sun
I am the destiny of man, the Spirit of the one

When ignorance has bound the hearts of men in fear
And men cry out for help, and no one seems to hear
That's when I rise again, to break the bonds enslaving men
To let a new world be born.

I am light, I am truth, I am the fire of the sun
I am the hope of all the earth the triumph of the one

We all come from the Goddess (Z. Budapest)

We all come from the Goddess,
And to Her we shall return.
Like a drop of rain,
Flowing to the ocean.

Hoof and horn, hoof and horn
All that Die shall be reborn.
Corn and grain, corn and grain,
All that falls shall rise again.

We are the flow ( S. Mountainwater)

We are the flow, we are the ebb
We are the weavers, we are the web.

We are the weave, we are the web,
We are the spiders, we are the thread.

We are the spiders, we are the thread,
We are the witches back from the dead.

The earth is our mother

The earth is our mother, we must take care of Her.
The earth is our mother, we must take care of Her.

Hey yanna hey yanna hey yan yan.
Hey yanna hey yanna hey yan yan.

It's sacred ground we walk upon with every step we take.
It's sacred ground we walk upon with every step we take.

Hey yanna hey yanna hey yan yan.
Hey yanna hey yanna hey yan yan

I circle around the earth

Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly
Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly
Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly
I circle around, I circle around,
I circle around the boundaries of the Earth

Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly
Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly
Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly
I circle around, I circle around,
I circle around the planet of our birth

Goddess Song (Lady Bridget 1994)

Isis, Diana, Cerridwen, Minerva, Hecate, Persephone, Anu
Bridget, Dana, Arionrhod, Rhiannon, Athena, Demeter, Hera.
Speak to me of mystery, speak to me of life
I've been Maiden, I've been Lover,
I`ve been Mother, I`ve been Wife.
Help me to focus my dreams and I see
There is everything I'll ever need already deep in me.
Searching for something that felt so right
In the stillness of the forest or the peaceful starry night.
Living meadows and ancient trees
Carry secrets that are also found within the stormy seas.
I have watched the thundering skies, as the lightening
Crashes through the clouds and chills me with delight.
Windswept prairies of wheat growing tall
Or the desert sands of shimmering heat and I am part of all.
Gentle Goddess, who also destroys
Creatress, Destructress, turn sorrows into joys
You have called me home again
I'm remembering what once I knew but had forgotten.
Honor me with your presence tonight
In the Sacred Space that we create by flickering candlelight
I hear you calling me to come and delight
In the Sacred Space of Perfect Trust and Love by candlelight.