Pietro Quirino and Calace Quartet

Neapolitan serenade 

Piero Quirino and myself after the concert in Berlin - March 2004

March 2004, Berlin: Pietro, Gianni and Salvatore excite the Germans!


Pietro Quirino and Calace Quartet are one of the most amazing ensemble in the interpretation of the Neapolitan song classics

While working at Trianon, I met many musicians committed to the promotion and diffusion of Naples classical music

But Pietro and Calace Quartet are the best in putting up on stage the eternal emotions of the Neapolitan song with the show called Neapolitan serenade

Together with a great voice, Pietro has the inborn ability to fascinate the audience (as he also studied acting) and Gianni, Salvatore, Nunzio and Gennaro are among the best interpreters and performers of this music genre

The study and preparation of the concert together with the respect of the execution and interpretation techniques which vary through the centuries make the show concert Neapolitan serenade a perfect tool in orger to promote the Neapolitan song and Italian culture in Italy and abroad

Pietro Quirino and the quartet musicians played with the greatest Italian and international artists 

For further informazion on Neapolitan serenade (technical sheet and presentation) and Pietro Quirino, Gianni dell'Aversana, Salvatore Esposito, Gennaro Petrone and Nunzio Reina's individual resume please


click here



The tenor Pietro Quirino


Gianni dell'Aversana


Gennaro Petrone


from the right: Nunzio Reina and Salvatore Esposito























Download the mp3s files and listen to Pietro Quirino

with the Calace Quartet by clicking on the songs below





Dduie paravise

(C. Parente – E. A. Mario)



'E spingule frangese

(S. Di Giacomo – E. De Leva)



Fenesta vascia




Funiculì funiculà

(G. Turco – L. Denza)



La danza

(G. Rossini)









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