
VOXARTIS - Associazione Culturale Musicale Europea

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VOXARTIS Associazione Culturale Musicale Europea, with the sponsorship of the Local Council and the Cassa di Risparmio di Terni e Narni, organizes in Stroncone (Terni - Italy) the 1st International Piano Master Class. The Course will be given by M° Massimiliano Ferrati, a pianist of acknowledged international prestige, in the magnificent medieval setting of the historic centre of the Umbrian village. The Master Class will take place from 25th July to 2nd August 2003, according to a timetable arranged on the basis of the needs of each participant, and it will end up with the Final Concert performed by the students, during which attendance certificates will be given.

The Course is open to pianists of any age and nationality. The participants are divided into Active students and Auditors. In case the minimum number of enrolments should not be reached, VOXARTIS reserves the right to cancel the Course.

Candidates who will explicitly apply for it by sending in the application form and the proof of payment of the respective registration fee will be admitted as active students, provided they are not over 12 in number. In case the enrolments should exceed the fixed number, a selection through entrance examinations will be made by the teacher, whose decision is final. In case at least twelve excess applicants should enrol, the teacher will form a further summer session with a timetable to be arranged. Each active student is entitled to four lessons of an hour and a half each, distributed throughout the Course. All active students will have rooms for individual study at their disposal as far as possible according to space availability and lesson timetable.

Candidates who will not pass the entrance examination or who will explicitly apply for it by sending in the application form together with the proof of payment of the respective registration fee can attend the Course as auditors.

4 - Entrance examination
An entrance examination must be taken and passed in order to attend the Course as active students, in case the number of applicants should be over 12 and the teacher should not arrange a further session in a date to be set. The entrance examination will take place on the first day of the Course at the Circuito Museale, Piazza della Libertà, Stroncone. The candidate must perform a piece of his or her choice from his or her repertoire between the following:
- one or more movements of a classical sonata;
- a romantic or modern piece;
- a study.
The teacher may integrally listen to, reduce or stop at his discretion the performance of the presented pieces.

5 - Attendance certificates
At the end of the Course all the students will receive an attendance certificate. 

6 - Student Concerts 
At the end of the Course all the students will participate in the Final Concert, performing the perfected repertoire or part of it. Evening dress will be worn. One or more students may be chosen and recommended for solo concerts to be performed during the local musical events.

7 - Fees 
Registration fee: € 40. The registration fee - to be paid when enrolling on the Course - is not refundable, unless the Course itself is cancelled. Attendance fee: € 160 for active students; € 30 for auditors. The attendance fee will be paid on arrival in Stroncone. Daily ticket for auditors: € 10.

8 - Terms of enrolment 
Applications - filled in on the enclosed form - must be sent by Priority Mail by 10th July 2003 (the date of the postmark will be considered valid) to:
Associazione VOXARTIS Via Gabelli, 30 05100 Terni - Italy 
The following documents must be sent together with the application form:
- photocopy of an identity paper;
- proof of payment of the registration fee of € 40.
The fee can be paid by means of bank transfer to:
VOXARTIS Associazione Culturale Musicale Europea
Current account No. 15253/3 
Banca Popolare di Spoleto Filiale di Terni, del Popolo, 46
ABI (Italian Bankers' Association): 5704 
CAB (Bank Code): 14400 
It can also be paid by means of postal order to VOXARTIS Association, specifying the description of payment.




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Aggiornato il: 03 luglio 2003