Inkscape è un programma open source per il disegno, simile a Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw e Xara X che si basa sul formato standard W3C "Scalable Vector Graphics" (SVG). Tra le caratteristiche supportate da SVG vi sono le forme base, i tracciati, i testi, i segnali, i cloni, le trasparenze, le trasformazioni, i gradienti e i gruppi. Inkscape supporta inoltre i meta-dati Creative Commons, la modifica sui nodi, i livelli, le operazioni complesse sui livelli, i testi su tracciato e la modifica dell'XML SVG. Può importare da diversi formati come EPS, Postscript, JPEG, PNG, BMP e TIFF e esportare in PNG ed in altri formati basati su vettori multipli.
language : IT - D - F - E - RU - CZ


Use Norrkross MorphX for calculating images or movies where one image transforms into another. Simply drag 2 images to the document window, drag a few lines to indicate similar areas and Norrkross MorphX calculates images so that it looks like the first image magically is transformed into the other. You can save the morph as as still image snapshot or as a full animated QuickTime movie.


Norrkross Tint is used to adjust the color balance of images. Color adjustments with original color near the pixel color are applied more, whereas color adjustments that differ in original color from the pixel color have little or no effect. This allows the changing of different colors separately (eg. make the gray greener but leave the white and black as they are).

editor on line free

is a free image editing software that gives you the opportunityto create, edit, and comment images online with powerful tools and layer support
IT - editor di immagini, effetti e molto altro online e free, anche se non italiano è facilissimo da usare
language : UK - SUOMI

Splashup, formerly Fauxto, is a powerful editing tool and photo manager. With all the features professionals use and novices want, it's easy to use, works in real-time and allows you to edit many images at once. Splashup runs in all browsers, integrates seamlessly with top photosharing sites, and even has its own file format so you can save your work in progress.
IT - assomiglia per tutto a quello sopra, ovvero editor di imamgini online free


The PosteRazor cuts a raster image into pieces which can afterwards be printed out and assembled to a poster.

As input, the PosteRazor takes a raster image. The resulting poster is saved as a multipage PDF document. An easy to use, wizard like user interface guides through 5 steps. PosteRazor is available as a Windows, an OSX and a Linux version. It is an open source, GNU licensed project which is hosted on

IT - programma italiano per costruire un poster da un immagine molto grande, gratis !
language : IT - F - D - E - PL - Suomi - Cina

font image generator 

is a free Web-application that allows you to create image files containing written (with very particular font) fully customizable. The ability to import an image from your computer (or by URL), to amend it by adding online written and apply effects, makes this service very useful: With so many fonts and with the possibility dia reach edges and reverse the view through the classic do mirror, "Font Image Generator" occupies a place of respectable, despite a new service.

IT - è una web-application gratuita che permette di creare dei file immagine contenenti delle scritte (Con font molto particolari) completamente personalizzabili. La possibilità di importare una immagine dal proprio computer (O da URL), per modificarla online aggiungendo scritte ed applicare effetti, rende questo servizio veramente utile: Con tantissimi font e con la possibilità dia giungere bordi ed invertire la visuale attraverso il classico effettuo specchio, “Font Image Generator” occupa un posto di tutto rispetto, nonostante sia un nuovo servizio.Potrete creare immagini trasparenti utilizzando il comodo menù alla vostra destra: Da qui potrete scegliere la tipologia di font (Per poi ricercarla attraverso il tasto “Font Finder”) i colori, la grandezza e la distanza dai bordi. Tramite il menù in basso potrete caricare le vostre immagini, visualizzare la galleria, cancellare, ritagliare, copiare ed applicare effetti.

series of CAD programs - 2D - 3D's free to download, tutorials and much more

IT - serie di programmi CAD  - 2D - 3D gratis da scaricare, tutorials e molto altro


NEW - DWGgateway now reads AutoCAD 2007
If you’re an AutoCAD user who occasionally has issues sharing files with colleagues, DWGgateway can make your life easier than ever now that it reads files created with AutoCAD 2007 - No need to upgrade to the next version of AutoCAD software - You do not have to upgrade your AutoCAD license to the new version of AutoCAD to be compatible with your DWG files.Open and edit any DWG file using any version of AutoCAD Eliminate the need to upgrade AutoCAD licenses just to be able to share work and collaborate with other AutoCAD users. DWGgateway is the first free data translation plug-in that lets AutoCAD users work easily with DWG files created by any version of AutoCAD software.

IT - plugin per AutoCAD

captures the web page that you need or interests you, picks up the address (http ...) and put it in space, the generator will provide free'll let you know in an instant!

IT - cattura la pagina web che ti serve o ti interessa, preleva l'indirizzo (http ...) e inseriscilo nello spazio, il generatore te lo fornirà gratis in un istante ! lets you instantly create Animated GIF online, free, right now! Just upload pictures or grab them from your Flickr. Create funny flashy slideshows with you and your friends, cartoons, previews, banners, etc. Post them anywhere you can post pictures: MySpace, Bebo, HI5 etc. No need for flash. Show them to people in our Gallery.

IT - crea online gif animate con le tue foto - GRATIS !

E - Bonitos diseños para tus paginas de Error-404
IT - crea un artistica pagina di errore per il tuo sito**

Photoscape is the fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos.

is the photo editor of choice for photo printing and photo sharing businesses.
IT - editor online per modificare immagini - FREE

language : UK - E

PhotoOnWeb is a software to create your online photo albums. Easy for sharing your pictures on internet with your friends and familly.Sort your photos in multiple albums, pick a template and click on the Publish button. PhotoOnWeb will resize the photos, build the web site and publish a photo web album. You can host the pictures yourself with your own ISP web space by FTP or create an account on VSO's server. No computer programming knowledge is required, HTML editing can be used for custom albums.

IT - PhotoOnWeb è un software per creare i tuoi foto album online. Condivida le tue foto su internet con la tua famiglia ed I tuoi amici in modo facile e veloce !
Organizza le tue foto in diversi album, scegli un sfondo e fa clic su « pubblicare ». PhotoOnWeb ridimensionarà le foto, costruire il sito web, e pubblicare l’album. Puoi ospitare le foto tu stesso sul tuo spazio web, o creare un account sui nostri server. Non c’è bisogno di alcuna conoscenza in informatico, ma puoi creare il tuo skin se sai usare HTML.

language : IT - UK - F - D  - E

add comments to any image and share
IT - aggiungi online un commento ad una tua immagine e salva
è anche un estensione Firefox

The program is intended to protect the image through an overlay images on the watermark. The program allows you to create "watermarks" of graphics, text, edit and save them for later use

IT - il programma gratuito ti permette di mettere una filigrana alle tue immagini per proteggerle, moltissime le opzioni - scarica Zip