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else valid[n]=-1; } function doValuateWithPoints(n) { nScore[n] = getScore(n); maxScore[n] = ConvertPointToMark(n,nScore[n]); valid[n]=5; } function doValuateBoolAns(n) { nScore[n] = getGuessAns(n); maxScore[n] = getNumAns(n); if (nScore[n]==maxScore[n]) valid[n]=1; else if (nScore[n]==0) valid[n]=-1; else valid[n]=3; } function doValuateFillGap(n) { nScore[n] = getGuessFillGap(n); maxScore[n] = getNumAns(n); if (nScore[n]==maxScore[n]) valid[n]=1; else if (nScore[n]==0) valid[n]=-1; else valid[n]=3; } function doValuateMatching(n) { nScore[n] = getGuessMatch(n); maxScore[n] = getNumAns(n); if (nScore[n]==maxScore[n]) valid[n]=1; else if (nScore[n]==0) valid[n]=-1; else valid[n]=3; } function doValuateOpenAns(n) { nScore[n] = 0; maxScore[n] = 0; valid[n] = 2; } function getGuessAns(n) { var j,guess=0; for (j=0;j0)&&(choice==1)) || ((value<0)&&(choice==0))) return 1; return 0; } function getGuessMatch(n) { var j,guess=0; for (j=0;j0) msg += Lettera(j)+' '; } return msg; } function getNumOfRightAns(n) { var j,value,num=0; for (j=0;j0) num++; } return num; } function getListOfSelAns(n) { var j,value,msg=''; if (typeOfQuest[n]==3) { return allAnsReport[n][0].choice; } for (j=0;j=60) nc++; else ns++; } else if (valid[i]==5) { ratio = 100 * maxScore[i] / maxvoto; if (ratio>=60) nc++; else ns++; } if (valid[i]!=0) nr--; if ((valid[i]==2)||(valid[i]==4)) nexcl++; } if ((questSlide==1)&&(lockRightAns==1)) { if (nc + nexcl == questions) return 1; } else { if (nr==0) return 1; } return 0; } var ctmnow=0,cnewdt; var time,oldtime; function StartTime() { var data,sec; data = new Date(); sec = Math.floor(data.getTime()/1000); return sec; } function getTimeString(deltatime) { var resto,h,m,s; var str; h = Math.floor(deltatime/3600); resto = deltatime%3600; m = Math.floor(resto/60); s = resto%60; if (h<10) h='0'+h; if (m<10) m='0'+m; if (s<10) s='0'+s; str = h+":"+m+":"+s; return str; } function determinaOrdineIniziale(nvett) { var i,count,n; var nuovoPezzo; this.length=nvett; for (i=0; i"); doc.writeln(""); doc.writeln(""); doc.writeln(""); doc.writeln(""); } } function getSelezione(obj) { var i; for (i=0; i1) msg+=nc+" esatte e "; if (nc==1) msg+=" una sola esatta e "; if (nc==0) msg+=" nessuna esatta e "; if (ns>1) msg+=ns+" errate."; if (ns==1) msg+=" una sola errata."; if (ns==0) msg+=" nessuna errata."; msg+=" Devi ancora rispondere a "; if (nr>1) msg+=nr+" domande."; else msg+=" una domanda."; window.status=msg; } function checkRisposta(checkBox,risp,n) { if ( ((checkBox.checked==true) && (isRightAns(n,risp)==1)) || ((checkBox.checked==false) && (isRightAns(n,risp)==0)) ) return 1; return 0; } function checkRispostaBooleana(radioBox,risp,n) { if ( ((radioBox[0].checked==true) && (risp[n]==1)) || ((radioBox[1].checked==true) && (risp[n]==0)) ) return 1; return 0; } function checkTrueOrFalse(radioBox) { if ( (radioBox[0].checked==false) && (radioBox[1].checked==false)) return 0; return 1; } function isRightAns(nAns,risp) { var i; for (i=0; i"; tagBoxImage = ""; half_index = Math.ceil(questions/2); index13 = Math.ceil(questions/3); 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"); for (k=0;k\n"); } if ((k==0)&&(ncols_report>=2)) { documento.writeln("
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"); else if (valid[i]==2) documento.writeln("Domanda non valutata
"); else if (valid[i]==3) { if (typeOfQuest[i]==2) documento.writeln("Affermazioni corrette "+nScore[i]+" su "+maxScore[i]+"
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"); else if (typeOfQuest[i]==5) documento.writeln("Associazioni "+nScore[i]+" su "+maxScore[i]+"
"); } else if (valid[i]==5) { documento.write("punti "+nScore[i]); if (groups[i]==0) documento.writeln(" (VOTO "+maxScore[i]+")
"); else if (groups[i]==1) documento.writeln("
Punteggio cumulato con la domanda precedente
"); else if (groups[i]==2) documento.writeln("
VOTO (ottenuto dal punteggio cumulato delle domante successive): "+maxScore[i]+"
"); } documento.writeln("
"); if (valid[i]==2) { documento.write("


"); continue; } documento.writeln("
"); documento.writeln(""); for (j=0;j0; } if (isGuess) documento.write(" "); else documento.write(" "); documento.write(""); choice = allAnsReport[i][j].choice; if (typeOfQuest[i]==2) { documento.write(""); else documento.write(tagBoxImage+""); documento.write(""); else documento.write(tagBoxImage+""); } else if (typeOfQuest[i]==4) { if (getGuessFillGapN(i,j)) documento.write(""); else { documento.write(""); else if (m==0) { documento.write(""); else documento.write(""); } documento.writeln(""); } documento.writeln("
Risposta corretta
Risposta errata "); documento.write(Lettera(j)); documento.write(" "); PrintTrueOrFalse(documento,1); documento.write(" "); if (choice==1) documento.write(tagOkImage+" "); PrintTrueOrFalse(documento,0); documento.write(" "); if (choice==0) documento.write(tagOkImage+""+choice+""+choice+" "); for (l=0; l"); } } else if (typeOfQuest[i]==5) { m = getGuessMatchN(i,j); if (m==1) documento.write(""+choice[0]+" - "+choice[1]+""+choice[0]+" - "); documento.write(""+choice[1]+""); documento.write(" "); for (l=0; l"); } else { documento.write(""+choice[0]+" - "+choice[1]+""); } } else { if (choice==1) documento.write(""+tagOkImage+""+tagBoxImage+""); if (valid[i]==5) { value = allAnsReport[i][j].valuation; data = allAnsReport[i][j].data; documento.write(" ("+value+") "); if (data!=0) documento.write(" ("+data+") "); } if ((typeOfQuest[i]==1)||(typeOfQuest[i]==101)) { if (allAnsReport[i][j].answer!="") documento.write(allAnsReport[i][j].answer+"
"); if ((choice==1)||(remRepAlways==1)) documento.write(""+allAnsReport[i][j].remark+""); } documento.writeln("

"); } documento.writeln("
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\n"); doc.writeln("\n"); doc.writeln("
Risultati del quiz\n"); doc.writeln("STAMPA | \n"); if (man_repeat) doc.writeln("RIPETI | \n"); if (topChartFile!='') doc.writeln("Classifica | \n"); doc.writeln("FINE\n"); doc.writeln("

\n"); } } function PrintLinkBack(documento) { documento.writeln("
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esatte : "+nc+"errate : "+ns+"rimanenti : "+nr+"da rispondere :"+nr+"
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"); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln ("La parola chiave inserita NON è corretta
"); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln ("Non è possibile la continuazione del quiz
"); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln ("Per informazioni rivolgersi al curatore del quiz
"); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln("

"); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln("

"); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln ("
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"); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln("

"); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln("

"); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln ("
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"); } frames.quiz_status.document.writeln ("
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"); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln (GetRemFromMark(voto)); frames.quiz_main.document.writeln("
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Risultati del quiz
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  Data  "+DataToStringa()+"
  VOTO  "+voto+"/"+maxvoto+"
  VOTO  Senza voto
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