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[...]"The people are friendly, and love the same things the Irish do. Good food (the best !) and also good company, and good conversation, I am a most exceptional Irishman, I do not drink very much. But your Sicilian wine is great, love it!
I have to say I really enjoyed Kodosai this year, and if I may say so, I think that it would be to your advantage to make such a Course a yearly event. I would be delighted to attend, and participate. I know there are a lot of students in Sweden who would love to experience the Sicily we had the pleasure of seeing, and I have to say, I was most impressed with the standard of the Ju-Jutsu.[...]
[...] I look forward to seeing you again Sensei, I do enjoy your company. If only I could get my brain and my tongue around the Sicilian language!
Fortunately, we do Ju-Jutsu, so techniques are a language we both understand.
Talk to you soon again. "

Joe Carslake - Hanshi 9th dan
Kyushoshin Ju-Jutsu
Dublin - Ireland


" Cher ami, Caro amico, Un grand merci pour les photos .... que de bons souvenirs !! Baci a tutta la tua famiglia e a Julien ... con tutti miei cordiali saluti a Pietro SPADARO SENSEI con tutta mia vera stima BUDO. Spero a molto presto con piacere.

Daniel Blanchet - Hanshi 10th dan
France Director of Kodo Butoku Renmei

" Dear Sensei,
I thought that I would drop you a quick email to personally thank you for your instruction and professionalism at this years Kodo-Sai, it was without a doubt one of the best seminars that I have attended in recent years with an excellent range of teachers, a fantastic leisure centre (the best I have ever seen and certainly the best maintained) a very well organised Friday evening reception and a great Saturday evening.
My student’s thoroughly enjoyed your teaching and I would love to have you come over to me early next year for a long weekend to teach a seminar for my students at Honbu and to take some time to look around our beautiful countryside, please let me know if this is something you would like to do.
Thank you again Sensei and best wishes to your family and students, Kevin "

Soke Kevin Pell Hanshi 10th dan
Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu
Norfolk - England



" On behalf of myself and Mark Shelley-kyoshi, I sincerely thank you all for the kindness and wonderful hospitality you showed us at the weekend course.
I very much enjoyed the weekend and look forward to seeing you in October 2005 at the Kodosai event.
I hope Anna's knee is better.
Thank you sincerely. "

Stephen Grayston Hanshi 10th dan
Sekai Shindo Ryu Karate-Do Renmei
Essex - England


" Dear Spadaro Hanshi,

[...] "I too hope to meet with you again. I very much enjoyed my time in your beautiful country. I found the martial artists there to be very good students and especially warm people.
The article is very impressive, I appreciate you sending it to me. Thank you for your many kindnesses while I was in Sicily and for sending the photographs.
I look forward to our continued friendship and writing to you again.
Your friend in budo. "

Doshu Shintaku Hanshi 9th dan
Ten Shin Ichi Ryu
Kensington - USA



" Pietro & Anna,
Thank you for making our visit to your dojo so hospitable, it was very kind of you. I am glad we met. Please also kindly give my respects to Giovanni. I enjoyed your Ju-Jitsu and his Judo.
I am looking forward to seeing you all again. Thank you, "

Stephen Grayston Hanshi 10th dan
Sekai Shindo Ryu Karate-Do Renmei
Essex - England

e-mail: welcome@kobushiryu.org | tel. +39.347.34.34.512 | Via F.sco Crispi, 31 - 91027 Paceco, TP, Italy