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Implementing High Performance Web Services Using JAX-WS 2.0
Learn how to implement high performance web services using the Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0. This article compares the features and performance of JAX-WS 2.0 with the Java API for XML-Based RPC (JAX-RPC) 1.1
Yourminis, yet another flash-based web desktop
There are all kinds of web-based desktops running to and fro out there, and it seems that the web 2.0 world is pushing for an app to be the next killer desktop-on-the-web. It hasn't happened yet. It may never happen, since everyone has
Welcome Web 3.0!
Web 3.0. Formerly known as the semantic web, Web 3.0 would, Markoff writes, make the web "less of a catalog and more of a guide — and even Those who envision the next phase, Web 3.0, see it as an era when machines will start to do
New Technologies for Ajax and Web Application Development: Project
Learn more about the technologies that you can use with the Java EE platform to meet the new demand for more interactive and dynamic web applications, often using Ajax
FAQ With a Hosting Guru - Podcast 84
I have questions from every end of the Web hosting industry. From Web hosts to Web hosting clients, everybody has had something to ask. For the Web hosting clients or folks looking for a good Web host, I have a tip for you.
Goodbye Web 2.0, Long Live Web 3.0
In the world according to Nick Carr, "Web 2.0 is so over" - an opinion cemented by the fact many people who attended the recent Web 2.0 Summit came away less than wowed. While Carr could be right - or he's found another Web issue to be
Web Tier to Go With Java EE 5: Summary of New Features in Java
This second article in the series provides an overview of how JSTL 1.2, part of the Java EE 5 platform, contributes to the alignment of the JavaServer Pages and JavaServer Faces technologies in the web tier
Web .666
If we make a full rotation, with Nick Carr heartily welcoming NYT's Web 3.0, maybe Steve Jobs can invert the 2.0 + 3.0 versioning into V 0.2 or 0.3 - As the cycle accelerates, judgement will arrive with Web 6.66. (Version .666)
What is the Semantic Web Really?
I've read several blog posts about the Semantic Web today. There seem to be several misconceptions about what the Semantic Web is and is not. The Semantic Web is not just a single Web. There won't be one Semantic Web, there will be
There is no Web 3.0, part, uh, 2
John Markoff writes in the NY Times that Web 3.0 is coming. The funny thing about my summation last year (Web 2.0 is Made of People!) is the web has always been that way. John seems to think the next web is made of machines.

ShinyStat™ - Free Counter with Web Statistics, Free Web counter
Real-time measurement and detailed web site traffic analysis. A free counter is also available.
ShinyStat™ - Statistiche Web ,contatori e ROI campagne pubblicitarie.
Statistiche web con contatore visite gratuito,benchmarking web e statistiche con monitoraggio del posizionamento sui motori di ricerca SERD ed analisi delle
Ferrari World
La storia di un mito italiano, le vetture, le competizioni e gli eventi, gli oggetti e il Club Ferrari, lo spazio dei tifosi della Rossa e dei suoi piloti,
AIB-WEB (Associazione italiana biblioteche)
Associazione italiana biblioteche (AIB, Italian library association): official information, members, publications.
MAI DIRE WEB - il meglio del peggio
Mai Dire Web. Il portale della comicità. Video, audio, immagini di Mai dire Gol, Mai dire Maik, Mai dire TV, Mai dire Banzai etc.

ShinyStat™ - Statistiche Web ,contatori e ROI campagne pubblicitarie.
Statistiche web con contatore visite gratuito,benchmarking web e statistiche con monitoraggio del posizionamento sui motori di ricerca SERD ed analisi delle
AIB-WEB (Associazione italiana biblioteche)
Associazione italiana biblioteche (AIB, Italian library association): official information, members, publications.
MAI DIRE WEB - il meglio del peggio
Mai Dire Web. Il portale della comicità. Video, audio, immagini di Mai dire Gol, Mai dire Maik, Mai dire TV, Mai dire Banzai etc.
Kataweb | Cerca
tutto il Web in Italiano. Powered by Yahoo! Search. Copyright © 1999-2006 Elemedia S.p.A. Tutti i diritti riservati - P.I. 05703731009
SICILY WEB - La Sicilia On Line
Sicily WEB: La SICILIA on line - Cultura, turismo, arte, istituzioni, province - Palermo, Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Catania, Enna, Messina, Ragusa,
Ciao Web
Un portale dove è anche possibile discutere gli argomenti di attualità più interessanti.
World Wide Web Consortium
The World Wide Web Consortium was created to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and
La Stampa Web
Quotidiano torinese. Si possono leggere i riassunti degli articoli.
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