




I Professionisti e le PMI
Macity - ^ Uno dei punti di forza era lo "Small Business Kit", una soluzione integrata con server Web per l'eCommerce con la possibilità di ...
La coda lunga fatta breve (con buona pace di Wired)
Macity - Ne parla abbondantemente nel suo blog , ha scritto il libro The Long Tail e sta dimostrando di essere uno dei più influenti tra i pensatori dell'eCommerce contemporaneo....
Il commercio elettronico non si ferma
Computerworld Italia - Presentato nel corso dell'evento "Netcomm, the Italian eCommerce Forum", lo studio sottolinea che mentre il commercio elettronico rappresenti in termini di penetrazione ancora meno dell'1% del ...
Contratto americano per Atos Origin
Computerworld Italia - Atos Origin fornirà a Huntsman i servizi di infrastruttura, a livello mondiale, per le piattaforme SAP, Workplace, Lotus Notes, eCommerce e gli ambienti data warehouse, operanti in ambienti Wintel ...
Portel -
Yahoo! Italia - Entro la fine del 2006, l'eCommerce B2c varrà 4 miliardi di euro con un incremento di circa il 45% rispetto al 2005 e portando a 6 gli anni con crescita intorno al 50% . È quanto emerge dal convengo ...
100 miliardi di euro l'e-commerce in Europa
01Net - Spagna e Italia compongono un quarto della popolazione europea occidentale e un quinto della popolazione online, ma congiuntamente contano per meno del 7% dell'eCommerce....
Netcomm 2006 Italian eCommerce Forum - Ricerca 2006 dell'Osservatorio ...
VNUnet - Organizzatore: School of Management del Politecnico di Milano Sede: Politecnico di Milano URL: Email: Telefono: +39 ...
E-Commerce: 4 mld fatturato in 2006
Studio Celentano - Nel corso di 'Netcomm 2006, the Italian eCommerce Forum', organizzato da Netcomm e dalla School of Management del Politecnico di Milano, e' stato annunciato il raddoppio del numero di associati di ...
L'e-commerce spopola in Europa
miaeconomia - Sempre più shopping on line. Secondo le ultime stime di Forrester Research, nell'arco dei prossimi cinque anni le vendite sul web si duplicheranno, fino a toccare una spesa di 263 miliardi, con 174 ...
L'eCommerce ingrana la quinta
VNUnet - Turismo, informatica ed elettronica di consumo sono i settori che traineranno il 2006 formato b2c. Questo è uno degli aspetti evidenziato dalla ricerca dell' osservatorio B2c Netcomm - School of ...
Mediachase Enables Integrators & IT Organizations to Rapidly Launch Customized B2C and B2B eCommerce Applications and (PR Web)
Mediachase launches new major release of their .NET eCommerce Framework (ECF) software for ASP.NET 2.0, enabling developers to launch fully customizable high-performance end-to-end commerce solutions for organizations, businesses and developers. (PRWEB Aug 10, 2006) Trackback URI:
Ecommerce Platform (WebCart) Updates "Express Checkout" in its Shopping Cart Software (Web Host Directory)
Los Angeles based ecommerce developer, announces an updated explanation of its Express Checkout feature....
Insight Venture Partners acquires eCommerce Industries (Finextra)
Insight Venture Partners, a leading private equity firm focused on software and technology investments, today announced the acquisition of, and investment in, eCommerce Industries, Inc. ...
Mediachase Enables Integrators & IT Organizations to Rapidly Launch Customized B2C and B2B eCommerce Applications and (PR Web via Yahoo! News)
LOS ANGELES, CA (PRWEB) August 10, 2006 -- Mediachase, Ltd....
Truition Chooses FAST to Offer Merchandising and Personalization (AuctionBytes)
Truition will integrate FAST ImPulse technology into its CMS eCommerce platform. As a result of this agreement, online retailers will have access to an ecommerce platform that provides an ability to more effectively convert browsers to buyers and deepen customer loyalty, according to the company....
Truition Chooses FAST to Offer Online Retailers World Class Search and Merchandising via Truition's eCommerce Platform; (CNW Group via Yahoo! Finance)
Truition, a leading provider of on-demand eCommerce solutions and Fast Search & Transfer (FAST), the leading developer of enterprise search technologies and solutions, today announced an OEM partnership to integrate FAST ImPulse technology with Truition's CMS eCommerce platform....
Wednesday August 09, 2006 - 15:49 EST (Rolling Good Times)
KAHNAWAKE, Canada -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- The management of the Jackpot Factory Group was informed yesterday by the Compliance Committee of eCommerce and Online Gaming Regulation and Assurance (eCOGRA) that the suspension of its "Play It Safe" seals is to be lifted with immediate effect....
CyberSource Adds New IP Geolocation Capabilities to Counter Fraud (SYS-CON Media)
CyberSource Corporation , a leading provider of electronic payment and risk management solutions, today announced a new level of sophistication to its Internet Protocol (IP) Geolocation capabilities. IP Geolocation, the process of evaluating the risk of an eCommerce transaction based on the geography of the customer, has long been a component of the fraud score CyberSource passed to its ...
Cheap Web Hosting Plans from (PR Web via Yahoo! News)
(PRWEB) August 9, 2006 -- Cheap web hosting comes no better than at Prudent Host, where there range of inexpensive web hosting plans range from the most affordable to higher end for personal, small business, corporate body and internet ecommerce website owners looking for the very best a website hosting plan can offer....
Infopia's Partnership with Gives Merchants Access to More Customers (SYS-CON Media)
Infopia, the leader in on-demand multi-channel eCommerce, today announced a partnership with (OTC Bulletin Board: UBHI), one of the largest online auction sites in the United States, to support the marketplace on Infopia's technology platform. The new integration enables merchants on the Infopia eCommerce platform to seamlessly extend their businesses to to reach new customers ...

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