Una famiglia europea su quattro ha la banda larga. - MSN Italy - il computer, Internet e la tv. Lo studio conferma il crescente interesse per la Rete rispetto all'ultima indagine, che risale al 2002. La connessione a Internet e' oggi disponibile nelle case .

Sony compra e debutta nell’arena del video sharing - Il Sole 24 Ore - proprio Lynton, annovera della sua community molti utenti che utilizzano camere digitali e computer San Mateo, inoltre, si sta lavorando anche su altri fronti e uno di questi chiama in causa le case .

9-11: spie israeliane in USA - Indymedia Italia - due ore prima degli attentati , ricevettero un messaggio istantaneo via computer che li informava della relazione alle indagini sull'11 settembre («the use of the term "special interest" means the case .

BORSA: NY SALE MALGRADO RALLENTAMENTO MERCATO IMMOBILI/ANSA - WallStreet Italia - NY SALE MALGRADO RALLENTAMENTO MERCATO IMMOBILI/ANSA. FRENANO OLTRE ATTESE VENDITE NUOVE CASE LUGLIO da Dell nei giorni scorsi, il richiamo dal mercato di un milione e 800mila batterie per i computer .

Notizie dell'area Usa - Borse - Apple Computer ha annunciato di volere ritirare dal mercato 1,8 milioni di batterie al litio per In attesa di conoscere i dati di luglio sulle vendite di nuove case (ieri quello sulle vendite di .

Leopard, il futuro secondo Apple Steve Jobs presenta "Vista 2.0" - La Repubblica - E poi i nuovi Xserve, i computer creati per sopportare il lavoro pesante dei server: anche questi sono passati a Intel, con processori Xeon e lo stesso case rispetto agli attuali ma con capacità .

Per un corretta visualizzazione del sito consulta la pagina dei ... - Kataweb - solari offrono, infatti, infinite possibilità di applicazione a partire dalla ricarica di computer esterna sia almeno di 20°: dunque i pannelli in plastica sono adatti per le seconde case, e per .

Corsair entra nel mercato degli alimentatori - VNUnet - alimentatori Corsair sfruttano una soluzione modulare avanzata per i cavi, che permette di eliminare i grovigli di cavi e quindi facilitare il flusso dell’aria all’interno del case del computer .

Centomila, un milione, duecentomilioni - L'Unita Online - diventato un fenomeno sociologico ed ha catapultato in alto il valore del titolo della Apple Computer musicale di iTunes Music Store ora include oltre tre milioni di canzoni delle principali case .

La banca in rete - miaeconomia - percepita da una parte della clientela e la scarsa diffusione dei Pc nelle case italiane, sono oramai destinate a scomparire grazie alla sempre maggiore diffusione dei computer nelle nostre case e all .

Bow company owner sentenced in knockoff computer case (WCAX 3) - CONCORD, N.H. The owner of a Bow (New Hampshire) company has been sentenced to ten months of home confinement after admitting he sold counterfeit computer parts that eventually went to federal nuclear power research labs..

Man gets 6 years in software piracy case (AP via Yahoo! News) - A Florida man who made millions of dollars selling illegal copies of computer programs was sentenced Friday to six years in prison in one of the nation's largest software piracy cases..

Police take computer (Greeley Tribune) - Police officers removed a computer hard drive from a Weld County judge's Greeley home Friday morning, but no one is talking about why..

Crean charged with ethics violations Former mayor faulted for buying surplus city computer (The Salem News) - BEVERLY - The state Ethics Commission yesterday charged former Mayor Tom Crean with violating state conflict-of-interest laws when he declared his city-owned laptop computer surplus and then bought it for $100 just days before he left office two years ago..

Man enters guilty plea in child porn case (Roanoke Times) - Federal authorities first homed in on Freddie Lee Caldwell of Roanoke in 2003. A Roanoke man who had collected more than 2,000 pictures of child pornography on his computer was convicted of four felony charges Friday. Freddie Lee Caldwell, 43, pleaded guilty to transmitting, distributing and possessing child pornography. He also admitted to using a computer to transmit lewd images, a charge .

Police: 1,200 Images Of Kids, Girls On Computer ( Central Florida) - JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A Regency man was recently arrested, accused of possessing a large collection of child pornography, according to WJXT-TV. According to investigators, 30-year-old Adolpho Taboada was taken into custody after they received a tip from his roommate about images on his computer..

Man gets 6 years in large software piracy case (WAVY 10) - ALEXANDRIA, Va. A Florida man who made (m) millions of dollars selling illegal copies of computer programs was sentenced in Alexandria today to six years in prison in one of the nation's largest software piracy cases..

Software pirate gets six years (Richmond Times-Dispatch) - ALEXANDRIA -- A man who made millions of dollars selling illegal copies of computer programs was sentenced yesterday to six years in prison. Officials called the case one of the nation's largest in software piracy..

Laptop 'could provide murder clues' (Gulf News) - Dubai: Policemen, hunting for the person who killed an Indian Dubai resident while he was on holiday in South Africa, said a laptop computer that specialists are analysing could provide clues in the case..

Man Gets 6 Years for Software Piracy (Slashdot) - smooth wombat writes "In what prosecutors are calling 'the ultimate case', a Florida man has been sentenced to six years in prison for selling illegal copies of computer programs. From the article: 'Danny Ferrer, of Lakeland, Fla., pleaded guilty in June to conspiracy and copyright infringement charges after an FBI investigation of his Web site, Ferrer also was ordered to pay more .

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