, Sat, 14 Jul 2007 18:21:02 GMT --> WEB: spazio web ? web design ?
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ShinyStat™ - Statistiche Web, contatori e ROI campagne pubblicitarie.
Statistiche web con contatore visite gratuito,benchmarking web e statistiche con monitoraggio del posizionamento sui motori di ricerca SERD ed analisi delle
PowerStats.it: statistiche Web professionali, statistiche Web
Servizio di statistiche web professionale con caratteristiche uniche, rilevazione gli spider, dei plugin, della pagine dinamiche, il percorso degli utenti.
Ferrari World
La storia di un mito italiano, le vetture, le competizioni e gli eventi, gli oggetti e il Club Ferrari, lo spazio dei tifosi della Rossa e dei suoi piloti,
: : : F r a n c o B a t t i a t o O f f i c i a l W e b S i t e
Sito ufficiale con tutte le informazioni sull'artista, i testi delle canzoni, molti brani audio e qualche video.
University of Udine - New Home Page
Sito principale dell'Ateneo.
Italian Telework WWW by Patrizio Di Nicola
Questo servizio di navigazione tra Web tematici, completamente gratuito, è offerto dall'Information Society Project Office (ISPO).
Scopri BANKPASS Web, il sistema di pagamento on line promosso dall'ABI, per acquistare su Internet in assoluta tranquillità e sicurezza.
Scrivere per il web - Il mestiere di scrivere
Scrivere per il web: consigli e idee per cominciare, come si scrivono le parole del web, consigli di grafica.
Baby on web
Mette a disposizione dei bambini una sezione sulle fiabe e filastrocche del mondo, personaggi di fantasia, giochi ed avventure di viaggio nella storia e
ABC Web è un nuovo motore di ricerca di siti su internet. E' strutturato come indice di ricerca per parola chiave, categoria e regione italiana.
What Is Web 2.0
Defining just what Web 2.0 means (the term was first coined at a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International, which also spawned the Web 2.0 Conference), still engenders much disagreement.
Greg Linden on Google's Deep Web Strategy
Peter Brantley writes in email: "greg linden speculates that google has sworn off any effort to adopt federated search to facilitate indexing of the deep web due to fundamental concerns with performance and reach. instead it "surfaces"
2007 Web Predictions
In our previous post we reviewed the Web trends of 2006, noting trends such as the hyper-growth of social networks, the push of RSS into the mainstream, consumerization of the enterprise, and the continued rise of the read/write Web.
Governor Patrick Launches New Web Site
Governor Deval Patrick and Mayor Tom Menino came together Saturday for a community meeting at the Boston Latin School. More News From Around New England
Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services
The so called Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real semantic web, is going to change this. What we mean by 'Web 3.0' is that major web sites are going to be formed into web services - and will effectively expose
Hacker of Indiana state web site targeted other states
A hacker who broke into an Indiana government web site and compromised the identities of 71000 health care workers and 5600 people who purchased government services online has also targeted other state government web sites.
Live web chat without polling and without FDS/LiveCycle
Using Netscape’s old buzzword, push technology, you can maintain an XHR connection to a web server and feed it new data as it comes available. Thus, no polling and no hammering your web server. You can get ColdFusion to tell you when a
Moo Cards are the Most
If you’re not familiar with an API, it means that web site (A) let’s web site (B) use it’s functionality. In this case, Flickr has made it possible for me, a Flickr member, to see my Flickr photos from my sets and tags on the Moo web
The Future of Web 2.0
I often get asked about the future of Web 2.0--is it a bubble, when will it be replaced by something new? Fortunately we've done a lot of work on this at the O'Reilly Radar lately, and I'm able to lay out a clear vision of the future
IOTD: Spring Snow in New England
The MODIS Web site Image of the Day for March 24, 2007web: spazio web ? web design ? spazio web ? web design ? web

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, Sat, 14 Jul 2007 18:21:03 GMT -->