Apnea Magazine - L \ 'e-zine of apnea and peach in apnea
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Underwater - the Peach in Apnea
They are the natural evolution of model 2000, renewed above all in the shovel, realized in tecnopolimero and without channels.
From Tuscany: from Follonica to the coast of the Rocchette.
Route of peach in apnea from the Strut of Scarlino to Castiglione of the Pescaia.
The America Five Ten is gommone of the BWA of 5.10 meters of length and 2,19 meters of width.
This model, for its dimensions, the space to edge, the accessories of series and other characteristics that we will describe to you, is indicated for the underwater fisherman.
In order to begin, little simple things are sufficient to hold active the physicist after the winter pause: one daily race in bicycle, long the ruotante carpet, walks scoscesi paths.
With one rolled of 1596 cc and four cylinders online, this four times is one of the motor ones more experiences you of the range Yamaha.
It has the class of who has seen the sea crescergli within day after day, and the nature with which moves in water demonstrates it.
It can fish indifferently in the foam or to beyond thirty meters, the result never does not lack, and if for grinta and concentration in contest it is forgotten also about drink or to eat, it remains however always calm and serene, as the calm of the forts imposes.


Personages, use and customs
This is sure the question that mail from the neophytes more often comes.
The answer is, obviously, “depends what must make”.
The pregi of the arbalete they are the sight much intuitiva, the fulmineità in scoccare the auction and a better brandeggiabilità to parity than length “outside all” with the oleopneumati ones to us (but 100 to elastic are the much longest one than 100 to air!).
The models little resolutions introduce also defects of precision in the shooting had to the bending of the stalk and of the others you leave in game.
The pregi of the oleopneumati ones to us they reside in the greater power of shooting, one greater versatilità thanks to the power shifter and in one not particularly taken care of maintenance.
The defects are the less intuitiva sight and an order sometimes too much negative.
For who it was interested to deepen the technical concepts on ballistics of the underwater guns, we advise to consult the beautifulst one “Dealt of ballistics” of Filippo Anglani.
The council is that one of being more specific in the question.
As an example, in that period of year us you will go, if you will be fortified of nautical means, to that depth you mean to fish, which techniques of peach you preprefer, etc

If you will have read normative new 2007 you will begin to understand like never e' be cancelled the trophy Gaetano Luce.
contest to squares with I use of gommone of the duration of 4 hours and 30 min.
The quota for the comprising registration e' of 45€ to square the spaghettata one of fine contest.
The meeting will be to the 07,30 near their circle, to the 8,30 departure with gommoni towards the center the field contest and to the 9,00 the contest would have to leave.
Modernized to contests and classifiche of the circle.
Inserted the report of the selective one of sturla (olimpia sub spotorno) of 3-12-06 .......
inserted the report of 3a selective zone 1 of Fifth here.
(the discipline on the peach in the outer dams of Genoa).
We announce with alive satisfaction that, in synergy with, we have obtained the confidence of prestigious company OMERSUB, specialized and famous in the world for the production of equipments for the underwater peach and the apnea.
news: we signal that salary SUB_AQVA, bound together to prestigious review AQVA (month of November 2005) from page 18 to pag 20, has dedicated a service of three pages on the history of the Club Sub Isomar.
** the situated one e' realized in order to render at best to the resolution of 1024x768 **.


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PUGLIAPNEA - Apnea and underwater peach
This situated one is dedicated to all those who loves the sea and that they practice to the Underwater Peach with absolute sportività and respect of the marine world.
In the sweet seas, oceans and waters the pollution increases and the life diminishes or to scompare.
The exploitation of the territory with all its members would have to be set up with caution and delicacy, characteristics that instead lack in the behavior of the technological man.
Our Mediterranean is “sick enough”; million persons produce refusals of every kind, that they go to end in this half-closed sea, whose waters demand approximately a century in order to completely exchange again thanks to the oceanic flow that passes for Gibilterra: industrial drains, drainages, drain of the breedings and agriculture.
To all this systems of peach join destroyed to you to which the peach with bombs, with scuba-diving gear, poisons and that one practiced without to respect the norms.
Pugliapnea is proposed sensibilizzare the who practical underwater peach to a rispettoso behavior of the atmosphere, than it does not have to be taken advantage of with fury, capturing fish of every species and dimension, but selecting the capture so as to to save too much small fish, than they have not still caught up the riproduttiva age, above all when draft of animals that are becoming more and more rare.


BluWorld - Who we are
The first immersed webzine! _I Link di Bluworld XIPHIAS.
Situated of Riccardo the Andreoli, it contains profits information for who wanted to attempt in the peach in the blue to the great predators.
the situated one of the sport association of Anzio sponsored from Bluworld for agonistica season 2007.
Microavventure, an absolute innovation, entire a situated one dedicated to of the extraordinary adventures lived and told in first person from gets passionate you of peach in apnea and from skin-divers.
The situated one of Antonio Las Casas, shining designer-architect, photographer and gotten passionate fisherman, and from Francesca Eleonora Bet, architect, landscape designer, graphic designer, fashionable fan and art.
Situated of new creation from part of an underwater fisherman of Italian origin, from several years practicing resident and the underwater peach in Australia to agonistico level.
Situated E' an interactive one where everyone can give to its contribution with signalling and documentation of particular sights.
Situated interesting and indeed pleasant in the diagram and above all in the contents.
Situated useful for being always dawns on turns out you to you of the contests of peach in apnea.
Optimal situated of apnea and peach in the apnea, richest of information to general, technical and faunistico character. It is taken advantage of the collaboration of the famous Emanuele Zara, already collaborating of the Pescasub review.


Pescare.Net - Technical of Sub Peach - L \ 'Aspect
Characteristic PEACH To the ASPECT: The peach to the aspect, once classified to the fish very defined and particularly difficult, like as an example the Dentex, is universal adopted hour in order nearly all the species of pinnuti that they attend our coasts.
In the peach to the aspect the patience and the perseveranza make the lion's share, it expects and it is entrusted to us to the case.
All this in appearance, because in reality also this type of peach is fruit of great experience and acquaintance of the habits and the several reactions of the species of fish that try themselves to hunt.
The spreading city takeovers along our coasts and consequently the unavoidable marine pollution have rendered the more mistrustful water and fish more torbid.
To part some fish, like the Cernia, that it prefers always the emergency of the cliff walls, all the other fish have demonstrated not to have rinunciato to one they characteristic of base, to the curiosity.
As far as the peach to the aspect, the man has taken advantage of its acquaintance and its revives, its crews and it has been adapted to the torbid water, making it quite one its ally, is disguised to us to be inoffensive, it is camouflaged with I found them, pretends curiosity that it does not have, tries to become invisibile, it is bundled up of the opacity of which it is dipped, refrains its instincts, ago sfoggio of the refined techniques more, demonstrating than to have succeeded in to possess one remarkable acquaintance of the submarine world and, above all one acquaintance of its inhabitants.

Pescare.Net - Technical of Sub Peach - the Peach in Lair
PEACH IN LAIR Characteristic: The peach in lair is sure the more classic technique of the underwater peach, and also the most practiced it is from sub the more experts who give the principianti.
In the past few years, this technique forces the sub to more and more poor carnieri, inasmuch as the Cernia, the Queen of the lair, is more and more rare and is difficult to find one lair inhabited from one Cernia to one accessible depth to the medium skin-diver.
However, even if the cernia it remains in the forbidden dreams of the fisherman in lair, others prede can be captured with this technique, which: saraghi, corvine, tordi, gronghi, murene, scorfani and smaller others prede.
The peach in lair demands the skin-diver is a good physical preparation that an apnea to of over of the minute, otherwise the continuous one knows them comes down in order to control the presence of prede in the more interesting lairs, ends for stressare the physicist of the sub, forcing it to shorten its permanence in water and to please themselves of carniere disappointing.
Equipment: Particularly important, for the peach in lair, it is the equipment that must have precise characteristics; the mask, must be small with insufficient inner volume and good visibility; the fins must be sufficiently rigid and powerful in order to concur the maximum rendering of push with the minimum dispendio of energy, so as to to make to consume little oxygen. - Underwater Peach in Norway
The guided map offers a panoramic one of the operating ones that they organize exited of peach.
Along the Norwegian coasts, the peach conditions are optimal in order nearly all the year.
In this article, we will concentrate ourselves above all on the East zone of Norway, just in the area around to the city of Bergen.
The underwater peach is a rather new activity in Norway.
The Apnea and the Peach have been for along time to the shadow of the Underwater one.
The responsibility is partially from attributing to some centers of immersion, whose only attempt has been that one to patent the greater number of underwater that it helped they to sell equipments sub 5 more expensive times.
For various time, the active fishermen have been little.
During the last few years, some get passionate to you have begun to signal on the map the zones where it was possible to make peach underwater and this has made that the number of the interested persons was raised remarkablly, also because, to practice this.
Norway has a coastal line that, if joined to that one all the fjords and the islands and lengthened, it would catch up nearly the Equator! The vegetation variety that dominates to all the coming from coast and warm waters from the current of the Gulf, creates the optimal conditions for various types of peach.

Video of underwater Peach in Apnea - Free Spearfishing Videos by Magazine Apnea
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Title: Pills of Peach in Apnea: one mistrustful Spigola.
Title: Pills of Peach in Apnea: Spigola.
Title: Pills of Peach in Apnea: The Posidonia.
Title: It is made of the capture of a Dentex.
Title: Peach in Apnea in the Salento - by Gionni Marti.
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Book reviews Video underwater Peach - Apnea
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The directory will be visualized in the section Apnea and will be composed from articles publishes, orders to you chronological to you.
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Title: The Seasons of the Peach in Apnea.
Title: Peach in apnea with Roberto Tiveron.
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