The peach to Spinning - Kitchen - As kitchen is prepared and the fish. Sfiziosi prescriptions and menu for the piu \ 'greedy.
Kitchen As it is prepared and kitchen the fish.
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KITCHEN As it is prepared and kitchen the fish.
In this page they will come explains all the necessary preliminary matters to you to the corrected preparation of the fish before blinking it in frying pan.
it follows” the Baking For every fish comes advised the type of baking that piu' of it exalts the sapore.
E' only a council, not a obligation, can be used all the types of baking.
it follows” If you are of the lovers of the kitchen and of the good table you cannot you lost the review cured from Michele Marziani “the Ghiottone Traveller”.
The Menu Menu kindly offers from cooks professionals, of true and the own ones “chicche” with which they they delight the palates of the own customers.
GOOD APPETITE! Appetizer: Eel to the grill scaloppata in sauce to the pepper rose and First vinegar of raspberries: Pennette to the Second zarina: Luccio to the furnace to the Mediterranean, Torpedo drowned in sauce, fresh Storione to the citruses Contour: Zucchine trifolate with field grass, Insalatina of envies Belgian follows” Appetizer: Medagliette di Storione filled with smoke to the Lucioperca Primo: Trofie to the Persian Second Trout: Trifolati trout to the miller and apricots, Salmone in crust with zucchine and fungi, Salmerino grilled with erbette sweet to the garlic Contour: Pommes natures, Sant'Anna String beans to the sour one follows” Appetizer: Fantasy of trout and storione fills with smoke to you First: Tagliatelle to the trout gravy, Second Brodetto of eel: Threads of fried fish cat Sea follows” Editorial indeed Heads Per diem News of Appennino Technical Equipment Decoys Fish Kitchen Routes Services.

The Portale of the Delta of the Po
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LESSATO IN COURT-BOUILLON: The lessato, said fish also bubbled or in white man, seems much simple one to prepare, but in reality they are necessary particular sagacities, beginning from the liquid in which such baking it happens called court-bouillon.
The water in which the baking will happen must be salata (15-20 g of knows them for liter), aromatized with sedano, carrots, onions to pezzetti, bay and prezzemolo, and lengthened with wine white man and vinegar; it must bubble from 30 minuteren to an hour before receiving the very clean and washed, carefullied lay down fish on the appropriate grill of the wrapped pesciera or in gauze.
The fish is cooked when the polpa it becomes opaque and the eye white man.
For the large crustaceans they are worth the same indications given for the fish; escape and gamberi must instead remain in court-bouillon finchè the this only resume the bollore after that the crustaceans have been dipped.
IN POCHADE: This type of baking is short, and is necessary little liquid hot; it is indicated for the fish of small dimensions and threads.
The fish goes put in one pirofila imburrata, bathed with of the court-bouillon so that it remains only dipped until half.


Varese News | Free time | Risotto with threads of Persian fish
The Persian fish, than in spite of the name is a native variety, comes fished with the tirlindana, old method of the fishermen professionals who apply to long final threads of branch in nylon to which they are attacks “undulating teaspoons to you”, cioé decoys craft them in metal.
This type of peach happens with the boat, therefore like that traditional one with the nets, especially in the great prealpine river basins, like the Verbano or the Lario.
The sport peach comprises the employment of natural decoys above all, the alive, better fish or worm letame, larva of carnaria Moscow if alborella.
E' a fish a lot vorace, but the recovery goes completed with delicacy in how much the cartilagineo apparatus of the mouth is broken off easy.
In order to cook the Persian fish, one of the prede more valuable from the fishermen of our lagos, we suggest this prescription that it joins the tradition of the risotto to the delicacy of the Persian one.
Risotto with threads of Persian fish (for 6 persons).
Tritare the onion fine and rosolarla in one casserole with 40 g of butter; to add the rice, to stir and, when it is very warm, to pour the wine, being left it to evaporate, always rimestando with a wood spoon; (meantime) to prepare brodo a vegetable hot.

KITCHEN PRESCRIPTIONS… Prescriptions for one simple kitchen but to effect!
The spaghetti they are a typical plate of the Italian kitchen, constituted from long and thin paste, to circular section.
5 milimeter) and the by now unavailable ones spaghettoni (n.
The roast ones to the spiede, eccezion made of birds and the pigeons, ne' which are the salvia well entire, are not used more than to lard them neither of pillottarli, neither of steccarli with garlic, ramerino or others smell consimili that easy they putty or they return to throat.


to cook the trout: like cooking the trout prescription trout to the almonds
In one ciotola with the latte fairies to soften the mollica of the sandwich I confirm, rassodate an egg throwing the egg white and crushed the egg yolk with one fork, incorporated the mollica to you very strizzata and tritata. Fairies a soffritto with the onions, the garlic and after little minuteren you add to the aromas and the compound of mollica and egg, salate, pepate and stirred with cure, you remove the tegame from the fire and joined two spoons of tritate, the entire egg, amalgamated well almonds finche you will have obtained a very homogenous compound.
Filled up the inside of the trouts and sewn the opening, continued adminisering extreme unction to, salando and pepando the fish and it then passes them to you in the bread crumb, arranges them to you in a teglia greased of oil, you add to the wine and the remaining tritate almonds, you cover teglia with paper the tinfoil, therefore put into an oven to 180 degrees for 30 minuteren, having the shrewdness of levare the aluminum sheet 10 minuteren before the end, for giving a golden effect to the trouts.

kitchen - calendar of the events
Of continuation found the directory with dates, tito them and with the detail of the plates that will be prepares to you from January for March.
After the christmas pause proposals will come new topics and originate them, between which three evenings dedicated to the preparation of plates classics made up of Meat, Japanese kitchen - not only Sushi - Tailandese kitchen and Indiana kitchen.
More demands as It deforms to you and Soufflé, Risotti and the kitchen of the Fish will not lack moreover ours course.
The eventual notice to leave will be able to happen within 48 hours from the date of the event being sended one email to the address or sending a fax to number 02 8378485.
The minimal number of participants for the realization of the course is of 10 persons.
It selects from this directory the calendar of the month that to more interests you: .
Pollo in sauce teryaki with frittatina on rice the flavored white man.
tofu and verdure with curry red tailandese.
Eggplant braced on the flame with fresh Pomodorini and Fave to the Scent of Basil.
Asparigini to the Vapor with julienne of thread of raw Tomato to the oil, accompanies to you from two Egg versions.
Story of Millefoglie: from the Avocado to the Grapefruit, Passing from the Tomato to the Mozzarella di Bufala.

To cover pieces of fish with of the cold water, to flavor and to cook for 15 minuteren until that it becomes tender.
To extract pieces of fish from the water and disporli on a plate with of potatoes bubbled, therefore to pour to us over the butter to the mostarda.
In order to prepare the butter for the mostarda to melt the butter and to incorporate the mostarda, to add to you the brodo to us of fish and to cook until that one is created sauce.
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All on the fish -
Curiosities and news on the sweet water fish the sweet water fish are digeribili of the fish of sea except those to fat meat (eel, salmone).
Eel or Understood some: it is a fish between longest with skin viscida that she always goes removed before the baking.
In order to remove it at best the fish must itself be scoured with knows them large or yellow flour in order to remove the viscidità; then ransom with a appuntito knife the skin under the head and is pulled towards the tail.
The fresh eels acknowledge from theirs color olive with yellow glares and from ventre the white man.
The eels for their organolettiche characteristics can themselves be divided in three groups: breeding eels, where the fat person is greater; eels of go them and of pond, they have more compact meat and a discreet tenor of fat people, moreover first they have a more delicate sapore of the second ones; sweet water eels, have muddy sapore.
E' the traditional christmas fish and can be cooked to the live coal, the spit or in frying pan; the males are less valuable.
He comes used in order to accompany other types of more valuable fish (spigole, orate…).
Luccio: it has the large head and the duck spout with many teeth sharpens to you.


risotto to the Persian fish
Soffriggete the onion in oil and joined the rice to you, vanishing with a wine finger.
You add the brodo, salate and cuocete for 18 minuteren, therefore mantecate with butter.
Passages the fish in flour, eggs, bread crumb.
Salate and you fry the Persian one in the butter and salvia.
other prescriptions with the rice | your prescription marks it one.
Prescriptions for all the tastes - fast prescriptions - prescriptions easy - prescriptions of season in order to cook the rice.

The fish
Prescriptions Outskirtses - the fish Only some years ago was a food for the people who inhabited the coasts are navy that lacustrine.
Nowadays, thanks to means of refrigeration we can find the fish alive is to the markets of the fish that in the near fish market house.
The fish remains therefore a plate to consume little times or during some occasions.
The fish is a magnificent food above all for the modern man who, being become sedentario, less exposed to the climatic jolts us, little incline to the physical and always needy effort of noble proteins.
The ittio-protein is between most complete and has the pregio to avoid an excessive urici acid production like instead happens often eating the meat.
With a small knife to record the eel around to the head; in the point.
Washed dried tamponando stockfish threads.
Tritate fine the onion, the carrot and the stem of sedano.
To clean up branzino togliendogli the interiora, washes it to you, dries it to you and.
After to have washed and dried the branzini, to prepare trito of.
Door the squids at room temp., irrorali with the juice of.
It washes the capesante eliminating the budellino internal.

Some news on the fish of open sea
The adviced against month in order to taste it is september.
ORATA: E' a fish much valuable for the whiteness and delicacy of the meats.
FISH SWORD: Its optimal meat is similar to that one of the tonni.
FROG PESCATRICE: The squisitezza of this fish is the tail.
SCORFANO: It is found in deep muddy ones of the Mediterranean; Appreciated in the zuppa of fish.
The best one is that one fished in the period July-August.
SOGLIOLA: E' the fish adapted to the children and the old ones because once removed the lisca they centers can themselves be eaten with tranquillity.
The Persian Fish, the Rumble, the Tinca, the Triglia and the Trout are good all the year.
The Sashimi, from Japan plates of raw fish freschissimo.

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Scaldate the butter, you put to us to cook the fish rather holding the moderated fire; when they have taken color bathes them with the wine white man to you, it leaves you to evaporate it.
Impanate pieces of fish and cuoceteli in oil and butter.
After to have accurately washed and disliscato the fish, cut to pieces and salato, it is put to soffriggere in oil and butter of the onion, the fish joins to you and it lets to cook slowly.
When it begins to take color cospargetelo with of the most fine bread crumb and bathed with of the wine white man and water or the brodo of fish.
To the term of the baking you add striking of prezzemolo and basil.
When it has taken color you place fish pieces, rosolate them to you little, you add of the wine white man, salate and leaves you to cook every now and then them to low flame cospargendo with the brodo of baking.
To completed baking cut fine of the prezzemolo and cospargetelo uniform on the fish.
For the baking of the fish to the court bouillon, a brodo is prepared composed from a water part, one of vinegar white man and one of wine white man or water and wine in equal parts and knows it sufficient to.