Guides of VERDE HEAD

Green head - Business card
To the crossing of the three continents that encircle the Atlantic, obligatory stage in means to the ocean, the archipelago of Cabo Verde, situated to 450 kilometers from the Senegal, distributes in 10 islands and 8 isolotti.
Of vulcanica origin, situated between parallels 15 and 17 of latitude north, Cabo Verde attracts for its emphasizes contrasts to you between the six western islands piú characterized from uneven reliefs and the others three islands from long the extended sabbiose.
Long spiagge, optimal for all the types of nautical sports, mountains mozzafiato, fish and fruits of sea superior in quality, they constitute the business card of Cabo Verde, all melodicamente enriched from the singolarità and beauty of its music.
With a surface total of 4, 033 kilometers Cabo Verde é one of the five arcipelaghi Atlantic of the so-called Macronesia that comprises also the Azores, Madeira, the Canarian and lé Wild.
A little History Seafaring to the service of the portuguese crown, at the beginnig of the adventure of the discoveries, they arrived to Cabo Verde in 1460.
Sin from the primordi of its history, the capoverdiano has assumed its only identity of mostly racially mixed people: l'80% of the racially mixed population é, 7% é black person and 3% é white woman.

In green head on the tracks of Tourists for Case
On the tracks of the Tourists for case This is our table of march in Capoverde.
The dance is an important ritual in the islands of Capoverde and music is one true passion; the rhythms go from romantici discs of a valve to the whirling ones dance which ...... that they put to hard tries the resistance of the white men.
Among other things the dances are many sensuali and rich of sexual references but very rarely you will find a capoverdino that you do not respect the limits, above all if dances with one western.
Who it is asked as they make many capoverdini to resist this rhythm, all the evening of the week from one until nearly morning, we answer not to be in a position to explaining it.
The Rriferimenti for the Cappuccini is: Father Federico Cerrone arrived to Capoverde in the 1964, Orfeo Marchesan, parish priest of Mosteiros, from 18 years to Capoverde but before in Angola and Padre Joao Araujo (called `the wizard of the rain', than defines `Roman and to the Veneto limit places in which he has attended a professional school for agriculture') that it is the cappuccino that follows from many years the life of the inhabitants and has coordinated the construction of the roads (until to little years ago the villages was practically isolates to you) and of the reserviors for the water (approximately 600 on all the island) in collaboration with the German Caritas and associations.


CAPOVERDE | Arguments comments Storys on green Head | Portale of caboverde Ponta Preta sells and affitta apartments
In collaboration with Valsecchi Travels we propose interesting offering to you for passes your unforgettable Vacations in the wonderful islands of Green Head.
Situated Internet legacies to the Capoverde world where to be able to find ulterior information on this world from dream.
A free service of Microsoft on with the application map point allows to visualize maps detailed of the islands of Green Head.
In all the islands it is possible to find Sanitary Hospitals, Centers and Pharmacies, in fact although its proximity to the Continent African, Green Head offers exemplary sanitary standards; they are not present contagious or endemic diseases.

Flights for Green Head -
Flights for Green Head: the best ones offered on Expedia On Expedia find the more interesting offered than flights for Verd Head and: it reserves endured, and it is useful for the numerous occasions in order to discover these magnificent tropical islands.
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Photo by

Last tiny Green Head -
Last tiny for Green Head - you discover the best ones offered Expedia On Expedia finds best offered than last the tiny ones for Green Head: it reserves and you leave endured for your vacations in this splendid archipelago of forehead to the coasts Africans, between long spiagge of sand the white woman of the island of colored Sal and the lively one and understood them of Praia, on the island of Santiago!.
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To travel Sure - Verde Head
| situated Cerca in | Who we are the countries Shortly | Given of the country Green Head (CV) - Africa.
in collaboration with: | Home > the countries > Green Head particular Warnings Currently not are particular warnings for this country.
Emergency Green Head recently knows a degradation of the emergency conditions, in particular in the cities where the tourist affluence is high and where they increase the cases of thefts.
TACV Aerial Transportes de Cabo Verde with 5 flights weeklies magazine with the Portugal, 1 weekly magazine with Holland, Paris, Madrid, Monaco; the TAP Aerial Transporte de Portugal, with 5 flights weeklies magazine with the Portugal; TO FLY Italian with 3 flights weeklies magazine charter of tour operators.

Green head: You read the Opinions and compares the prices
Green head: here you will find flights, hotels, restaurants already recensiti from our customers.
HELLO to all, they are returned Sunday evening, with great sorrow, from Caboverde and we were lodges you to the mythical Crioula hotel! We have had occasion to see also the others 2 (Djasal and Brvo club), but I assure to you that the Crioula is the top! every excursion v…
Green head Places of Interest and Attractions.


Green head Hotel: You read the Opinions and compares the prices
1 to 2 of 2 of “green Head Hotels”.
The archipelago of Green Head is a former portuguese colony of vulcanica formation that approximately 30 years ago has obtained independence proclamando one republic democratic.
The currency is the Escudos di Capo Verde but they gladly accept euro or the dollars,…
I re-enter from 2 weeks of vacation to Green Head is always traumatic, above all if one knows for sure that to attend us to the airport 1 degree of temperature will be the covered sky and even also rain… but if then us the misfortune is put also….


Green head - Wikitravel
The majority of the inhabitants of Green Head has mixed ancestry African and Portuguese.
The island that receives the understood one them of Green Head, Praia that is not but the tourist center more important.
Cabo Verde is one of the little countries Africans whom African for the Conservation of the Nature and the Natural resources of 1968 has not joined to the Convention.
Finding itself in wrap tropical north, Green Head, have, in theory, one season sand bank (from October to May) and one of rains (from june to september).
Only in theory but, since to Green Head one of the heavier problems is the absence of precipitations.
The airline national greater capoverdiana TACV previews the departure from areoporti the Europeans on flights carries out to you with the own fleet and from greater areoporti the extra-Europeans through flights in tails-sharing.
Green head moreover is served from the overhead lines Air Senegal (departure from Dakar), from Angola Airlines (from Luanda) Condor (departure from the Germany), from United Airlines (with European port of call).
E' however possible to arrive to Green Head lodging on mercantile ships that navigate for the western coast African.
Beyond to the vicinity to the European continent (approximately 6 hours of flight from Italy), Green Head currently shapes also like one sure and far destination from terroristic attacks or risks epidemiologists.

Guides, information and councils of travel. Capoverde, Caboverde
GREEN HEAD Green Head is formed from a series of islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean to the wide one of the coasts of the Senegal.
In spite of the islands of Green Head they are still little known, are choices every year from a number consisting of tourists.
The islands of Green Head guarantee the sun all the year, the only ones that will be able to remain disappointed are those who leave to the search of good and unbridled nights.
The divertimento that offers Green Head more is searched and refined, made of one supper made up of fish (optimal tonno and the Lobster), accompanied from the portuguese wine, optimal alcoholic premises and from a foundation of typical music.
The Ilha I give Sal is the true door of access to the archipelago of Cabo Verde thanks to the presence of the international airport.
E' a worthy event of famous that passes to during the last few years make part of the tourist circuit of the island and Cabo Verde for the high caught up level.
The capoverdiani heat, joy and the folklore find their maximum expression in most colorful Carnevale Mindelese (February), tripudio of rhythms, dances triggered, allegorical wagons and customs sfarzosissimi, in the International Festival of Music (August) in the Mindelese New Year's Day and the numerous popular festivities.

Open Directory - World: Italian: Regional: Africa: Verde head
in all the directory only in Africa/Capo_Verde Top: World: Italian: Regional: Africa: Green head (17).
Cabo Verde 24 - Portale and search engine of Green Head.
Cabo Verde Sal - Santiago - photographic Story of a travel in these islands.
Caboverdeonline - Information and photo on the islands, the climate and I found them navy, beyond to proposals of purchase of real estate property.
Head Verde News - It proposes historical and geographic information on the islands of the archipelago, directory restaurants, receptive structures and local sportswoman, news and some stay offering. - multimediale Portale of the islands edited by and.
(Wmp) Demands - Information on the culture, the history, music, the kitchen.
Ecaboverde - photographic Gallery dedicated to the archipelago with possibility for the customers records you to insert images.
Estrela Capoverde - Italian Society that under construction proposes the sale of some apartments in the island.
To travel sure: Green head - geographic Card, warnings for the emergency and the health of the travellers, information on consular formalities, currency and practicability, link useful.

Tourist guide Green Head: locality presentation and paper d \ 'identity
General description Capo Verde with list and identity card of the localities.
Per diem of Travel Green Head: Useful councils of the travellers.
In spite of the distance the islands of Green Head are choices every year from a number consisting of tourists.
For who search the sun all the year the islands of Green Head guarantee absolute relax: the only ones that will be able to remain disappointed are those who leave to the search of good and unbridled nights. The divertimento that offers Green Head more is searched and refined, made of one supper made up of fish (optimal tonno and the Lobster), accompanied from the portuguese wine and optimal alcoholic premises and of a foundation of typical music and Latin American rhythms.