serata reggae al cpafisud(FI)
Indymedia Italia - al cpa firenze sud(via villamagna)dancehall infuocata con tnt e sin control. portare fischietti e tutto ciò che possa creare macello!!!! ©opyright :: Independent Media Center Tutti i materiali ...
La Ford Fusion
Gazzetta Dello Sport - A quattro anni dal debutto sul mercato, Ford Fusion si rinnova sia pure mantenendo fede alla formula originale premiata dalle oltre 60 mila unità consegnate in Italia dal lancio ad oggi. E che ...
U.S. military will remain in Iraq for years
Uruk Net - ONE of the untold stories of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is the role of the U.S. Air Force and its support of coalition forces on the ground. My e-mail friend Bob writes regularly about issues ...
Transcripts of Guantánamo hearings: a window into Washington's ...
Uruk Net - The Associated Press published on March 15 its preliminary analysis of thousands of pages of documents on prisoners held by the US at Guantánamo Bay. The analysis gives a glimpse into the lives of ...
Operation Swarmer: Designed to Foment Iraqi Civil War
Uruk Net - Rush Limbaugh, the OxyContin voice of the Clear Channel neocons, tells us most Americans disagree with Senator Russ Feingold's ill-fated act to censure Bush, it is only a handful of vindictive ...
Death Squads Terrorize Baghdad
Uruk Net - Shiite death squads are spreading fear in Baghdad's Sunni neighborhoods. Meanwhile, politicians and police are growing powerless as the outbreak of a civil war becomes ever more likely in Iraq. Death ...
ANALYSIS-Iraq civil war seen drawing in neighbours
Uruk Net - DUBAI, March 15 (Reuters) - Three years after warning that invading Iraq would unleash hell in the Middle East, Baghdad's neighbours fear they could be dragged into a brewing civil war. As Sunni-Shi ...
Civil War Is Here
Uruk Net - Robert Dreyfuss is the author of Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam ( Henry Holt/Metropolitan Books, 2005). Dreyfuss is a freelance writer based in Alexandria, Va ...
Israele è il secondo fornitore di armi della Cina
Indymedia Italia - Pecunia non olet Gli Usa non hanno mai minacciato sanzioni per l'export bellico israeliano, ma Tel Aviv è il secondo fornitore di armamenti dopo la Russia Non parliamo di armi leggere, ma di ...
Novità in arrivo da TomTom
Apoge Online - TomTom GO 510, 710 e 910 sono gli ultimi navigatori satellitari presentati dall'azienda. Tra le nuove funzioni il servizio RDS/TMC Traffic Receiver e l'applicazione TomTom HOME Molte le novità ...

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