Marco Guido Corsini

My researches from 2013 on

All rights reserved

© Marco Guido Corsini




Finanzia le mie ricerche perché, dalla decifrazione del Disco di Festo  all’interpretazione dei poemi omerici e dell’Antico e Nuovo Testamento, alla scoperta dell’impero di Atlantide, ho dimostrato che i sedicenti “addetti ai lavori” non lo sono affatto. La Storia, la straordinaria avventura dell’Italia, è una cosa troppo seria per affidarla ad incapaci.  E adesso studio anche la via e la macchina per viaggiare nel tempo.




Roma, l’Impero di Atlantide dal 2000 al 750  a. C. (26 Maggio 2013) 


Manuale di Studi Veterotestamentari, come interpretare il più antico corpus di testi prodotto da una civiltà araba (26 Maggio 2013)


If Odysseus corresponds to Romulus, Dark Age vanishes,  and we need a new chronology (August 9, 2013)


The wonderfull history of Italy, the Country in the Middle of the Sea (August 14, 2013)


New Chronology, 2 (August 21, 2013)


New Chronology, 3 (September 8, 2013)


Studio sulla costituzione dell’universo per realizzare la Macchina del Tempo, e negare dio en passant  (31 dicembre 2013)




I was born in Rocca di Papa (Rome) in May 16, 1954.  My father was my teacher at  the elementary school in Grottaferrata (Rome). Living In Lido of Rome I made the next   studies till the Law degree (La Sapienza University,  Rome, July 1981). At the time I knew English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, and did my law thesis on international law (in the course of time I added German, Russian, Arab and modern Greek). I met the Phaistos Disk very soon, at the middle school, through bad pictures and decided a day I would  decipher it.  The important passage for the decipherment I made after my military service as  Artillery under-lieutenant in Udine (Friuli Venetia Julia) where the first evening I bought a pictures book, Crete and Mycenae,  by Marinatos and Hirmer with  Phaistos Disk big and clear pictures.  I forced the enter  key in December 1984 and immediately hoped to be listened by Professors like Michael Ventris was by John Chadwick with Linear B writing.  So in a particularly cold Winter I went to Rome to present my work to Prof. Anna Sacconi, at the time director of the ISMEA (Micenaean and Aegean-Anatolic  Studies Institute, Rome). She was not present to my dating and nobody answered to my request to see my work published in a scientific revue of the department. I was deceived from then to nowadays.  I had the clear perception the Academic world was immediately irritated by my, how to say it, arrogance, pretending to resolve a difficult decipherment nobody of “brilliant brains full of culture” had been capable to solve. Better,  pretending to  pick up flowers from  the garden cultivated, without profit, by Louis Godart (I discovered later he was the husband of Anna Sacconi). I know now that University Professors have their own garden to cultivate and do not hurt each other under the condition  not to be menaced in their property.  They are like Prime Donne (First Women of theatre or cinema) jealous each other.  Before my entering in the Phaistos Disk I  knew all ancient civilizations included pre-Columbus Americas. Modern  and Ancient languages (Greek and Latin studied at school, and after I added  Assyrian-Babylonian, Egyptian, Hebrew).

Nobody can impose  me to do or not to do something. I am a free man in a Democratic Western World. So I simply declared them War! I started a full immersion in Egyptian language on the Gardiner grammar.  Very soon  I freed myself from the culture-uses and costumes, civilization so loved by  archaeologists. I think that only historians (not archaeologists) must have the predominance in antiquity matter. Only who is capable to read ancient texts is a true archaeologist (archaeology is a subordinate field, pertaining more to uses and costumes than history).    If you notice, in television they speak always of mummies, pyramids and the fertile Nile, and, if you are fortunate… of Ramses II (at least here in Italy it seems that Egypt had only this one pharaoh).  I felt the necessity to study ancient history as  interdisciplinary relations of various kingdoms who for their economic interests frequently made war each other.   Very soon I wanted to be a Historian (and now I am an historian from Atlantis to nowadays).  I expanded my studies in Linguistic, reading many authors first of all De Saussure and Martinet.  I focused on the Phaistos Disk since the historian must start to write history from the interpretation of  documents. I studied profoundly other documents, such as the Bible, and Homer Odyssey (Odysseus’ Travel about 675 B.C., commissioned by second Rome king Numa Pompilius) and Iliad (Achilles’ Rage, 649 B.C.,  commissioned by third Roman king Tullus Hostilius).  The Travel of  Odysseus was completed by Homer with definitive Odyssey commissioned by Tullus Hostilius, while Achilles’ Rage (the structure, from begin to end, is by Homer) was completed by Greek poets who imitated Homer, principally with battles, becoming the Iliad. In Tullus Hostilius Odyssey I noticed a parallel between the war of Odysseus against  Penelope’s pretenders and the war of Romulus to enter in posses of  his crown on Laure–Lavin occupied by Greek impostors. And in Iliad the battle of Romulus in direction of the Carinae is paralleled by Hector who gives fire to Greek ships. So the hero was Romulus behind Odysseus and Hector who lived in the Troy war age. In recent days I closed the circle and proposed the identity Romulus/Hostus Hostilius/Odysseus (Odysseus and Hostus Hostilius have the same etymology, Hostile, who Hates or is Hated).     This open a question of 750 B.C. equal to 1200 B.C.  vanishing the Dark Age (probably created by Greek fake wanting to present Greece as a civilization more ancient than Rome and others civilizations; the other peoples, to solve the chronological gap, were forced in the Hellenic epoch (in which all spoke Greek) to trust this fake and create false lists of kings from 750 B.C. Romulus and 1200 B.C. Romulus/Odysseus). See my works on this site. It is a hard thesis, but I love hard research. In any case I now sustain that Velikovsky (apart absurd, for my point of view, theories of sky catastrophes  and lifting Egyptian dynasties like a society game) correctly arises this problem on the archaeological point of view.


I made three big discoveries.   My first big discovery was around the Roman Homer speaking and writing in “Greek” for Roman Kings.  Not only, but also the  intuition that Greek was spoken at the time  of Hyksos and contemporary  Egyptians, by a invading people.  My second big discovery was the complete decipherment and interpretation of the Phaistos Disk, the Apotheosis of Rhadamanthus/Amenophis III (1350 B.C.), written in Greek and demonstrating that Egyptians ruled on Crete and the Aegean sea, Greece etc. in the first half of XIV century. My third big discovery was that behind Egyptians were the Romans “Greek” speaking and Masters of all Mediterranean sea and Near East.

Thanks to my Apotheosis of Rhadamanthus deciphering I grasped that Minos was the omnipotent vizier of Amenophis III, son of Mutemuya/Europe.  Amenophis III was son of an Italic woman (great royal spouse) coming in Egypt to serve the Roman interests. From many generations since the end of XVI century  great royal spouses came from Rome, so Amenophis III was a Roman pharaoh. From Amenophis III on, Egypt begins to set apart from Rome.   Minos was not Italian. He seems a Indo-European  from Mitanni/Armenia/second stratification of Hebrews from the Black Sea (they were practicing human sacrifices, see Abram). The war lord chief of charts and cavalry vizier Jude/Abram/Minos (we have his mummy in a non Egyptian like fashion, with arms united under the chin; Egyptologists call him Yuya, I call him  Ya-ehud > Jude on a matrimony scarab of Amenophis III I published in one of my websites, while in the Disk he is Min-ehud > Minos)  was followed by his son, I repeat, his son, the vizier Ay/Joseph (a bad man like David), who attempted to seduce the Italian  Nefertiti, wife of Akhnaton/Amenophis IV,  killed Tutankhamon and  married his widow Ankhesenaten/Asenat becoming pharaoh.   Rhadamanthus was the translation in “Greek” (in Roman language), since Amenophis III reigned on Egypt in the name and interest of Rome.  But it is evident that Amenophis III is abandoning Roman interests letting the proto-Hebrew Minos introduce Aton (a Mitanni god) in the Egyptian religion.

Experts ignore my deciphering being ignorant.  I am the only to  propose (many years ago) a complete decipherment giving one and the same value to each sign. I could not reach the Atlantis theory if I had not so many decisive arguments from the Disk. Why I demand myself nobody gives me an institute to direct? Many stupid professors receive money to do nothing. They can I can not.

In the Apotheosis of Rhadamanthus, Nefertiti/Megara (not her husband Akhenaton)  celebrates in Phaistos and the Ida Cave the funerals  of Amenophis III (from the same  Italian family she descended; better, she pertained to the main bough) and the record of Minos antecedent funerals (coming in Egypt she was adopted, probably to be acquainted to the Egyptian costumes, by Ay/Joseph son of Minos).  Note that Amenophis III was buried in Egypt and Minos/Yuya too,  in the Valley of Apes. The ceremonies in Crete were due to the fact that these two were also lords (Roman procurators) on Greece and Crete.

These ceremonies are painted on the Sarcophagus of Rhadamanthus from Haghia Triada. So one can say that pictures are commented by the Phaistos Disk text. I was very clear in my works on paper and internet. My decipherment was based linguistically. As soon as I noticed the correspondence  between the Disk and the pictures, I better understood and interpreted the Disk. Nevertheless the Greek text and its spelling had ever the priority on the transcription and translation, the pictures only aiding the comprehension of the all. I hope soon will discovered many documents in Italian/Atlantis hieroglyphic.

The divorce between Akhenaton and Nefertiti marks the rupture between Rome and her Oriental empire. In few decades      Ramses II will sign a treaty with our enemy the  Hittite Hattusili III and Rome will launch her   invincible armada against Near East all destroying at is passage. Hatti came out of the game. Egypt conserved a very little part in the game, as Libyan and Ethiopic! This “second world war”  of the antiquity was the age of iron against the age of bronze (Atlantis had since the beginning the overpower in the work of minerals; Hittites caused the war searching to produce obsolete bronze! While Romans knew to produce big quantities  of iron arms), the end of ancient world and the beginning of modern, democratic and using alphabet writing.   It was like an Atlantis, a Universal Deluge, but, curiously, only Italy/Atlantis was not touched by the catastrophe, contrary to the Greek liars.


My third great discovery was that Rome was the capital of the Atlantis empire at least about 1600 B.C. Jacob was a Hyksos king (Israelite, Musite tradition) who existed really about 1650 B.C. We have scarabs with his name. But in 1520/1515 circa (first ancient world war) Roman pharaoh Ahmose expelled Hyksos from Egypt and they took refuge  in Canaan (Hebrew is a Canaanite/Arab civilization). Romans took (“first ancient world war”) all Hyksos empire (Greece, Crete, Syria-Palestine… ). The Roman griffin appeared everywhere Romans ruled (the sword and axe of Ahmose had on them the Roman griffin, afterwards transformed in eagle).



From Ausonia (Italy, invoked as a goddess in the incipit of Phaistos Disk) to every part of the empire, sailed (like Europa to go to Egypt, not to Crete, under  Roman empire)  great royal spouses to marry and give power (matriarchal regime, see the “Libyan Amazons”) to Italian kings.  You listen to speak about  Creon (Ind. Eur. Kreyan, Powerfull; think to the Roman Senate, to the Poter/Pater > Patrice class) who replaces vacant power in Thebes of Boeotia. In Linear B tablets you read about procurators (prokoretores > procuratores), a Roman more than Greek word. Michael Ventris initially thought that tablets were written by Etruscans and somehow he was right. The real name was Thirrheni who spoke Greek (Romans were the first people to speak Greek, a kentum, Western language, not a satem, Eastern one; they begun to speak Latin when they lost their Oriental empire — with the expansion of Assyrians    and Sabins descended from the Appennin mountains; Greek + Sabin = Latin) and were Romans. Greeks did not notice the partial (only in Etruria) transformation of Greek speaking Thirrheni in Etruscans whom they considered Pelasgi from the Adriatic sea or from Anatoly, playing on this fact to cancel the Roman name. But our ancient knew that in a remote time Etruscans (they ought to say Thirrhenians/Romans but they did no more grasp the reality) had the full power on Italy.      In the Bible we can identify Romans with “Philistines”. Saul and David were two Roman generals fighting against Israelites invaders (from the plain of Jzreel). It is curious that Saul who is a 100% Roman general is connected with Israel founding the relative dynasty, while David a Roman dressed general but principally an outlaw, is connected with Jerusalem, the Roman stronghold in Palestine. Romans were called Benjaminites and Philistines to cancel (damnatio memoriae) Romans from history. They  and had legions of 3000 men and 300 iron charts, their emblem was the wolf/jackal in Hebrew,  celebrated marriage in the form of taking away the women (the dancers of Silos and the “Sabine” of  Capital hill, that is the same Roman women). Italia   and not Aetolia (the poorest region of Greece) was the Land of Titans and Giants and of all “Greek tradition” of the Rome before Rome (Dionysius of Halikarnass; who speaks about a third Rome before!).



The “Libyan” Amazons were we, the Romans, living in the Peninsula (Greek Chersonesus) of that traitor of Diodorus of Sicily, in the sacred isles of Thirrhenians of Esiodus (Italy, Sardinia and Sicily, where was killed Minos on the traces of Daedal). In the Hawnebw of Egyptian texts (now you can understand why Ahhotep, mother of Ahmose, was called “princes of Hawnebw”, of the Land in the Middle of the Sea),  where on the dead  reigned Rhadamanthus and where Menelaus could go being the husband of the Roman Helen, sister of ours Dioscuri  guarding the Quirinal palace (of the President) till nowadays. If you take notice in Italy you find in a continuous from ancient times to nowadays living the elements of “Greek” tradition.

In the war against the Hyksos distinguished herself Tetisheri, Teti the little (XVII dynasty), who in the course of time becomes the mother of Achilles and oracle goddess of Cere/Cerveteri  (Rome). Troy was our first stronghold in Orient, but also Cretan palaces are oriented towards Rome and Ausonia/Tirrhenia (the land of towers, conserved in Sardinia; in Latium they are said Pyrgo, Pyrgi) since 1800 B.C.


Human civilization begins in Italy where Atlantis was before all civilizations about 10000 years B.C.  after the last glacial era. Hebrew Eden was not in Orient, in the Fertile Half-Moon as one (I too) could think. God, after having kicked off Eve and Adam from the Eden, put a obstacle not letting humans enter in Eden from East! So Eden was in the West. And Eden with its tree of the fruit (our tradition as Westerners knows the apple eaten by Eve) of the wisdom of bad and good is the same of the Hesperides’ garden with the tree of gold apples. The Hesperides  lived in West, where the Sun goes down at night (Vesper). And Hesperia/Italy  was the name of the Land of the garden in which lived gods. We Italians considered ourselves and were considered by peoples around like gods and semi-gods while living, Titans and Giants. We were in reality without god men and women like Homer and Tullus Hostilius (atheists; we loved our chiefs and Atlantis). It is possible that Easterns created religion looking at the gods coming from West. All traditions say that the Atlantis people was of divine origin but, mixing with the daughters of men (that is with Eastern peoples) gradually became worst and worst. So god decided to exterminate their race. Platon charged himself to put in practice the divine will to make big Athens and Greece. He sent a Deluge on Atlantis which was submerged not in the centre of the Mediterranean sea, but in the Atlantic Ocean, so that no one would find it. The author of Genesis put the Universal  Deluge on the Ararat in Caucasus, where the Noah’s arch stopped. I have said about second stratification of Armenian Hebrews. It was the age of Giants sons of the gods (Hebr. Elohim, plural). In the same sense of the Atlantis tale, mixing with women, Italian gods became mortal. So god decided to exterminate them. But Hebrews cancel the Roman name lifting Atlantis in Armenia, around the Ararat of  the Mitanni. From Ararat flow two rivers, Idiglat/Tigris and Peratu/Euphrates. Not four. On the contrary Homer puts four rivers in Sardinia of goddess Calypsos (daughter of Atlas). Homer puts Rome and Tiber in the Land of Scheria where reigned Alkinoos (on 12 kings like the Atlantis 10 kings and Etruscan 12) and Arete with their daughter Nausikaa. Here was the sanctuary of Ino Leucothea (Pyrgi, Santa Severa, Rome), the goddess who helped Odysseus not to be drown under water. From here sailed Argonauts to the Levant. The sons of gods were for example Achilles son of Tetis or Aeneas son of Aphrodites. They were giants not in stature but because they came from higher classes. In every case Homer if you put attention makes Achilles the biggest men at Troy, so that his armour cannot be used by other Greek warriors except Patroclus. And the Philistine Goliath killed by the Philistine general David was a giant too.     The Mycenaeans/Achaeans were we the Romans. All the ancient second world war was at last represented  by our freedom of our Troy city from the hands of the enemy Hittites. Odysseus/Romulus of the Hostilia family conquered the city with a stratagem. The tradition of the Palladium of Athena proves that Rome was not founded by Troyan peoples. Athena was born in the Triton river that is Tiber mixing with Tirrenic  sea (Tritonis Palus). Rome was (and remains) in the centre of Atlantis/Chersonesus/Peninsula/Italy, not on a mountain (Plato is forced to correct himself, since the “mount” is really a hill, Capital hill). Odysseus do not robbed the Palladium of Troy. He put it in safe  in Rome. Athens was our goddess and Troy women worshipped her. Our god was also Poseidon/Dagon. The oracle tells to Aeneas to find the Great Mother (from which Dardanus sailed to found Troy) to found his new city, and he found it in Italy, Laure-Lavin.  staying to the Greek centred story, Ascanius son of Aeneas would build Alba Longa, and a day from Alba Longa two young sheep boys would found Rome. It is a    lye since Rome existed on Capital hill (forever in Capital hill) since at least 1600 B.C. Since about 2000 B.C. there are towers in Tartessos (Spain, from which our oceanic ships went to America and carry many goods till the time of “Solomon” about X century) and Sardinia.         











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© Marco Guido Corsini