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Using the API for the W3C HTML Validator WebProNews
The W3C has introduced an API for their HTML Validator. It is not a SOAP web service, but it does return XML that can be parsed, so now you have the ability to incorporate validation to any web application, Windows program or wherever you want. It works just as the normal validator, by specifying a URL, but you have to add the "output=soap12" parameter to the URL like so:
Update: Toyota International Teacher Program The Auto Channel
Thank you for posting information about the Toyota International Teacher Program on your website: http://www.theautochannel.com/news/2006/09/19/022306.html I would like to request an update of information about the program with the text below. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Turn Access forms into HTML pages in five steps Tech Republic
Easily convert your Access information to a server-ready Web page using Data Access Pages and the page wizard. Mary Ann Richardson walks you through the process.
PRESS RELEASE: Playstation 3 hacking contest : hack a PS3 to win a PS3. gamesindustry.biz
Tokyo-based hosting network Shimpinomori.NET proposes an original challenge for all those who could not have their Playstation 3 for Christmas : the installed Linux on a PS3 and hooked on the internet, with a website running on it at http://ps3.shimpinomori.net/index_en.html announcing that the first to hack into it will win the PS3!
A note on commenting Austin American-Statesman
*HTML not allowed in comments. Your e-mail address is required .
http:/ / www.washingtonpost.com/ weekend for a list of closer-in farms : Washington Post
There are other places to go for a weekend tree-cutting trip. Here are a few promising areas (and see http://www.washingtonpost.com/weekend for a list of closer-in farms ):
Create a simple Web page in Word Tech Republic
You don't need to be an HTML wizard or own special software to build a simple Web page. Mary Ann Richardson explains how you can use Word to create a Web-ready page that can be uploaded to your server.
Highlights from the SEW Blog: Nov. 28, 2006 Search Engine Watch
Featured posts from the Search Engine Watch blog, as well as our customary headlines from around the web.
Coping with Convergence: Local Search Meets Mobile and WiFi, Part 2 Search Engine Watch
Consumers have huge incentive to flock to mobile search. As such, now's an excellent time for search specialists to get into the mobile search market.
Google As News Archivist Search Engine Watch
Until recently, it was difficult to find news archives on the web more than 30 days old. That's changed in a big way with the advent of Google's News Archive search.

HTML Wikipedia
L'HTML prevede tag specifici per far fronte a molte necessità di Proprio per questo gli sviluppatori di HTML hanno optato per un linguaggio che
HTML.it forum
Forum ricco di categorie inerenti il webdesign, i linguaggi di programmazione e Flash.
W3C HTML Home Page
Full information on HTML and links to all the specifications.
HTML 4.01 Specification
HTML specifications set by the W3C.
HTML Goodies
Features HTML and graphics tutorials with obline samples. Forums, and newsletter.

HTML Goodies
Features HTML and graphics tutorials with obline samples. Forums, and newsletter.
HTML 4.01 Specification
HTML specifications set by the W3C.
W3C HTML Validation Service
W3C's easy-to-use HTML validation service, based on an SGML parser.
Italian literature in HTML
Antologia frammentaria della poesia e narrativa italiana nei diversi periodi storici.
HTML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In computing, HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the predominant markup language HTML is the basis of a comparatively weak hypertext implementation.
Recensioni e approfondimenti sui migliori software per Internet. Software per Windows, Linux, Mac e palmari.
<edit> - Il blog di HTML.it
Il blog di HTML.it su web design, web development, sicurezza.
Specifiche HTML 4.0
La Direttiva HTML 4.0 del W3C è disponibile (in lingua inglese) anche nei La Direttiva HTML 4.0 in lingua italiana è disponibile nel seguente formato:
Cerca con Google

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