Occident Architecture Style                   +++                Oriental Architecture Style
(France; Italy; Spain; Portugal; England)       (Vietnam; Laos; Cambodia; Thailand; Burma; China)
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The villa of local style of France
The villa of local style of France had start from at final of 19th century and specially, to developed in the first year of 20th century. There are some first villa was the buildings of families of the officers and the syndics of France, after then, had Frenchs came to Vietnam to lived and worked. All owner of villa has the psychology was to missed homeland, so They wanted to lived in the house can to help they were remembered the homeland.
French architects were first period as: Moncet, Jacques, Lagisquet, Léonard,…..They had the first time gone to Vietnam, so they were ready designed the villas had the style local of France, to aimed saticfied with need of the owner of French. This the architects had trend to designed and to builted the house of local style of France were different particularity of each region. Its were typical character about aesthetic and suitable for the condition of natural and climate of the local is that. The functions to posited plan was complete and was high comfortable. The villas has two blocks were main block and minor (second) block, the area was construction ½ of the groud and ½ of the area was gardens with system of greenery. The space of gardens had posited the trees, the lane of walk,..and the large entrance door. The main block (main house) has two floors and a basement had high dimention of a floor basement. The first floor has posited: the first room, living rooms (lounge), dining room, big family room. In addition, has a workroom, libraryroom of family. The second floor had some bedchambers for Parents, childrens (the big bedroom has bathroom and medium room). The minor (second) block has a floor and distance of gardens and contact with behind of main block. The second block was gara, kitchen (cookroom) and the room of the servant. The survey, the style and function of the villa of each region of France weren’t different, but Its were different about style of the owner.

1. The villa style of North and Northwest of France (Normandie and Bretagne region) had the system of roof was polyhedral and had big slope, the large roof protruded outside wall and the console system (the console by wood) had supported them. The chimney was structural not missing on the roof. The structures and the decorations were simple, the shape was high (to press the vertical), because the height of floor was high. The balconies and the windows were high and narrow, the doors and the windows used arch was simple.
The survey, villas of architectural style in North and Northwest of France had decoration was simple, but had high aesthetic. Those villas builted in large area, had a lot of the trees, so behind of the trees was prominent of roof has to increase value of aesthetic of these villas.
2. The villa style of the centre of France (Parisienne region) had the system of roof was medium slope, but its had the system border and the consoles were euphuistic decoration, to decorated facades with many motifs and many color, the motifs concentered on the face of wall had consoles had supported the roof. All the consoles had elaborate sculpture and to connected distinction together, with the roofs were gore of facades (the face was triangular), those details were elemental increased the aesthetic value of the house. The system of facades wasn’t symmetrical, its were component by the architectural elements had followed the vertical. The system of windows and balconies were main component of the facades, to compare with villas style of the North of France has the area of balconies and windows were small more than villa style of centre of France. The function of balcony was viewable and to decorated facades with those balconies. In addition, the villas had block was square, it was like as a small tower and it has increased the beauty for house. This space of tearoom for meeting of the owner with the companions.
3. The villa style of the South of France and Mediterranean had climate was better temperateness of France, so it has the system of roof was small slope and the chimneys were short. The particularity of Mediterranean style was openness of the entrance door on the facades has increased the refinement of house. The system of windows and balconies had expanded to the with, on top of the doors and windows of second floor were arch style and its had decorated euphuistic with the motifs. The verandas were large and to combined with the columns by brick, to support the garden-frame, those its were particular of this villa. The system of the motifs had unified on all most the structions of house (on the entrance door, the columns, the garden-frame, on top the doors of second floor, the decorative border under of the system of roof.
The survey, The villa style of the South of France and Mediterranean were suitable for the condition of Vietnam climate.
Neoclassicism vila at the period of colonial France
(1887 – 1918) the French began to planned and biuted Hanoi was like as some urban of European. In the streets of the French, They were began to builted the big villas for the French syndics and the French business man, because those families were very rich, addition, they had very liked neoclassicism style, this a style contributed to the monumentalism of Rome architecture was very symmetries, grand and a lot of decoration.
*The villa was rationalistic neoclassicism:
The particularity by to maked the ordinance of block was simplistic and absolute symmetric. The central block protruded forward of the facades, have balcony and many motifs in the main entrance door, with the aim was grand. The system of windows and doors were squareness (have not the arch) and two side of the door and the windows had classical columns supported the small cornice. To the horizontal way of each floor had insisted on the system of the edge and small console supported the roof.
*The villa was rationalistic pure neoclassicism:
The typical character has insisted in the central block was a high block and it had the donjon on top and it was final block of the house, the donjon has the roof was domical architecture and its has decorated motifs with the leaves, those point of eyes were very particularity of this villa style. The system of the doors and windows were euphuistic, the main door has arch, the windows divided two part by the metric column, on top the windows were motif of acr or triangle. Like as villa was rationalistic neoclassicism, its also had the system of the edge and small console supported the roof.
*The villa was rationalistic imperial neoclassicism:
The typical character has insisted by disposition of the blocks were polyhedral, specifically, villa was multifarious motifs. The villa was rationalistic imperial neoclassicism had insisted the decoration: on the windows, the stairs, the banconies and the walls. To the horizontal way of each floor had insisted on the system of the edge combined with to decorated balconies with the motifs, small console supported the roof and border of roofs were strong protruding. The system of windows and doors had designed a lot of the dimentions, the big windows divided three part by metric columns, around of the windows and doors had decorated small columns, bas-relief of human face and motifs of leaves.
The villa was Schnneider in the area of Chu Van An, Hanoi school could companed with the villas in Torino, Italia (the final of 19th century).
The colonial villa in the present
When did villas begin in Vietnam, out of the dominant element and to forced the architectural style on Vietnamese architecture, has the cultural element and natural element also helped the French architects had decided to chosen the villas style in the regions of France were suitable character for Vietnamese conditional, so, until today, its has abided for today and these villas had a architectural value was typical and to contributed a part of ancient architecture in Vietnam.

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