Coltellinai Forgiatori Bergamaschi
(Bergamaschi mean: from the city of Bergamo, about 50 Km east of Milan - Italy)
Historical research, experimental archeology, antique forging tecniques from iron age to today rediscovered and applied as an art form.
Making of knives, sword, daggers, "Bergamasco" knife and traditional knife, spear & arrow point, axes, shields & bucklers, all in both steel and damascus with forge, anvil and hammers.
Forging demonstrations 2015
23-24 maggio 2015 - Romano di Lombardia (BG) - Lame sotto i portici.
27-28 giugno 2015 - Feltre (BL)
31/10-1/11/2015 Culter Expo - Novegro (MI)
5-6/12/2015 Dronero (CN) - Festività di S. Eligio
Others will be scheduled when date is confirmed. -----
MAIL US!: Contents property of Associazione Forgiatori Coltellinai BergamaschiCopyright 2003-2004-2005-2006-2007 by Dan.